Why does Trump attract the lowest common denominator?

Why does Trump attract the lowest common denominator?

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>the daily scenario inside redditors' heads
euronigger here, you guys are beyond raped and obsessed.
You have to get 4 more years

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Why are the social elite so arrogant and condescending? If they weren't, that lowest common denominator would probably gravitate towards them. It doesn't matter how smart or how dumb a person is, how rich or how poor, black or white, man or woman, if you patronize them, they will reject you. And the left-wing has been condescending and patronizing to the working class for 30 years.

I have a STEM degree, and while I think Trump is a clown and an embarrassment, I don't see any particular faults in his actual policies or strategies. Some gripes here or there about whether a policy sets a bad precedent or maybe is reinforcing an element of the status quo that needs changing, but in the short and long term Trump's positions absolutely BTFO the left wing's idealistic talking points.

"Everything that's dangerous or cruel must be outlawed."
"We need to open our arms and our hearts to the poor and marginalized, and accept everyone for who they are, regardless of their failings. [[Unless they disagree with us, then we need to shout them down and ruin them socially and try to get them thrown in prison or lose their jobs]]"
"We need to cede more power to the government, because they're the only ones that can make things fair and take care of everyone equally. Everyone needs to have the same amount of money, regardless of their quantifiable contributions."

Nah. Fuck that.

When you type like this, do you think you come off as anything other than a raging autist?

No wonder you have a stem degree.

I'm not sure "blew a hole in the deficit" makes sense. That sounds like a positive thing. Surely it should be "Made the deficit a trillion dollars larger."

because he's a stupid man's version of what a rich man should be

Humanities/Arts degrees are 1000x more retarded.

Because he acts like a pro-wrestling heel. And thats the kind of people who like the heel. But he won't break kayfabe, and that can be unnerving.

Enjoy the next 5 years of our God Emperor, living in your empty peanut, rent free.

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I'll take an obvious megalomaniac and grifter like Trump over Lex Luthor types like Bezos or Soros.

Rational being portrayed as raging autist. Tell us poster which degree ending in the word "studies" do you have?

>social elite
you mean trump?

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>smart man

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Wait, last time, you people claimed only the rich fatcats supported Trump.

4 more years
keep them memes coming

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Social elite isn't necessarily money.

A social elite is the unbearable arrogance of someone that thinks "I'm a higher class than you, therefore I'm BETTER than you and should be in charge of your life." Whether that be a higher class by income standards, or education standards, or racial standards, or whatever, anyone that behaves like that is a fucking cunt, and it's perfectly rational that people would go "Fuck that guy."

Trump ran on the position "I have a lot of money, therefore that's proof that I'd be good at this job." He didn't run on the position of "You common folk are potato brained simpletons, and that's why you're poor, but don't worry I'll take care of you, because you're basically children and you need to be taken care of."

People would rather struggle honestly on their own than be taken care of. They might want a helping hand if they trip or fall, but they don't want to be carried and swaddled like a useless fucking infant. And that's the angle that the left-wing and the social elites have been pushing. "You're too stupid to know better, but don't worry I'll take care of everything, just cede all your power and autonomy to me."

>Social elite isn't necessarily money.
that's literally what it's about.

You don't think the unbearable faggot at Starbucks with a degree in Art History, and thinks he's better than the dirt farmer on that basis, isn't a social elite?

Social elite CAN be money, and usually IS PREDICATED on money, but it's based on arrogance. The presumption of being a higher class of person, and therefore smarter, wiser, more competent, and deserving of more power and/or authority.

I believe you mean Bernie

Except the guy making $7/hr at Starbucks is not considered a "social elite" by anyone. Elitism and being socially elite are 2 different things.

A lot of people think that having a degree automatically makes them better than people that don't, so by that worldview a Bernie supporter is better than a Trump supporter on the basis that they're college educated. Even though they're aggressively ignorant and narcissistic.

