Ok Yas Forums i've been thinking of getting either a 2018 or newer Type R or a 2015 or newer WRX STI i don't plant to...

ok Yas Forums i've been thinking of getting either a 2018 or newer Type R or a 2015 or newer WRX STI i don't plant to do any heavy mods or really race it other than at a test and tune night or floor it on the interstate, i love both cars but i'm not too sure which is better they have similar price tags as well as engine power, so what do you think?

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if you live in shitty terrain (snow, gravel, etc) STI. If you live in a niceish area, Type R. Also, Type R is faster. FWIW, this is coming from someone who has driven Subaru's as long as I could.

Oh look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

I'd go Type R. It's faster, more reliable and looks decent. The Impreza isn't what it once was, unfortunately. EJ > FA

type R all day everyday

i was told Subaru is more reliable than Honda, i love both companies and drive an accord now but the sti looks sweet, my bud has one, i should probably test drive them both

The only thing either will get you is attention from men, but make sure you get a fart can muffler so people can recognize your low self-esteem a mile away.

I'd test drive them.
Imo the scooby but only cause the new TypeR makes me sick

you sound like a virgin

Subaru are almost done, they'll be like Mitsubishi soon, only making crossover SUV's. Thier AWD system is one of the most advanced on the market, have been for years, but it isn't enough.

The civic is in fact the best sport saloon/hatch(hatch is gone now, it's replacing the Accord too), on the market.

The exception is the styling, its fucking embarrassing or I'd have had one by now.

Subaru is more as reliable as long as you service it like every 8k miles. Any car is as reliable if you do a full engine service that regular.

you sound like you're still in high school, get a job

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shut up and get back into your lifted f450 retard

you probably drive a red convertible corvette and have a bald spot, enjoy the mid life crisis

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I'm a Subaru fan, have been for a long-ass time. They never let me down, ever. I love the AWD. I get snow and my driveway sucks. It's never even slipped. My neighbor can't get his Hyundai up it when we get a half-inch of any sort of snow, he's fucked. I don't drive like a race car, but when you get to one-sec faster, or performance details, remember you won't be taking it to those levels. The looks of the Soob edges out the Honda, for me. I liked the Hondas at first glance, but now I've seen 'em around for a while, they look a little tryhard to me. I don't know anything about the interiors, but I've always found the Soobs to be properly laid out, and if the seats are sporty, that would be extra cool.

WRX STIs tend to be factory tuned so close to the tolerances of the engine and adjoining components that you absolutely need a decent scoob specialist to maintain it regularly.

With the Honda you can almost forget about servicing the engine, change the oil sure, but it's the most reliable car and will most likely outperform the scooby 95% of the time.

It's okay, when you grow up you'll stop thinking cars are cool too. Unless you end up selling cars for a living or live in the country and are retarded. I hope you get the help you need for your low self-esteem.

so your father left you and you never learned how a car works and have to take your car to the shop for an oil change? does your gf pump your gas for you too? fuck off back to your cubical

STIs have EJs, its the WRXs that have FAs

Imagine thinking knowledge of a how a car works is impressive in the internet age, or even that interesting. Wanna impress me with your knowledge of how to put a computer together next, champ?

Depends on what kind of driving you'll be doing.

The Honda is much more civilised, think of it as wearing two hats. One is a sideways baseball cap for the badboy racer and the other is the fuck it I need to go to work,

The Impreza is always in aggressive mode. It's what Impreza fans want. It'll wear on you after a while, when you just want to get from A to B without being rattled around.

Despite having AWD, bigger engine with lower centre of gravity, the Civic will probably outperform it anyway.

hey user, just because cars aren't your thing doesn't mean you have to hate on others, now its getting late you need to go to bed, you have a big day at school tomorrow

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Caring about attention from anybody is for children. Its about what you like, and what makes you happy. I like reliability, I'm easily gonna get twenty years out of my Soob. Over time, repairs add up, and my repairs have been minimal. It rides nice on the highway, gets good gas, and has enough juice to keep up in highway driving. Plus, good in snow.

stop taking this clowns bait

Their sedans and compacts have a fanbase. They have off-road racing teams. They're not going anywhere.

Why not get a Golf R mk7.5? I was going to get the new type R, but it looks abit chavy. Think I'm going with the gold R

yeah i wouldn't need it super aggressive but enough to have some power when i hit the gas and enough style to look unique but also subtle, i also live in a city like area and no snow so that isn't a issue

WRX STI, 100%.
Dont like hatches and FWDs.
Ever consider a GTR?

i hate the golf personally

not a fan of gtrs of anything else would geta mustang or muscle car

I will enjoy the design of cars for the rest of my life.

I think the STI is nicer. It's really simple to get a lot more horses out of it too

Git a v8 son.

