Be me

> Be me
> Too much social anxiety
> Finally after many years start going to therapy
> It doesn't do much
> Thinking about trying meds
> Too socially anxious to even bring it up
> It's been months since I decided to try them, but I can't get them because I'm too stupid to actually ask for them
Why am I so retarded, Yas Forums?

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Anxiety is a bitch. Perhaps try some alcohol to ease up the nerves before you go and ask for them. Do whatever it is you need to do to get your hands on them, because chances are they'll do you some good if it's that extreme.

How much alcohol is needed to calm you down without being drunk? I never drank before

Anxiety like this is common.

How old are you user?

Meds will make a difference. Especially once you find the right meds, with the right doses, specific to you.

You start by starting.

Depends on your tolerance tbh and what you’re drinking. I tend to loosen up after 4-6 shots without getting drunk, just buzzed

I'm 23

Half a mixed drink on an empty stomach, eat, finish drink. That should numb the nerves, anything dumb happens blame it on the alcohol

Im 23 too, but i started to drink at 18. I think 1 beer is enough if your stomach is empty, but never ever combine alcohool with medication it will screw you way worse.

Don’t listen to this user, if you want anxiety meds going in smelling like alcohol is the exact wrong way to get them. Honestly just get a psychiatrist, even the telepych places that just have PAs on staff that Skype you will throw meds at you.
Or if you have the money, get a private shrink. I have to spend $250 every other month or so, but I’m now on 3mg klonopins, 30 mg vyvanse, 150mg Wellbutrin daily, and a Xanax script for breakthrough anxiety. And I finally feel normal. It took me months of debilitating anxiety and panic attacks to finally be coerced into seeing a private psychiatrist but it was worth it. The private ones also have very good communication too, I can ask for adjustments via email or text.
Tell them the truth when you go in, I need to be on a bunch of benzos but I didn’t lie to get them(and had tried just about every non benzo on the book from my primary care doc). Keep in mind family practices/non profit clinics/urgent cares will not prescribe benzos as a general rule. And for good reason too, it’s a bitch to get off of. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I’ll be on these for awhile. I tried tapering off 2mg a day that I had been on for 2 years and it took me 4-5 months to feel “normal” again, and then a few months later my anxiety came back worse than ever. Thus the private shrink.

You're young. The rest of your life is ahead of you, I shit you not. All the important stuff is still to come.

Are you in a place or a situation where you can go to a doctor and talk to them?

I promise you, the very vast majority of doctors don't judge.

You're a hero in your own life, Yas Forumsro.

What made the difference for you between not getting help, and deciding to get help?

I never drank because I'm a bit paranoid of getting addicted, because my life is a mess lol but I suppose it won't be an issue if I do it just one day

I will say, don’t be afraid to admit to using alcohol to self medicate for anxiety. But going in smelling like it will be a very bad first impression, keep in mind this doctor needs to be able to trust you, trust that you won’t abuse what he gives you. He’s not going to lose his license because he gave benzos to an alcoholic who then ODed by combining them.

What's causing your anxiety? 9/10 people don't need meds for depression/anxiety. Only use meds as a last resort. They're designed for people who have every reason to be happy, but still feel depressed. And these doctors hand them out like candy so they can make a little money

>Don’t listen to this user, if you want anxiety meds going in smelling like alcohol is the exact wrong way to get them.
That makes sense, I heard some people are addicted, and because of that it's hard to get prescribed. It's going to be complicated, then haha
Is it possible to drink without smelling like alcohol or is it like a sweat thing?

One particular instance. I was trying to make a drive, a 3.5 hour drive that I’d made dozens of times. To go see my parents. Started having a panic attack 30 min in, pulled over at a rest stop and started pacing (only thing that helped me other than alcohol, and I was driving, so yeah). After about 1.5 hours of pacing my feet were getting sore and nothing was getting better. I couldn’t drive safely. So I drove myself to a motel that was off the next exit and got a room. I couldn’t even drive the 30 min to get back to my house. I felt... disabled. It was awful. My parents had been trying to get me to see someone for months and that was the point where I finally agreed. I thought I could just will myself better, but you can’t just change chemical imbalances like that.

