Hero or Villain?

Hero or Villain?
Discuss, Yas Forums

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Villain, but what he managed to do is pretty impressive

Jen is the villain.

Dan, look what youve done to me

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Tits or gtfo

I say he's a hero. I say we leave him alone. He's rich and sexy.

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Exactly this

Do you have any more pics like this from their date?
picture is pure gold

Her face the first time Dan put it in her ass without telling her

We will forgive Dan for the minor damage he accidentally caused to a few poor girls

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That was a great night , just pick up jenna from her house in Sherwood hills. We fucked for hours becuase I was making a new tv series and she wanted the role.. the series never made it past the pilot but she rode me like a stallion that night


He got amanda, jamie lynn, and jen.

Nice to see we are on the same page user. She looks like she has been to a few whisky bars.

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because he doesnt share the videos and photos

And Miranda? Is she hero or villain?

This picture forever condems Janette in regards to her complicity in whatever events transpired, regardless of consequences, for all eternity

Did she spit or swallow?
Anal, kinky sex?

Fucking perfect
Degraded by a fat disgusting slob for hours in the most obscene and lurid ways for the false hope of a series and the show lingers in production hell, never to see the light of day

Miranda is always the hero in this story user.

Stop hoarding Dan

More perfect words were never spoken than this

This is a thousand times better than any ghost pasta. Also better because it actually happened

>Zero nudes or lewd pics.
Villain, of course.

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Hopefully soon there will be enough surprised anal expressions like this to fill a folder

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How so?

Before and After Dan

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Come on Dan, post her nudes. About time.

Correct user Miranda is /ourgirl/.

I will fuck the before Dan version only

Because stone cold says so!

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Those tits though before she gained two hundred pounds

Fucking massive tits that stood straight out on a skinny at the time girl. What a shame

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Results from last thread...

Hero.... 90 percent
Villian.... 5 percent
Undecided.... 5 percent

Votes from Janette herself obviously do not count because Janette unfairly votes Dan to villan category every time

Dan just kept inventing new show ideas to keep her being a desperate slut for any possible role. Pure genius on so many levels

Hero cause the girls arent coming foward. They still like him.

>tfw Megan is a hot teacher now
Time flies.

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Is it a doors night or a cure night?

my god this picture is perfect

Is Dan a hero or villain for Miranda? I'd like to know what she thinks about.

Who is this faggot and what did he do? Dont tell me to lurk moar either you fuckers


If you don’t know you don’t need to know, fuck off.

Why? She is set for life thanks to Dan.

Fuck you Jewboy

Of course you are entitled to know user...
This fat fuck is a teen pussy destroyer

This so much. She hit the casting couch like a pornstar and got rich. Fair deal.

Did you finish the whole interview of Janette being a cunt on the minimalist channel

is josh peck really a pedo?

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She knew what she was doing and got rich. Played the reluctant whore so well and now enjoying the rewards

Damn, that out of shape pig was pounding tight pussies? Hmm

Dan needs a new car

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Nah that cant be same person?

This pic inspired horrible senerios from sick people last thread but should be harmless theme park photo... not a double team on some poor actress

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and tight assholes according to the girls

Details? Just for science.

Datum! He took their butts too? Holy chit

part of the problem is that short skirt. lift skirt. drop panties. bend girl over

They just needed to lift a bit her short dress. Too tempting, user, nobody can blame them.

This is the way poor people think. Having money isn’t everything user.

Fat nerd fucked all Yas Forums waifus. Hero and role model.

She was wearing a thong.

Fat one fucking her from behind. Other one dick out in her mouth. Poor Miranda not wanting any of it.
Either completely disgusting or totally hot, depending on persons point of view

And smelled their dirty socks

That dress is the evidence that would set them free in any court of law

Hot as hell. And probably Minions called more Minions afterwards. Poor Miranda, but hot as hell.

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Join this discord if you're horny for hot e-girls and traps or just wanna shitpost /J33BVCu have fun!

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You are so lewd, Yas Forumstards.


I read through this entire thread and have 0 idea what this is about.. anyone care to explain?