What arouses you about fat women?

What arouses you about fat women?

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Soft, nothing but flesh no matter where you stick your dick, low self esteem so more likely to want to please and do whatever you want, great at giving BJ's, gluttons for food means also more apt to have a big sexual appetite. I could go on...


... Oh and the idea of feeding them while fucking them, giving them an orgasm while gorging themselves on food they crave is hot ASF.

>Feeding and fucking at the same time

That's really hot.

Especially if they start out skinny and become your feedee.

How odd it looks when they are hanged.

Their being somewhere else.

The squishy

You gotta find some heavy duty rope thought for that shit user
Can get expensive

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I wish I knew

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I find that most biggies have nasty looking sssholes and vag. This specimen is rather delightful though.

Ease of entry
Easy to manipulate
Easy to leave

She is quite the Greasebeast.

The fact that they try to overcompensate with sex for how much cow they are

The way their labia completely envelopes my cock and balls when they are on top.

Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

Their pussies look so tiny compared to the rest of them.

The guilt and shame

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The nuances and textures of their obese form.

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pretty much this

i like em big, but not gross big.... That being said, every fat chick ive ever fucked had a nice tight pussy that squeezed my dick and felt fucking amazing. I think the fat like pushes the walls in or something, idk. Maybe ive just gotten lucky with the fatties but they defintiely seem to have tighter pussies. Ive also always liked big tits.

Just gotta give em the sniff test before you go all in

Every now and then one is kind of cute with fat cheeks and giggly and jiggly, but other than that hardly anything

>Just gotta give em the sniff test before you go all in
Always a good idea.

everyone likes a good freak show

My expectations are if they look barely ok at this point

So I tindr met this chick who was a decade younger than me
really cute
but totally plumper status

She was sweet, eager to please, and had a really fucking nice ass, like fucking amazingly big and round, even though she had like hardly any tits

She was amazing to cuddle, her skin was super tight not loose and gross

I probably wouldn't have bothered under other circumstances but honestly? 10/10 fun time and I'm thinking about seeing her again

...still washed my dick with rubbing alcohol after because tindr


They do anal and suck a dick like its the last piece of food on the planet

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Awesome at cuddling, can handle rough sex better than any skinny bitch and is more willing to try new things. It’s like fucking a couch, I love it! Current gf is my slampig. Lucked out because she has an amazing personality and considering proposing to her after some serious couples counseling.

She doesn’t eat during sex, that’s weird. Not my fetish

You like my wife's fat pussy?

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Nothing. They're disgusting.

>Big women eating during sex

Moar of this please.

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Nothing, they're disgusting

I like big black women (the fat distributes better).

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Literally nothing. Fat women are gross

I'll give you edit points for that.

How about showing an example of one who isn't squeezed into a form fitting swimsuit? Btw, Latinas are better.

Not sure about this woman's ethnicity. Probably mixed.

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yeah, not all of them. My ex was never interested in either one. No more fat chicks for me.

Generally low maintenance, really soft, got a healthy appetite for sex and food, easy to manipulate into getting fatter...

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Like fatties getting fatter? I can relate to this.

How about skinnies getting fat?

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The sticky stinky smegma

Oh yeah, best part of fatties is watching them grow! My gf has put on about 40-50lbs just through poor eating habits and encouragement

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Yeah, I'd give her a pounding

nothing, their bottom parts always look like rotted out apples that have been dropped in a toilet full of shit. its pretty much 100% of fat bitches that have brown stains on their fucking cunts and then they also open up to show a fucking sour dough punchbowl it makes me glad they are obese and prone to heart disease just like their shit flaked asscracks they can't wash out the dirt inside themselves and tbh its probably for the best.

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Miss slamming my dick into this fat pussy

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Female Weight Gain is so damn sexy, especially if it's women fattening women.

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