You are retarded because the only solution in your minds is drugs, i guess that makes you a retarded slave

Don't self medicate with alcohol. The other user is a fucking moron. Science exists and has basically conquered this shit. Why go about something on the stupidest fucking way? Let that dumb motherfucker kill himself early. You don't need to follow his stupid decisions.

>I thought I could just will myself better, but you can’t just change chemical imbalances like that.

Fucking A, good for you.

Alcohol is going to be present on your breath, through your pores, in a blood or urine sample (which they’d probably request if they were suspicious).
It’s better that you go anxious than numb from alcohol. They will be able to see your anxiety and better evaluate your symptoms/severity etc and make a more informed decision. First time I went to a shrink I was sweating profusely, fidgeting, tapping my leg etc because I was very anxious and he could tell that just from looking at me. Plus my blood pressure was higher than normal. There are physical symptoms of anxiety that doctors look for and masking them doesn’t do you any good.

If you're too nervous to discuss anxiety or depression meds with your doctor, write down what you want to say, print it out and then at the appointment, give that paper to them. It might be easier than talking about it.

You're obviously the bright one. Why listen to doctors? We can listen to your stupid, totally ignorant bullshit instead.

I tried everything that I could, but nothing's working. And I'm in a hurry to get better because it's affecting my ability to pass exams and my college will kick me out soon if I don't improve.
I won't self medicate, but it'd be cool to be just a bit tipsy the day I meet with the shrink and never try alcohol again.
This is a good idea too, but a bit awkward

I’d disagree with this, unless you’re actually that disabled that you can’t speak even if it’s awkward and stumbling. Doctor isn’t going to know you wrote that etc, it’s best if the doc can see what he’s working with.

What's causing your anxiety? 9/10 people don't need meds for depression/anxiety. Only use meds as a last resort. They're designed for people who have every reason to be happy, but still feel depressed. And these doctors hand them out like candy so they can make a little money

Anxiety meds (benzos) are highly addictive and are just a crutch. The withdrawals are hell. Use as a last resort. Antidepressants are highly over prescribed and 9/10 people don't need them, and their problems can be solved with exercise, CBT, getting a hobby, etc.

If you’re in a hurry go the private shrink route, getting a psychiatrist through referral and whatnot will take at least a month. Even a private one you’ll have to wait a week or two to be seen usually. As the initial consultations are longer than the med management sessions.

If psychiatrists are prescribing them, it can't be bad. I'm going to trust the psychiatrist's opinion over yours, because they'll probably have a degree in medicine lol
And I don't have depression right now, only social anxiety. People with social anxiety are allowed to take meds too hahah

You need to understand that you're likely going to live another 70 years. Cutting corners, rushing shit, that isn't going to do you any good. Right now feels hard. College is a stressful time, because you have no idea that the very vast majority of your life is ahead of you, and how you do in college really doesn't matter all that much.

Giving yourself the gift of dealing with the problems that fuck your life is the kindest thing you could ever do for yourself. You don't need expectations. You don't really know what the fuck you're doing. Let people that do, in this area, help.

Make an appointment and go chat. No doctor gives a fuck if you're awkward. None. They're there trying to help people. They're there trying to help you.

I’m the 3mg klonopin a day guy and I agree with this user, try the non benzo anxiety meds first. Ask about beta blockers, they were the only non benzos that semi worked, problem was they didn’t stop my panic attacks they just made them less severe.
I’m diagnosed with a panic disorder, and it’s probably genetics as I have an uncle with it too and he has to live in an assisted living facility. He went from a helicopter engineer in the army to not being able to live on his own. It terrifies me that I might end up like that. But these days I feel normal, but I have to take a pill every 4 hours or so to keep that feeling. Which I fucking hate. And yes the withdrawals are hell. Can actually be fatal, it would probably be dangerous for me to stop cold turkey from 3mg daily. Could end up with seizures.

