What is it with you hating jews so much...

What is it with you hating jews so much? Do you really think they have a nefarious plan to dumb down and enslave the white race by promoting racemixing with black people?

You must be mentally ill

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Other urls found in this thread:


not the jews

the Zionists

I'm getting mixed messages from your post and your pic here.

i advice you to read the bible, then u know whats up with israel and why its so important

Its all just a coincidence goy, carry on.

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Amen. Aint nothing semetic about the lineage of Japheth, Gomer, Ashkenaz...

larping kikes

Kikes are disgusting but niggers are even worse

Ironically most of the pol tier faggots hate Jews but worship niggers

Have sex


With a black woman

The Talmud is pretty explicit in stating jews see the entire rest of the world as nothing more than slaves to be used and abused. So fuck them. They declared us their enemy. So be it.

Open bible

Why? Its a zombie and an israeli flag. Probably from world war z

It was fake and proven to be made up by antisemites. Baal is a goodhearted friendly and honest person

come on man, that's a vampire

>Do you really think they have a nefarious plan to dumb down and enslave the white race by promoting racemixing with black people?
They're gonna enslave the entire world and turn everybody into room temperature IQ consoomers without purpose

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nice numbers.
ironic, Colbert does bible studies.

Tried it, honestly feelsgoodmam

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Kikes are the most vile of all races, Hitler did nothing wrong. We've all just been brainwashed because Jews own all the media and news so they promote the only agenda that makes them to be the victim.

The only thing that threatens the Jew is the white man and for that they force race mixing along with all the other degenerate shit they push.

Fuck the Jew, the world would be a paradise if Hitler succeeded in his mission

Found the antisemite

Said the jew. fuck off with your Jewish tricks you hooked nosed cunt

>The Talmud is fake


Fuck off they do, they hate likes most of all but they also hate the niggers

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People have hated Jews for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years. People of all shapes and sizes, people of all different races, people of all different creeds, people from different places all around the world. So I say to myself: "Self, do I really know better than millions of my ancestors that came before me? Do they maybe know something I don't. Could millions upon millions of people be ALL wrong?" And I think you can see what I'm trying to say. Also, I have an Uncle Montiscue.

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Fuck off nazi. Hitler couldnt do shit, we own this world we dictate what you consume. We will bring you down goyim so you forever depend on us and you will never again have the might to threaten us ever again. KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE SLAVE

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>Jews are bad

Yes, and if nothing else I have learned that when the 4th Reich comes around they must be fought with skintight lycra and giant robots.

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Come at me faggot, you are weak without your propaganda. You'll be your own demise. Death to all Jews. Fucking disgusting fucking creatures

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stfu larper.

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sounds like something a jew would say.

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Saved, keked and checked. Digits confirm Jews are known for their Jewish tricks and that you're all scum.

No. I just hate the Jews because of the Rothschild family. Hitler targeted the Jews because of that family and even Jewish people think that family is evil.

>being the guy that took the time to make this

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I think we all know it was either a faggot or a Jew

Not just the Jews, anything and anybody who follows a book blindly, should be wiped from this earth. You fucking retards ruin the world for any actually intellectually gifted person here. It's the fucking theists with holes in their fucking brain from being butt fucked by their priests for too long. Whether it's the fucking kikes, mudskinned goat fucking turban heads, or smelly fat retards in the southern states of the US, YOU are all the SAME. Animals who should be slaughtered, and raped and treated as such. I hope God is real, and I hope you're all wrong and I get to watch the pain on your face for all eternity in hell. You're a faggot kiss ass to whoever is cashing your check, OP, so why don't you go jerk off to some more cartoons and quit posting your pseudo-intellectual garbage.

When you realize that most of them are Jewish, the remaining few are paid well to pose...

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So why don't you do something about it, you fucked off retard. You're a fucking worthless piece of garbage, not because of your beliefs, but because you have an inability to do anything about it. You're a pussy, who has never done anything worthwhile before and if you died, I would bet everything I own that nobody would give a shit. You're literally no better than some kike loving nigger, because you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Make your RACE PROUD AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU FAG.

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Glow harder

Short answer: No

Long kek filled answer: If it helps us target and destroy the jew why not? They're used to it by now. So are the niggers. They use each other to try and subvert their clear superiors but in reality the common jew and nigger is POWERLESS. It will remain this way forever until they are all gone.

>tikkun olam
"World healing".
Many orthodox Jews believe that the world is in strife and needs healing. And they, being God's chosen people are the ones to do the healing. They started out with creating communism, as a means to end the class struggle, feminism to end the gender differences and want to create a one world race, to end the racial differences.

Jews have been plotting forever and they are all convinced that they are special and a a chosen nation so they can get away with everything and anything. Reminds you of something? Perhaps NSDAP politics in 1930s Germany and certain Austrian painter? Nazi were not the first to claim superiority over others, it was Jews and it's documented left and right. Yet we treat them like some sort of victims after they pissed off basically EVERYONE in Europe and got themselves exterminated. Jews are so pathologically delusional about their view of the world that they even turned on Polacks calling them antisemites even though it was the stupid Polacks who saved most of them during WW2 and harbored them for centuries after Spain, England, France and literally every other country expelled them in centuries past. Why do you think there were so many Jews in Poland to exterminate by Nazis??? Because they thrived there.
Fucking Jews know no loyalty, honor or allegiance except for money and state of Israel.
There are no accidents in history and actions have consequences which Jews thought they are excerpt from.

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That's only thing you have to say? You stupid autist. Say something worth reading you mongoloid scumbag

Yeah, Why is hating the haters mental illness? mr. hater?

lel i was just about to post the same pic
Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

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What are you going to do about it, then? You pansies couldn't control your own dick to piss, so why don't you go suck some kike cock and stop being a whiny fag?

Vote alt right.

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner of the
"Doing absolutely nothing" Award!! Congratulations, how does it feel being a completely worthless piece of meat? Hitler would send all of you to the camps simply because your autism is so startlingly apparent. Please, no waterheads allowed to dilute MY gene pool.

All bibles of the major religions were written by ancient era retards who didn't know the earth was round and revolved around the sun.

The christian bible is full of idiotic shit to cherrypick as well.

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Jesus christ, like I give a flying fuck what you think, I just know for a fact, you aren't half as good as you think you are. You're probably a hook nosed kike spreading this to cause CONFLICT, just like you stated those fucking Juden do. You're the only one here being cucked by a bunch of people YOU DON'T KNOW! They are winning because they got faggots like you to give up their lives and time to posting gay ass shit like this. As I said before, why don't you fucking pussies actually do something about it. You're just as bad as those fucked off retards that call themselves liberals, who do nothing but cry and complain about how the world isn't fair, yet nothing ever changes. Fuck you, not because I'm a jew and you're "offending" me but because you are a worthless faggot who can't live by his word. God put you here to watch you cry and squirm like a jew in an easy bake oven. Get fucked you nigger loving kike.

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What about the foreskins?

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And this is why we jews are the true victims you see guys?