I want to watch my wife suck another mans cock and get fucked by her

i want to watch my wife suck another mans cock and get fucked by her...

how do I let her know?

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Just let someone cum on her while she sleeps. Easiest way imo

I wanted to watch my gf with another guy too, but was afraid to tell her. Finally I did and it turned out it was one of her biggest fantasies. We ended up meeting up with this 19 year old black guy, his dick was literally 3x bigger than mine. She had like 5 orgasms. It was pretty awesome.

while that sounds like fun to watch...I really want to see her sucking and the expression of her face while it's all going on.

Why not hire some dudes to dress up as clowns and come to your house and beat your ass in front of her on Thanksgiving Evening???

damn i'd love if that happens.

i guess it's the risk then that she would actually want it. i haven't brought up the topic because it's just so scary to thingi of if she doesn't want it...that I never stopped to think that she might want it

Your name is Generalissimo Donkey Punch!

i do wish i could hire a guy to tell her that I want this...so I could have plausable deniability if she didn't.

Thing is when I‘m horny I wanna see her suck like 10 dicks in a glory hole that would be more than she had in her life but as soon as I cum it‘s kinda disgusting and idk if I wanna do it since I‘m 90% of the time not horny...


same here...but i want to go through with it and see if once I overcome it, it becomes normal and always a sexy thought



I let my wife know, and it didn’t go well. You can’t take it back.

how did she react? what has the fallout been?

Definitely no astroturfing going on here.

Got any nudes?


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mmmm damn the fact you found her is so fucking hot! got me hard INSTANTLY!

i also have no clue how the fuck you did it

Some of the images searches use facial recognition, really not that hard. Although didnt see any nudes..

what's a good image search for that?


Someone already is.

If so, I really hope they let me watch

it is crazy to think that now if you post someone people can find out who it is

Well well well...

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Checked. Also, your eyes are so close together OP. Wtf.

Graham how are you?

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Standing by for shit storm. How fun this will be.

looks like /b gots ya covered bud, your wife will know soon

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you newfags always fall for easy bait

OP seems a bit butthurt.

He's gone quiet..

White knight like nobody's business

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She's been posted on cfwives too

Alright lets go

Have someone message her anonymously and tell her what u want I did that with my latina wife


I found her

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I went into cuckold chat rooms found a few guys that wanted to message her on fb and they did

not op here but I don't get what fags think they gain out of white knighting and outing like this. So the guy has a pervy fantasy. Who gives a fuck? Hardly seems fair to ruin his actual life for it. Thought b/ was supposed to be for shitposting, not making poor women's lives miserable.

He wants someone to reach out if he directly said that no one would. So he posts a picture that someone will image search and boom

go back to r eddit

Yeah, this guy speaks facts. It's the new, trickier way to ask for a raid/doxx without getting "nypa."

oooh watch yourself on that edge there, faggot

i hope you die soon

As far as we know, OP might not even be the women’s husband. People pretend to be other people on the internet and project their sexual fantasy of other people’s wife that way too.

>thought Yas Forums was for shitposting
how new are you

Is that all you can come up with? Fuck you are slow. Your parents must be so proud. If you know who they are, that is.

well it seems to be split currently between porn posting and fags bitching about the porn and asking for shitposting...

You must feel pretty inadequate as a man.

pay a dude to woo her into cheating and have him record it.

op i need to PM you, its in your interest to accept. What is a good way to contact you?

Think you scared him off

nah if he was scared he would have deleted the post. OP is just a retard and left after asking a question