How do I stop being angry? I've tried meditation and exercise...

How do I stop being angry? I've tried meditation and exercise, and I still have no patience when it comes to getting angry. Every little thing that goes wrong makes me want to rage. It's ruining my life

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have sex

Smoke a blunt

Take a Magne B6 pill!

try meditation
or casually punching strangers

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Go to therapy. If it's hindering your life, it's an important issue that can be treated with the help of a professional. Don't be ashamed about talking about this with a therapist, as long as they get paid, they will gladly listen to you. There's people who go there to quit smoking, so give it a try

There's a book called "The Art of Happiness" if you're not into the spiritual/religious just ignore that stuff but absorb the rest.

You're welcome.

Are you the type of faggot who rages on anyone, or just women or your mom? Because my suggestion would be to just do you, then eventually you’ll rage on the wrong person, get your ass kicked, then hopefully learn that you don’t need meditation or therapy but to remember that not everyone cares about you or your problems and some people are just as likely to end you than look at you if you make the mistake of forgetting you’re an insignificant piece of shit and your problems don’t matter to anyone. If you’re smart, you’ll figure it out.

I know my problems, I know how to deal with them, it's just not working. It's in my fucking genes to be an unstable, angry piece of shit. It's a constant fucking struggle. Just hoping to get some new advice or wisdom from someone going through the same thing

Therapists have told me things I can just find on google. I don't want to pay someone to be my friend and care about me.
I don't rage on anyone. I have mental breakdowns. I sit in my room and talk to myself like a crazy person. If it's bad I'll punch my pillow. I used to break shit when I was younger
>just figure it out
Yeah, thanks dipshit. Feel free to troll the shit out of me now because of one wittle bitty insult I said to you. I could really use some actual advice because I'm fucking struggling

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Why would you assume I fucking rage on anyone? God I fucking hate this site. I'm about to lose my fucking mind. I've got to get off here before I fucking lose my shit. This is the only place I can go for help and you people fucking ruin it. I don't know anymore

Its hard to believe you never have raged at people

brazilian jui-jistu

you resolve cause of the anger not treat the symptom

probably low self-esteem

1. Meditation
Undisputed king of understanding your emotions and gaining control of them
2. Goals and working towards them
The human brain is weird in that it associates itself automatically with goals you set for yourself- when tied to future outcome X little things don't bother you any more because they don't affect that outcome. This one was huge for me and changed me in a large way
3. Exercise, good diet, good sleep hygeine, etc
All these result in a healthy body and the mind is just another organ in the body- Physical and mental health are the same thing

Failing all that- age also helps

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It's about self-control. It's wholly on you on how you convey your feelings. Yes, it takes discipline to contain very passionate emotions but it's better to work out what is worth getting worked up over compared to things that are practically insignificant nothings. But also know that change ( for a greater you ) cannot be done unless you're willing to do something about it first. Your mind is a powerful thing, bro.

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Unplug your modem and turn the WiFi on your phone off, faggot. Bonus points for not listening to angry old white men bitch about everything on right wing platforms.

Trying doing an invetory of your resentments and seeing what your part is in all of them. That helped me get over resentments that I had been holding onto since as early as childhood.

You can't just make some big sweeping single change to fix yourself. You have to begin by breaking issues down as small as possible. Classify them, figure out how to fix, alleviate or even avoid them.

Is this problem going to affect you five years from now? Five months...days even? It helps you prioritize your concerns.

I'm a pretty stable person myself, but I am HYPER competitive. It was sort of easy to manage it in social settings because you generally behave yourself around others. But video games? Multiplayer shooters? Broken controllers, swearing, hitting things, all of the above. I was embarrassed about how mad I was getting over shit that I could quantify as being utterly trivial. Getting mad about pixels and ones and zeros. The only way I could solve it was to literally stop playing online competitive games. Haven't had an outburst like that in YEARS since.

Get of my lawn libtard

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Sounds like you’re lacking a purpose. Any hobbies or interests?

I've noticed nr. 3. I'm a lot more laid back & relaxed now that I'm older. Dunno if it's because if it comes automatically with age, or if I just life experiences give that.

plan a shool shooting, its massive fun

just plan and buy everthing you would need, but dont do it

Then wait for april 1st and prank everyone with a shool shooting prank... and live ammo... and dead bodies....

>I know my problems, I know how to deal with them, it's just not working.

I hope you can see the contradiction in this sentence. The issue a lot of people run into, and it sounds like you're experiencing this, is that your emotions don't speak English. There is a fundamental difference between the systems in your mind that govern emotion and those that govern logic.

There's two depths to knowing something, each with many names. Conscious competence / unconscious competence, vidya vs gnyan (Sanskrit), abstract / logical thinking. The emotional / automatic processes of your brain are fundamentally separate from the logical, 'thinking in English' parts of your brain. Often by thinking about something analytically you can *create* emotional, abstract understanding, but not always -- it depends how you think about it and how you're communicating between those two systems.

It sounds like you have an analytical understanding of your problems / their solutions, but I'd need more info.