"That wasn't real socialism. If *I* was in charge, or if Bernie was in charge (because Bernie actually cares about the working people, just like me, and we're both perfectly benevolent and immune to corruption), then the utopia would come to fruition right away, and there would be no reeducation camps or labor camps or death camps or silencing or exile or execution of political dissidents. Everyone would see right away that the rich need to be torn down and all their money given to the working class, and that that will make everyone rich. Then everything will be fair, and we'll never fight or argue over anything, and we can all just do whatever we want all the time and not have to worry about being poor. And there would be no shame whatsoever about being a 30 year old virgin that spends all day playing video games and masturbating in his mother's house, because the corrupt billionaire class won't be pushing the patriarchal narrative that people need to be competent and independent and contribute to society through their labor."

Except himself. HE sees HIMSELF as a social elite. He's "Too good," "too educated," "too smart," to be working at Starbucks making $7 an hour.

No, the fools that aren't educated like him, THEY should be the ones making $8 lattes for people. He should be curating a museum or something for $140,000 per year. And people should listen and agree when he talks about politics, because he has a degree and he knows more than them.

>You common folk are potato brained simpletons
>"I understand things....probably better than most people"
And so you're another mark in his massive con job.
Trump is elite in the same way Paris Hilton is elite, rich white trash. He appeals to some rednecks because he himself is a cruel and full of shitty ideas that appeal to a population which tabloids make their money of off.

>People would rather struggle honestly on their own
Everyone has pride until they go bankrupt from medical expenses.

Keep shilling, you're a loser and you're rooting for losers.

Starbucks guy might want to be social elite or act like social elite, but no one considers them socially elite.

you need money.

>than a Trump supporter on the basis that they're college educated
It's rather the ability to think critically, which college education improves upon.
Trump screams 3 million illegal votes cost him the popular vote, with absolutely no evidence, and many in his base believe it 100%.

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Cry more. You're almost half way there. 4 more years.


I went to college. They don't teach critical thinking anymore.

And I'd believe that a substantial number of illegal immigrants voted. Maybe not 3 million, but certainly thousands or tens of thousands. So many places have no restrictions whatsoever on voting. My own city is like that. "Are you at the polling place on voting day? Here's a ballot. Weird how that guy didn't speak English at all, but everyone gets a vote, and voter ID laws are racist, and if he's at a polling place he MUST be a citizen."

You're going to lose, keep shitposting on Yas Forums it won't make a bit of difference.

He attracts retards like you, because this is what you do all day. Everytime you get angry at something that man has done, he wins you fucking idiot. You sitting here being a little whiny faggot about everything isn't going to change anything, so why don't you shut the fuck up, go buy a gun, and kill the man causing you so much grief? You wouldn't though, because you are a spineless worm, groveling in your own shit and turmoil simply BECAUSE you are so spineless. Fuck Trump and fuck you , you waterheaded idiot.

This from the party that sees Russians everywhere.

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>They don't teach critical thinking anymore.
>And I'd believe that a substantial number of illegal immigrants voted

2000 total convictions of in person voter fraud in the last 50 years.
>many places have no restrictions whatsoever on voting.
I feel the same about guns, there should be minimal barriers.
Then they count the votes, and if there are irregularities, there you find.your massive fraud. But it doesn't happen.

> and voter ID laws are racist
As republican want to implement, yes, but it's on a larger scale anti-poor, and that's the conclusion of the Supreme Court.

im a lefty but i dont think pic related makes much sense. like democrats dont do things that benefit only blue states. and you could argue that instead of them being poor because they're red states, they're red states because they are poor and uneducated and more likely to be racist

>but it's on a larger scale anti-poor
I'm actually curious about this. How exactly are voter ID laws anti-poor?

Holy shit! How much bronzer is he wearing??? Look at the skin colour difference! Not even Ru Paul, Dolly Parton and my mom combined wear that much!

Lack of convictions is either proof that a particular crime never occurs, or that ENFORCEMENT of that crime is nonexistent.

As long as his pockets are still deep and green, he doesn't give a fuck.

