Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

I really love animals and just want to talk about them, so hop in if this sounds like your type of thing

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Pussy rank:

Cock rank

yes good list

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I've never been with a female dog before, the only female I've been with is the mare at the ranch I work at, and holy shit I fucking love everything about her. I love how affectionate she is, I love how if I'm hitting the right spots when I'm eating her out, fingering her, or straight up fucking her that she will back into me, I love how she tastes, I love how she feels, god fucking damn it's great.

Like I said, never been with any other female before but what makes you put dog coochie above mare pucci?

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It's a narrow fight! I just love how they will slam back and ride you to make you cum. Mare are fantastic, though, especially if you can make them waterfall.

It's so fucking cool having her literally start thrusting slightly when you are licking or rubbing her clit, it feels so amazing knowing that I'm making her feel amazing

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Just that taste, a little metalic mixed with hay, it's something I haven't tasted in years but can immediately recall.

How did your first time with a mare go? Was it a thing that just kinda happened or did you plan it for a long time? I'm curious as to how people get into zoo and especially how people get into zoo with horses

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I was hanging around with another boy my age, we knew each other through school and 4H. We were hanging out in the pasture together. I had wanted to fuck a mare for a long time, and he had done it often. He helped me get started and then went back to the bon fire so I could enjoy my evening with her in peace.

>make them waterfall

please elaborate

Oh so it sounds like you already knew about zoo beforehand and had a friend to help you with it. That must've been pretty nice.

What about dogs? Have you ever been with a good boi or good girl before?

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was there anything in general that sort of piqued your interest in wanting to do these things with a mare? Where did the interest start?

how many people do you know in person like the other guy in 4h who are into/have done this?

When a mare cums, sometimes she will squat and squirt, so much that she all the juices just pour out of her like a waterfall.

Why have I never seen videos of that or something? That sounds extremely hot

If no one told me zoo was weird, I would have suspected everyone did it. And I've been with male and female dogs. The farm has had various barn dogs, none fixed, most semi-feral.

I was just innately attracted to mares. The cunts, the soft fur, the curves. They're just outright sexy and I wanted to experience that. When other boys were started to get interested in girls, I was peaking under raised tails.

These days, I know a lot of 'curious' people but very few with any experience and almost none who are active. But I understand why, there's a lot of danger in saying you do it, so I imagine there's no reason to put yourself at risk by openly saying you're an active zoo.

It's kinda gross because it's a mixture of piss and her vaginal fluids, so it comes out like really thick pee, the only thing I like about it is that I know if she does it, it means she's feeling fucking amazing right now.

It's not rare really it's just uncommon for people to do. You have to focus on her clit for a bit, so you gotta lick her and rub her in the right place, but especially when people are filming, all they are doing is normal fingering and then fucking, and your dick isn't really gonna be rubbing against her clit unless you push your dick down yourself. Point is that it takes a few minutes to do, and her clit is on the very bottom so most people either don't even touch it or barely touch it when they are fingering or fucking

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do you develop an emotional care for the mare that is equivalent to how people care about other people?
is there a romantic aspect or is it just sexual?

What was your first time with a male dog like? What breed was he, was he super attached to you as in he loved cuddling and licking you, or did he just fuck and dip? Did he knot you the first time?

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>a mixture of piss and her vaginal fluids

still sounds sexy to me tbh

I wish I could fuck a mare.

Bumping cause I find zoo threads interesting

For me, it's emotional in the way a one-night stand is. I want to make her cum, I want to make her feel good, I want us to have a good time, but I know I probably won't get to see her again. I feel like if I had a mare that I saw regularly, I would be more emotionally bonded to her.

He was a mutt, he just wandered in out of the fields and stayed when I started feeding him. He was probably a shepherd/lab mix, he had raised ears and black fur. He would jump on top of me fairly often, so finally one night, I had stretched and lubed myself for him. He slipped in, zero pain, and fucked me good. I kept the knot out the first time, just for safety sake.

After that, he saw me as his mate. He would always curl around me and keep me warm and close. In return, I got him in the routine of only jumping me when it was after dark and we were alone in my room. I started taking the knot after we got a few trial runs in and I got more skilled at it.

Not a zoo but these threads really make me wanna bottom for a dog or horse wtf lmao

I wouldn't really say romantic, but it's still really close. I give her kisses all the time and do everything I can to make sure she's happy, but I wouldn't put it on the same level as a human on human relationship. It's def not just sexual, but I'm also not showing up with flowers to see her lol. Also she's at the ranch I work at so I see her like twice a week.

The boi I do love to death though is my King Shepherd Kaiser, holy fucking shit I love him to bits. Again, I wouldn't say it's the same thing as a human on human relationship, but more of a companion thing. I love him and I do anything I can to make sure he's happy and living life to the fullest, and he's always attached to me. I literally can't even change spots on the couch without him getting up just so he can lay on my feet again. He always sleeps on my bed, he's always trying to cuddle, he's always asking for pats, and he's always very protective of me. I fucking love him to death, oh and him fucking me or me sucking his rocket is a huge bonus

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since I don'to relly know what I'm tlaking about I have to ask a stupid question..

what is the knot? explain please.

>Not a zoo

>Is a zoo


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King Sheps are amazing lovers. Often, they just lay on top of you instead of making the turn after knotting. Is yours the same?

