Say hello to your next president, bitches

Say hello to your next president, bitches.

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neat! Bernie is fucking shit insane anyway and there's no the FBI would let trump win this time

Wrong. He says he’s running for senate

This motherfucker has been in the top levels of government for 50 years what the fuck makes you think all of a sudden his is going to do anything other than continue to make himself and family richer. Fucking cucks.

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Creepy Uncle Joe.

Just can't stop laughing at dems voting for a kid toucher

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Orange man is scared.
He knows Biden will skull-fuck him.

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Tone down the disrespect you dog faced pony soldier

Joe can't ever remember what state he's in. I'm not worried.

MAGA fags the morning after the election.

Pic related.

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America hasn’t learned it’s lesson yet. Donald Trump will win a second term.

I was hoping for Biden because I want to win the goddamn election. I'm no longer concerned if Bernie fans are going to vote for Biden or not. The answer is they won't. They wouldn't even leave their mom's basement last night to vote for Bernie. The adults are back in charge now. Whatever it is that berniefags want is completely irrelevant now because they aren't even willing to get off the couch to FUCKING VOTE FOR IT.

Weak bait

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You can hate Trump’s policies, but you can’t hate his supporters.

It’s time to unite this great country, and repair our standing on the world stage.

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Decency, humility, empathy.

How refreshing it will be.

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Trump wins again and the snowflakes will cry, gonna be great.

Introducing my sister wife kek

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Sniffing children's hair, dementia, pointless stories about kids liking his leg hair, and the....cornpop story.

lol bloomberg literally btfo

That fucking egomaniac could have given me one of those millions spent on advertising...

A humble and decent man.

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And, he likes to touch kids!

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Bullshit. He's running for the Senate you liar.

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hes more of the same bs
bernie is the only one that could defeat trump
rip murica

Joe will make us proud of this great nation once again.

It is always darkest before the dawn.

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Apparently Bernie can't even win his own parties nomination to a dude who is losing his mind before our eyes.

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A lot of Bernie fans talk a big game online but many are lazy shits that couldn’t be bothered to roll out of bed and vote. This is what happens when your campaign depends on youth turnout.

dem here, we're fucked. bidens shit with ukraine is gonna be all the opposition talks about for the next several months, welcome to another 4 years of trump.

it hasn't been THAT bad, but I'm also not mexican.

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Biden will defeat Trump. With Bernie, it would’ve been questionable at best.

idk man, biden seems so fuckin flawed, with all the pics of him sniffing kids and then the ukraine deal (even if its not proven, that doesn't mean shit once it hits the airwaves)

i'm willing to bet we lose by a landslide due to biden being the nominee.

look at what happened last night, the youth vote was fuckin abysmal, and that's supposed to be an "energized" democratic base.

>Biden will defeat Trump
Biden doesn't even know what he's running for and can't draw flies to a fresh pile of dog shit. How exactly is he going to beat Trump?

What you saw last night was the youth turnout forgetting to vote and the other Dems flipping out that they were going to have a communist leading the party.

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Wise words, sir. You must be a Dapper Dan Man.

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First executive order. Lower the age of consent to 6.

How'd ya know?

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Because Fop customers cannot formulate an intelligent sentence.

This guy won several states where he had almost no money for ads.

People know Joe, and people like Joe.

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I say bah!

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keep seething, kike shill

Id rather Bernie, but at this point I’ll take any semi-functioning adult not elected by a bunch of memetarded fuckbois and their boomer parents

we oppose eachother completely, but I fully agree with you. =\

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Cornpop took me to the candy shop!
He made me lick the lollipop!

he's feeding off their youth. if he stops sniffing and kissing kids he will die.


Didn't Trump get more votes from his party (even though it's just a formality) than the top 3 dems got? Something tells me no democrat stands a chance.


>People know Obama, and people like Obama.


>your next president bitches
Kek last week it was Bernie what happened? Oh yeah..

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Fuck the whales? That aint very progressive of you kind sir. Or it...

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Just can't stop laughing at Trump supporters thinking their rapist "President" who once said he would date his own then underage daughter is not the creepy one.

He can't win against Trump. and I'm saying that as a Democrat.

What fucking difference does it make ? President / comrade Trump does the same thing.. go fuck yourself looser. Orange fat boy is going home.

that's not thicc dude lmao, that's skinny.