You can see a psychiatrist in one day if you self-admit yourself to a mental hospital for the 72 hour ward. 5150 I think it's called. They may or may not charge you for your stay

Wow, enjoy your benzo withdrawals, you fucking idiot. I've dealt with social anxiety my entire life and been down that road. Your body will build a tolerance, and you will need a higher and higher dose, until the doctor you love so much says you need to lower you dose, and you're forced into withdrawal. They are a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Good luck with your pills, fucking asshole

When I said I'm in a hurry, I meant that I can't wait years until I get better. I understand that it'll take time for the psychiatrist to examine me and decide if they might be good or bad for me, but if I had talked to them about this weeks ago I might already be taking them today hahah

What do you suggest, natural oils? Fuck off
I actually don't know much about meds, I suppose they won't prescribe me with benzos from day one if they're so dangerous, they'll start with something lighter than that, no?

This user is correct, self committing will get you a doctor in a day, but you’ll likely be there for 3 or more as they monitor how the meds affect you.
My gf actually has her own mental issues and just did this because we’d been trying to get med management for like 4 months to no avail. She was in there for 5 days, got a bill for $9.8k

Luckily she has Medicaid and it just wasn’t on file, so she won’t have to pay anything, but be careful as if you don’t have good insurance then this will likely be very costly.

Yeah they will start with something like buspar, or hydroxizine most likely.

Or they may go the “try this ssri and it’ll probably help your anxiety” route, if they try that I’d suggest looking elsewhere.

I'm not bad enough to be interned in a mental health institution. If it were in 2016, I would have done it, but I'm not as bad now
Ssri is stronger than buxpar and hydroxizine?

They will give you SSRI's which won't fucking help because most likely, your anxiety issues are curable with exercise and CBT. But you probably won't listen to me or the fucking doctors anyway you smart ass prick. Hope you end up homeless you worthless asshole

I used prescribed medication for a year, it helped me but didnt solved my problems. These meds can help you think straight for a while but you will need more and more for the same effect. I recommend you to go for it but use your time to get back on track, dont use them if you intend to remain the same person as you are now because now there is something in your life that is not right.You need change, try to see whats happening with you. If you decided that is time to get help that means you are ready and you want a better life. Find a motivation to go forward (for me its my family), keep in mind that it wont get better overnight, hard times are coming but you are ready , you have allready been throu anxiety attacks before, its nothing new , so you will learn that when these moments occur, its nothing wrong with you and you didnt do anything wrong, embrace the moment, let it come, be brave and have courage.

You sound like a collected and wise user to whom I should totally listen to

Do you think it's easier to improve through therapy if you're taking meds at the same time?

That's not how that's used, you pretentious fucking asshole. God damn, you really deserve all the problems you have. I hope your mom gets cancer, faggot. Why listen to people with experience when you can just do whatever the doctors fucking say? Because they know everything, right? You dumb son of a bitch

Ok hahah, English is not my first language, I'm not perfect with grammar

That's fine. I just don't understand why you have to be a smart ass when people are just trying to help you. "I'll just trust the doctors over you haha". Maybe listen to both of us and form your own opinion, and stop being a fucking smart ass to people who have the same problem and want to help, god damn

The doctor is obviously going to use this as a starting point in making his or her diagnosis. It isn't meant to be his complete and total statement, but just a way of reducing the anxiety surrounding your admission that you need help. It's so hard to even broach the subject with a doctor. I know. I was in the same spot as OP. It was hard as fuck to bring it up. I certainly think the writing down approach will work better than showing up to the dr appt buzzed or drunk.

