convince me why women aren't fucking pig disgusting and i shouldn't prefer men instead
Convince me why women aren't fucking pig disgusting and i shouldn't prefer men instead
Talk with human standards please
Women at least pretend not to be gross. Men don't care about grooming themselves ( wearing a tank top with the enormous disgusting thick bush if pit hair showing )
Not smelling good, talking about pooping, farting publicly, just being disgusting shamelessly.
Women at least hide it.
>thinks pussies are gross but wants to fuck assholes raw
ok fag
have you never met a woman before?
nobody can convince a gay faggot. if you already find them disgusting, that's at your core.
similarly, to those of us who are straight (not bi), we cannot understand someone sucking a disgusting penis and all that filthy sweat.
>t. incel virgin
women are fucking WAYYYY more nasty and disgusting than men. Ronda Rousey even yells out how her crotch smells like death. These "women" are nothing more than failed men. And they know it. They seethe about it. They hate themselves.
cannot argue about taste. you do you. i would penor in that keeper all day.
>unironically calling others virgin WHILE TALKING LIKE A VIRGIN who's never encountered pussy
>implying you wouldn't
I thought it was a chihuahua and didn't bother looking at it until I read the caption. also tittays.
if you think a pussy is gross wait til you hear what comes out of butts
>Ronda Rousey even yells out how her crotch smells like death.
have you never been around men in a locker room before? see this is how we know you're some neckbeard incel
This guy clearly never had a gf or been in a womens restroom before
Bitch could jump out of a plane, spread her legs and safely float back down to the ground.
dude, PEOPLE are disgusting. men, women, all the new type in between now. they're all disgusting animals. the real question is why pick any of them? celibacy is the one true faith
neither have you, incel/future-homo who has been thoroughly owned in his thread.
FACT: male anuses with proper care are far cleaner than vaginas
so no proof then? gotcha!
All women are whores and that's the way we like was a dirty whore or no me, her mom was a whore or no you see a trend, stupid!!
t. butthurt incel
Yes and they almost all groom and shave, smell nice, and keep conversations and actions in the acceptable realm
Restroom, private, you fucking retard
>convince me why women aren't fucking pig disgusting and i shouldn't prefer men instead
if you want to be gay, go for it.
men are also gross
all humans are gross
Not only does restroom equate to private, but just because you date shameless man women, who have disgusting features and habits doesn't mean that the women I speak to conduct themselves in the same manner.
Says the jerkoff
I think I do, that's why I was arguing this fact:
I think anuses are just more attractive
t. seething incel trying to pass himself as some chad
No one gives a shit, fuck who you want!!!
Suck dick. I'm not sure I really give a guck what you do.
But, be'd end up being an exclusive bottom just like youre a chronic beta now.
Hope Solo is fucking awesome! I'd lop off OP,s unused nuts for a chance to stick my p in her v
>I think I do, that's why I was arguing this fact:
point is that there's nothing wrong with being gay. However, there is a lot wrong with being, in the closet, and telling other people they can't be gay. Most people who would argue with you about your gayness fall in the latter category and they have their own problems they need to deal with.
Fucking germaphobe retard
Ouch my tendies.
>Posting pictures of "traps", aka guys who could pass for women until they reveal their junk, as a way of arguing that men are superior to women is completely moronic. You're admitting that the only men who could even pass as attractive are those who literally look like women. If anything it gives credence to the old fashioned argument saying that gay people are just fucked in the head due to some sort of trauma, and resort to men when they either can't get a woman or are too afraid of them.
what's wrong with her vagina?
>actually thinking OP was making a sincere argument and not merely trolling to keep his failed gay thread alive
who are you quoting?
it's just puffy
so what you are saying is that men are better at being women than actual women? lmao
oh. i'm on board then.
they have
1-real pussy
>and i shouldn't prefer men instead
lol good luke
Do as you please, less competition I say
FUCKING underrated
they are pretty much just pigs
That's not a man thats a Klingon.
False fuckwad
Because even though they're both disgusting, men are more disgusting, and clean men have an obscene amount of STDs
Randy lmao