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Not op but it's like a ball thing at the bottom of a dogs dick meant as like a blockade for their jizz iirc

Screw off I ain't a zoo I don't actually want to be fucked by animals it's just the level of care y'all have for these animals makes me wanna

thanks...had no clue about that

Being a bottom for a dog is fucking great. Coming from a guy who was a bottom 3h ago.

Wish I could take sloppy seconds!

In pic related you see the bulbous part towards the base of the canine's dick? The part that's still inside the bottom's ass? That's the knot. How it works is that it's super small at first, but as he's getting more and more stimulated (by fucking you) it grows bigger and bigger, and what it's supposed to do is get inside your ass while it's small enough to fit, then as he's still fucking it gets bigger to the point where it's too big to come out of your ass easily, so you become "knotted" or "tied" with him, and he stops humping and just cums in you for 10-20 minutes until it shrinks enough so that it slips out of your asshole.

The back of the knot is also where he finds the most pleasure

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Breed? You know the deal etc etc or you the one with Kaiser (can't rmbr exactly) ?

is the 10-20 minutes of cum like continuous shooting or more like a drip?

Yep and I fucking love that. It feels so much more amazing having him covering me with his fur while panting in my ear and licking my shoulders, neck, hair, face, anything he can get at. He's 120lbs so the weight is a little hard but at the same time it feels way better being held and squeezed hard by him rather than just having him ass to ass with me. I guess it just feels way more personal him staying on my back.

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Bernese mountain dog, 125 lb (about 55kg), almost 7 years old now.

Kaiseranon here, usually if it's me posting I attach a pic along with, and sadly I haven't been able to be knotted by Kaiser for a long while because I was just on vacation and since I've been home someone has been home with me, so I don't really have enough privacy to get fucked. Him licking me or me jerking/sucking him off? Yeah that still happens late at night, but getting knotted and stuck with him for a while is not something I want when other people are home lol

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I'm looking to add a BMD to my family soon. Good lover?

Awww dude Bernese are so fucking cool. They are on my top 10 dog breeds. Probably top 5.

What's your favorite thing about him? (One sexual thing and one non-sexual thing)

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Fair dues my man

Not him but from what I understand, Bernese are just huge friendly labs with long hair. They are smart and very loving, and very fun to cuddle with when it's cold

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Have to leave this thread, but godspeed my zoo brothers. Always good to have these kinds of fun chats.

Yeah. They are very good companions and loveable as all hell. And when it comes to companion ship I really mean it. They (or at least mine) wants to throw a fit when ever I'm leaving or not go giving him enough attention some times. Bernese also tend to be quite goofy which makes the even more adorable.
One thing you should keep in mind is that Bernese have high cancer rates and a average lifespan of 6-7 years. So before getting one you should look for reliable breeders who don't have a record for incest.

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See ya around!

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Nothing can get me off of German Shepherds being the best dogs for me but my top breeds would be:

German Shepherds (Which includes King Shepherds)
Bernese Mountain Dogs
Saint Bernards
English Mastiffs
Labradors/Golden Retrievers

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Is it hard to get a dog to fuck you? My familiy is gonna get a doog soon and i already convinced them to get a male one.

Haven't been with a German Shepard but I would say they come close second for me. Malamutes are also so damn cute. I do have a malamute living nearby and every time I see him I just want to cuddle with it and let him fuck me for good.

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Make sure he doesn't get neutered (so don't get him from a "humane society" or pound). You're best bet for if you still want to rescue a dog, get him from craigslist. Tons of people try to find owners for their dogs that way instead of just dropping them at a pounds, and most of the time if they are willing to put the effort in to find owners for their dogs it's because they actually loved 'em and means that the dogs are most likely well trained. If you want a puppy, obviously get him from a breeder but do your research to make sure the breeder actually is cool and doesn't do scummy shit.

For me it was easy, but for others it's not. I think the best thing to do is to stud him out once so that he figures out what to do and knows that it'll feel good so that when it comes time to do it with you, he knows it's cash money. My boi Kaiser was a stud 4 times before I discovered zoo, so when it came time that I got on all fours for him, he knew what to do immediately and probably thought "Oh fuck yeah, I know what to do with a hole"

What breed are you thinking about getting?

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Lol they are amazing cuddle buddies. The only bois I've been with are my boi Kaiser and my friend's Saint Bernard, other than that the other breeds are on there because I think they look attractive and I like their personalities

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Telegram is nick0214 if you wanna trade stuff.


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Do you have any recommendations on care for dogs? Is cooking food for them better than mass produced stuff?

Ok :(

Yes, way better, but also pretty expensive. I feed Kaiser normal food with wet food, but if I'm eating steak or pork for dinner, he gets some too.

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For me it was a lot harder. Sense I had no option to stud him out I needed him to figure it out himself. Best time to do this is when they are clearly horny and start humping you/others. It might take a few or more tries but ones he figures it out and finds out how good it feels he'll do it more constantly. Mine for example knows how to do it and (mostly) when but doesn't always want to do it which is fine. Then I'll just cuddle him.

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Kik and telegram and apps like that are extremely prone to doxxing and ip leaking, so trading zoo stuff really isn't a good idea on there. It's not the government that I'm worried about because they really don't care if I send someone a pic of my dog's dick, but it's the super anti-zoos who are some dedicated motherfuckers to leak and out people as zoos

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Anyone ever been caught in the middle of the act?

I keep coming back to these threads. I've never had a pet dog. Usually they attack me. How would I go about having a dog companion? I want to get married someday, would that even be possible with a dog companion?