>English isn't my first language so I'm allowed to make mistakes
See how much of a smart ass you are? Jesus fucking christ. I really hate this site sometimes

Abso fucking lutely
Source: been there, done that

Another person who went to medical school at the University of Internet Rumors

>entire generation convinced they have social anxiety
>really theyre just shut ins who traded irl for online
>not comfortable anywhere, in their discord servers or outside
>relentlessly shit talk themselves claiming to be ironically autistic or retarded
>know the answer but wont do it because memes
Newfags were a mistake

Sure anything helps, but after a while try to end therapy and meds, rely on yourself

Dontnuse the meds the docs suggest. They'll make you worse and fuck you up for life.l, de y SSRIs or SNRIs. Just say you want to try adderall or something similiar like dexedrine.

I have severe social anxiety I was prescribed SSRIs, theyessed up my head a d made me retared. The tried dexadrine as a trial on me and it totally brought me out of my shell.

Uppers are better than levelers. Since you have. Uppers a d practice CBT

SSRI's work; they just aren't for most people, but they will be prescribed to literally anyone that asks

Yeah, that makes sense. But I think it'd be easier to tell a therapist that I want meds than to write in a paper "I want meds" and explain the therapist that they have to read the paper lol
What do meds do exactly? How do they make you feel? They make you sleepy and that's why you're less anxious?
But I'm literally seeing a therapist lol
Yeah, I understand that they might be dangerous if I don't work in myself at the same time. I definitely want to do that

I have also anxiety. I thought about therapy for about 4/5 years before actually going to a specialist.
It was so awkward and confronting that I never did it again. I'm now 27 and little by little I'm getting better.
Phone calls, looking people in the eyes, going to stores without negative thinking shit. The fact that nobody
knows this about me (except parents) is helping me get better on my own. So that's also a way I guess.

I hope your mom dies. She probably thinks you're a shitty person for going to therapy. Have fun wasting your time and money. Die slow, bitch

I imagine I can try several meds until I find one that works good, no? I don't really know the differences between hydrozine, adderall, ssri, and the other stuff you're talking about, but if something doesn't work, I can always stop taking it

literal snowflake faggot not ready for evolutional pressure.

The right psychiatric medicine can make you feel like a huge lifelong weight has been lifted from your shoulders, or like you're finally complete, or the fear in your life has just vanished.

I'm also afraid that this is an actual thing.
Back in days they had smaller communities
and there was always a form of some social
interaction. Now you can lock yourself up in
your room and do nothing all day (if you
have a money resource) They just need to grow
up and have a balanced life.

Same for me, I tried going once, it went horribly and stopped going. But I tried again one year later, and this therapist is way better, he knows how to find out things about me without making it difficult for me. It depends on the therapist whether the therapy will succeed or not, so I can't stop recomending you to try again when you feel strong enough.
I got better without going to therapy too, but the therapist knows what he's doing and he'll help you get better faster and without suffering as much, so it's totally worth it.

>thinks therapy is the answer
Step 1 get offline
Step 2 get off your phone
Step 3 go outside
Step 4 ???????
u wont pussy, no balls

God, I hope so
That happened before too, but when people got isolated, no one would know it because there was no internet. People nowadays has the opportunity to talk to people online and to hear about therapy techniques that (even though they're not as good as a psychologist) can help you a lot.
Apart from that, the only thing that has changed has been that peoplr care more about mental health and it's discussed more.
I know you're a troll, but you're missing step 4, when you explain how to avoid a relapse caused but the anxiety that that experience causes to a mentally ill person

I wasn't trying to be an ass, I just thought you were a troll like the guy who posted this I trust science, and you wouldn't tell people don't take vaccines or don't take antibiotics because doctors are dumb, right? Mental diseases are diseases too, and sometimes you need to take meds to get better.

>ive made up so many excuses for myself ill just call him a troll
no balls
Just do it faggot. Your world wont end. Keep doing it forever until youre okay. Nothing else will ever work. Meds can trim the edges off but they will never fix it. This will be the rest of your life.
Learn to deal with it. Wont happen online.

Have you ever gone through a mental illness yourself?