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>How exactly are voter ID laws anti-poor?
Poor people can be wanting for even a spare 20-50 bucks to renew theirs.
If they're working full time it's hard to schedule an opportunity to go to the DMV, assuming they have secure transportation, and assuming a DMV is close by.
Middle class people almost never are burdened by this.
If you value the right to vote, then there should be not a single obstacle to be able to do so unless there's an extremely good reason not to.

>or that ENFORCEMENT of that crime is nonexistent
Trump formed his dumb commission to discover that, and found jack shit.

Voter id costs zero

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When you say Trump, you mean democraps, right?

So make it free, just require that people submit paperwork to prove their identity and legal status. You can register to vote online, with just a name, birthdate, social security number, and residence, so it seems a small step to cross reference that with a government system that goes "Oh, yeah, this person genuinely exists. The residence is different than the one we have on record, but maybe they moved. We'll mail their voter ID to the address they provided.

I'd pay extra an extra 1 cent in taxes for that.

I like how this idiots, claiming trump is good for them, don't see how he enriches and favours the jews.

The whole meme makes no sense, since Trump's tax cuts resulted in a 6% increase in income tax revenues

Not to mention it's the debt that matters, not the deficit, and compared to that $12 billion is peanuts. We should worry more about the $180,000 each US household owes, not another $95 tacked on top.

How exactly would you investigate that? The only way you could possibly do it is to ask people for ID AT THE POLLING PLACE AT THE TIME OF VOTING or to require people to provide identifying information on their ballot, which is a terrible idea.

Jesus Christ, learn to think critically. I'll grant that putting together a commission to investigate it is retarded, but that's because it's something that you can only investigate at the time and place at which it occurred. It's not like you can fingerprint a fucking paper ballot (or digital screen) and determine if the person that submitted a vote is a citizen.

>Poor people can be wanting for even a spare 20-50 bucks to renew theirs.
You do need an ID to get welfare don't you?

That could be a reasonable compromise to go about it, but until in person voter fraud is empirically proven to be a liability, then I don't see why a simple name and address at the voting booth isn't enough.

It's far, far, FAR more effective to gerrymander districts and sabotage the venues to vote, which is what politicians prefer to do.


Did you reply to the wrong post?

There's no guarantee for that ID to be valid come election day.

There are between 11 and 17 million illegal immigrants in the country, the vast majority of them in 6 states. You don't think that a particular community might be swung politically by that, especially given that those 6 states have some of the weakest voting restrictions and security in the country?

the fact that kikes are shilling here to lure circle jerking libfaggots here makes me kek so hard

Nope, because in the same way illegal immigrants aren't able to utilize most federal social services, they can't vote in federal elections.
And they don't want to. If you're in this country illegally, the last thing you want is to increase catching the attention of the Feds.

Why wouldn't it be? It is next to impossible to function in this society without an ID.

Different user, but my argument is they already bend over backwards allowing anyone to vote, and there is no proof of widespread voter fraud, so there's no compelling argument to either tighten ID requirements or eliminate barriers.

The fuss is pure politics, both sides are trying to game the election system in subtle ways to favor their party. Which is a compelling reason to vote against any changes, period.

Define "can't." What, precisely, is restricting them from walking into a polling place, providing their address, grabbing a ballot, and voting? What systems are in place that checks whether a ballot was filled and cast by a citizen? What systems keep track of precisely who enters a polling place, where and when?

Methinks you have FAR too much faith in CCTV and government security. Illegal aliens often drive cars, even though they aren't able to legally obtain a license. Something being illegal or possibly opening them up to penalties doesn't prevent them from doing 99% of the things they do.

To be fair, is excluding people from voting that legally shouldn't have the power to vote "gaming the system in favor of their political party?"

I mean, maybe it's technically advantageous for them, but that seems a secondary benefit to enforcing the law as it stands. Non citizens aren't permitted to vote for perfectly legitimate reasons.

Criiiiinge. So cring.

Same reason people fall for the other controlled opposition side: theyre fuckin dumb sheep

There are no real barriers to vote, and no proof of widespread fraud, so there's no compelling need to change anything.

On the other hand, everyone who cares enough to to try to change the system is doing it to game the political system in their favor. That is a compelling reason to lock down the current system, and not let them make any changes.