What's to hate man. Im currently driving a mk7 tdi, stage 1 map as its brutally slow, does the job for driving family places. The type R I drove for about an hour, but with it being fwd it's hard to put the power down when the roads are wet. Which they always are where I'm at

Are you an overweight neckbeard or tiny blonde thot with daddy money? If former, type R, if latter then STI

just literally no part of it grabs me, i don't like VW at all and i hate the styling and i've driven my buds and didn't like the feel and it seemed slow and i've just concluded it isn't for me

Okay chad we get it, you failed shop in high school. keep stocking shelves at walmart

I like the Mustangs, for a minute. I couldn't see driving one every day. Got any opinions on this?

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Aren't those off-road racing teams third party?

If you pay any attention to motor industry, you'll notice their financials aren't good at all. They're making their decent offroad cars more like the cheap shitty crossovers everyone else is making, because those are what sell and it still isn't working.

Maybe they'll turn things around. Mitsubishi thought they were fine too tho. Hell, even Nissan aren't pushing fun cars anymore. The GTR is more of a reminded of what they used to be.

ffs, I'm an alfa nut, I prolly shouldn't talk about some other manufacturer being on deaths door :).

The civic is perfect for you. As much as I hate the styling, it certainly is unique....for a factory car.

Think of it as pre-riced.

Get better tyres

Both cars are so much rice..
rice rice baby

yeah thats why im looking at a more subtle daily driver because a mustang is dope but everyday idk and cadi was cool back in the day but they've gone down hill

Seat Leon is a Golf, styled and tuned by spaniards. According to those Seat fanboys, they always out perform Golfs, maybe by only a little bit, but aren't allowed to advertise it on their spec listings.

Golf is the best in class for a reason, but it's also so very boring. Which is why I'm still driving a 20 year old Alfa that's held together by some dodgy welding and happy thoughts.

When I see those cars I just think obesity.

how is it rice, if it performs?

do you know what rice is?

The styling is like aftermarket rice'd out shitwagons. On the subaru its the result of actual rally car race dynamics to gain better performance, but on the street car its just filled in fakery for image.

why all the hate in the car community

Boomer af
Poor build quality with a badge that once stood for comfort and class
Get a BMW 3 series if you want a quick and practical daily sedan

except it isnt aftermarket, it is stock therefore cannot be rice, also on the type r the spoiler does work for your benefit

There are two types of european driver. Those who think big giant cars are stupid and drive like shit, because they are stupid and drive like shit. Are hard to park and squeeze through our narrower streets and small car park bays.

The other type are morons who only exist to clog up the roads by bringing their shitty kids to school in the biggest car they can afford. Whic his why SUV's (mostly crossovers) are outselling everything else here.

stfu nigger

I’m partial to the ct-r personally. You can pretty much make any car fast with a turbo but for the life of me I can’t figure out what people like about subarus. They’re both cheap for what they are, but if I had to pick a car like this I’d probably go for an older version of them rather than a new or even slightly used one. If it were me, I’d get an early 2000s Integra Type R or GS-R with a B18C swap for dirt a few grand, the dump 20 grand in mods into it. That’s me though.

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>styling is like aftermarket

it's imitation rice, if you prefer.


i understand that you said "like" and im just clarifying that your insult doesn't apply because it isn't rice, it performs and the cosmetics aren't just cosmetic they have function

this is bait

You didn't read the rest of my post then because it mostly is cosmetics.

Ignorance is forgiveable, wilful ignorance is not.

ergo, get off the internet you massive cock gobbling faggot.

lol somebody is upset, what part of the type are doesn't have function? please list them so i can prove you wrong so you can get even more angry

>Aren't those off-road racing teams third party?
I honestly don't know. Sponsoring a team still satisfies the fanbase and the R+D goons. But I would assume at least one team is the factory team, because the real purpose of these teams is to acquire data so the next iteration of the car has design mistakes corrected.

"has a big rear wing, that means rice"

I think the performance Caddies are a cool blend of luxury and horsepower. I never care about the top level numbers of anything, because if you drive like that eventually you'll wreck it. Having zoom is fun,, but the top limits of the zoom don't matter. To me, at least.

Not that guy but. Yes to just about any normie. These cars are no different then any other riced out honda on the street.
They are just fuckin ugly to look at man, its a fucking sedan with a body kit and a big ass wing, it doesnt matter if it is stock or not to most people, its still ricer as fuck.

I used to have smaller sports cars. I had a 280z and a couple of RX-7's, and I still like those cockpit-style coupes. I also like the 370, but I've seen videos where the reviewer complains about the electronics being outdated. But I'm trending towards a little bit bigger, with classy interiors.

also a turbo charged 2 L engine, it isn't a stock civic it has mods to it, what aren't you fucking idiots getting, it isn't a riced out honda because the engine has been modified and the wing does function properly, i hate real rice, but you have to understand the difference between rice and tuners its not that fucking hard, also the civic is a hot hatch not a seden you incel

I don't care for BMW. They're overpriced. They're not bad, I just don't think you get what you pay for.

>They are just fucking ugly to look at man
exactly, you have your own reservations but cant let other people enjoy what they like.
what else do you get if you want a reasonably priced car that is fast, fun, but not over the top, if i bought a 99 civic and put a body kit on it then yes its rice, but if i buy a upgraded nicer model type r and drive it stock, it is not rice, keep being uneducated