Do you ever think to yourself things like "I *shouldn't* feel like this" or something along those lines?

take magic truffles on a good day, doesn't have to be much, I did 2x a microdose of 1 grams, and benefit from the positive effects afterwards. Did it myself and it worked..

or take a microdose of ketamine once a week. 0.5mg per kg bodyweight

proper use of drugs is the easiest way to fix it

I am sorry you are struggling. Best advice I can give you is do NOT seek advice on your emotional difficulties here on Yas Forums.

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>Is this problem going to affect you five years from now? Five months...days even?
It's a lifelong problem. It's genetic. I will deal with it for life and it never gets better. I can only deal with the symptoms as they arise. Life is stressful enough for a normal person. Idk man

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God I know how you feel, my anger always fucks everything good in life up for me.
Everytime I fall in love with a girl this gets worse, I can't control myself over the simplest shit, losing a cardgame, some assholes in traffic or stress at work. I literally feel like boiling on the inside and I behave like a fucking lunatic Idiot occassionally. I just fucking hate myself if I can be honest.

I am the user from and I can confirm its genetic. It gets only worse the more I age and my dad has been the same way.

You definitely sound like a problem. Have you tried growing up and looking at life from other people’s perspective?


Has the issue been officially diagnosed as genetic, though? Or are you playing WebMD-man and diagnosing yourself as: I am angry all the time, therefore it is something I can't change.

Because if it is a...genetic disposition towards being angry, the only solution there is like drugs or lobotomy and shit.

I need examples though. Tell me things that you get mad about. Like, the three most common sources for your anger on a daily basis. And if you can, tell me why you get angry about them. There is always a reason, even if you yourself classify it as unjustified.

Yes I have, and retrospectively I am always full of regret.

Same guy here. can you confirm that it is genetic? Your parents were angry? The parents of your parents were angry too? Or was there literally some test strip you pissed on that lit up the 'genetically disposed to be angry' option?

More likely it was the same environmental factors at play

Meditation is the simplest way to find out and start testing that theory

My dad is a convicted felon and almost all memories I have of him is him punching holes in doors and starting fights with people during roadrage.

get a job tintan

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>Do you ever think to yourself things like "I *shouldn't* feel like this" or something along those lines?
No, I think to myself it's not fair that it's harder for me to deal with problems than the average person. Then I think, well who said life was fair? And that just makes me angry

I get lots of good advice here. People here are usually in their 30's by now and have some experience. And people here don't sugar coat anything. It's the best place for me

Same. I don't even want kids because of my shitty fucking genes, so why even bother having a girlfriend is what I think to myself

I know, my dad had it too. My mom is completely normal, she gets mad and can deal with it, I get mad and my hands start shaking and I just can't hold it in. I have to have a mental breakdown every couple of months just to get it out. My dad was the same way, he lost everything because of it

My dad had the same problems. It's genetic. If I had to diagnose myself, I would say it's mild autism (aspergers)

Noises make me angry
People in general make me angry (making noises, talking, looking at me, talking to me, etc) I want to be left alone
Imperfections make me mad. When people say something that isn't true, or I make a mistake then I get mad, especially when I'm talking to someone and I make a mistake and they misunderstand me

Had same issue. Got angry at work, at playing games, in traffic etc. My solution, that works for me, is not to take anything serously and say fuck it. Also ignore people who you know make you angry. Just fuckem, nothing is more important than you.

U need meat

There’s about as many genetic tests for anger as there is for the gay. One is probably genetic, the other is symptomatic of lacking perspective and empathy. Don’t want to always be angry? Try understanding that everything in life isn’t about you, you can’t always get your way and the best things in life is giving to and helping others.

you may have brain damage user

You are my lost brother or my clone

Stop caring.

Sure, because you are a selfish twat and that regret is because the baby didn’t get his way. Grow up, faggot.

Not sure if my solution works for someone with ASSburgers, ADHD etc. Or autism.

>No, I think to myself it's not fair that it's harder for me to deal with problems than the average person. Then I think, well who said life was fair? And that just makes me angry

Yeah I mean this is basically what I was saying. You have an expectation for how you should feel and you're frustrated that that's not how you feel. Does that sound about right?

dont make me angry

ITT: People with aspergers ignore the basics of human health and 80 years of study and blame everything on genes

Two sides of the same faggy coin, awwwwwww... you two gonna touch pee pees now?

You make you angry, I only tell you the truth.

No human being ever who ever lived can read your post without bleeding to death fron the thousand cuts OF WOW SO MANY EDGE VERY SHOCK

Thoughtful and insightful comment.

are you on the right website?

damage to the frontal lobe makes someone behave like you described. you may have brain damage.

It's nice to know I'm not alone. Will you add me on discord so we can talk sometimes?

Yes. I expect to feel normal like everyone else, and yet I have problems that they don't. I don't think it's unreasonable, but it is an expectation that I have trouble letting go

I smoke 5 grams of indica-heavy hash every day and pop a valium.. That usually gets my rage from a 11/10 to a 4/10..

I don't think it's unreasonable, that's not what I'm trying to get at.

It sounds like the source of your frustration is the incongruity between what you want (/ your expectation, in other words) and your inability to get there. THAT'S what you need to overcome. But understanding that consciously, having a LOGICAL understanding of that, doesn't change how you feel. Does that make sense?

sounds good bruv, whats your discord?

>But understanding that consciously, having a LOGICAL understanding of that, doesn't change how you feel. Does that make sense?
I think so. But how do I understand it emotionally?


I only really come here for a wank every now and then but I always end up wasting time on Yas Forums and Yas Forums and hopping into threads like these
So you're right, not really, no

After reading more of the thread I'd think social issues and lack of dealing with aspergers properly is also a large factor


Therapists are NOT "paid friends". See an actual registered psychologist. Dudes study years on end the exact same thing that afflicts you and most likely will know how to deal with it.
If you're desperate enough to come to the angriest place in the world for help, you don't have a great many options. Just give it a try, it's not like you have anything to lose.


except money.

What a fucking joke.

That's a good question and is more personal than we'd likely to be able to answer over Yas Forums. It mostly comes down to where this expectation comes from. If you want to talk about it we could try to explore that.

added you on discord

I relate OP

How do I deal with aspergers properly? I exercise every day. I talk to people more often. I'm starting to meditate. Idk what to do

I said for me, it would be like paying a friend to care about me. I have tried several therapists, no help at all. They aren't for everyone, but yes, I know they do help people

I'll talk about anything. I think it comes from me wishing my dad had talked to me more and helped me understand why I feel like this and taught me how to deal with it, and how to deal with life in general. He was never around much. Now I have no self-esteem, I'm afraid of what people think about me and scared I'm going to have a breakdown in public, and I'm angry at myself for not being able to teach myself discipline and deal with this. I feel worthless and alone, and the anger makes me feel more in control or more like a normal person, which I expect to be

Cheers man. Hope you figure something out

Well, if money is an issue here's the diagnosis: angry all the time due to being a piss-poor faggot who can't afford even therapy.
Which was already my impression when OP mentioned therapists said things they could find on Google. Getting motivational cards from the round-the-corner shrink isn't the same as seeing an actual psychologist/psychotherapist.

Go to Nevada
Pay for sex
Repeat as necessary

are you people under 25? because I was like this up until around then and needed to do heavy deadlifts to calm down, but after 25 I've felt a lot more laid back since the hormones/etc. cool down a bit

I am not OP but i feel like im going through the same thing as OP. For me, i dont think i shouldnt feel angry in the moment cause its almost like rage clouds all judgment/thinking but usually not more than a couple of minutes later ill figure out my emotions and think more logically. Thoughts?

You need an outlet my dude. Anything that enables you to let that anger out in a controlled manner. Some people lift, some do martial arts, some run, some get a hobby, some straight up climb a mountain to scream at its peak. Get out of your comfort zone.

This. I still struggle with anger but i had it under control the best when i did MMA.

OP is definitely a teen. I mean, punching your pillow and saying you feel "angrier than the average person", c'mon.

>How do I deal with aspergers properly? I exercise every day. I talk to people more often. I'm starting to meditate. Idk what to do
Beyond my scope of understanding unfortunately but if you're starting to socialise and meditate you'll likely see big changes- I've several friends with aspergers and the biggest separation between the ones who are in control and those who aren't is the ones who forced themselves to socialise and taught themselves basic social skills at a young age
HOWEVER I also have a best mate with aspergers who is still unhappy despite being socially amazing- but that's more deep rooted depression from family stuff and feeling like the odd one out than anything I reckon
I think coming to terms with the fact that you're the same as plenty of other people in society may be part of it but that's a general observation and doesn't really help you any

Either way, good luck

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>I'll talk about anything. I think it comes from me wishing my dad had talked to me more and helped me understand why I feel like this and taught me how to deal with it, and how to deal with life in general. He was never around much. Now I have no self-esteem, I'm afraid of what people think about me and scared I'm going to have a breakdown in public, and I'm angry at myself for not being able to teach myself discipline and deal with this. I feel worthless and alone, and the anger makes me feel more in control or more like a normal person, which I expect to be

What's your discord? Would love to talk with you

See that right their....your bitching about plypur problem and you flared up again stop being a touchy cunt. I used to have a friend like you...he blew his brains out.....he doesn't bite peoples heads off anymore.....probably because he doesnt have a head lol.

Good question -- to me this sounds a good bit different. When you do figure out your emotions afterwards how do you feel? How do you feel in those moments / how do you feel as you reflect and think on your problems more logically?

I'm 27. Maybe I just need to work out harder

I've been jogging for 30 minutes every day. I used to walk 15 miles a week. It's just not enough. Maybe I need to go to the gym


Thanks. And thanks for the advice

MMA was a blessing when I was in my late teens. You feel like you can physically let everything out, and afterwards you either too tired to be angry, or you learned enough discipline to calm your own mind.
Pretty much why people say fighters aren't brawlers.

Added -- I'm teatime tim

see Jogging is one of the most infuriating exercise to do lol
I see myself as a particularly calm and reasonable person but I have zero patience to jog.