daily american hate thread
>Dont worry americans
>Covid19 will wipe you nicely
Daily american hate thread
that's cute your jealous
Always some British wanker too.
trump said it's going to be okay
Who would be jealous of an aging decrepit empire that can no longer care for or protect is own population? You sound like Soviet circa 1980. "HAHA! you are just jealous of glorious motherland. We are the great superpower yes!"
Covid19 is a great example. Imagine if the primary outbreak had happened in America instead of in China. Does anybody really honestly think that America would've gotten its shit together fast enough to have any sort of control over the spread with our healthcare system? Globally we are quite lucky that it happened where it did.
Don't like us No problem.
At the end of the day, you are all American people. The Facebook you use American. Google American. Apple American. Microsoft American. Every other thing on the planet except for putting milk into tea American. You follow our elections. You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access American websites. You copy our Constitution and our laws. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive our cars. The global economy is based on the US Dollar. Our military maintains bases on your soil. When our President speaks, you listen.
You are ALL American people.
lol unlike the Soviet Union, we're the largest economy in the world, and our cities are cultural centers of the world. New York and LA determine the world's fashion culture and music. the only one clinging to lost relevance is all the europoors stroking their dicks to a memory of when they weren't being raped by muslim dick. have fun with all that.
You know bullets will kill a virus in a petri dish right? We're good to go.
Trump is probably going to die of covid-19.
this guy gets it, seethe europoors
Uhhh not really apart from the websites... Maybe that's what you're told over there. Nobody I know follows your politics, few people watch your tv shows but they're quite braindead, nobody wears your clothes, nobody copies your vernacular, nobody copies your laws, I dunno what it's like in America but everywhere else in the world books and art come from all over, nobody respects your president outside of America. Your country is generally a laughing stock everywhere else it's just that you're relentlessly told it's the best place ever
Thats what your government tells you but in reality, the US relies on other nations to keep it steady.
Your GDP is the result of foreign trade with foreign businesses on American soil. The US requires a large amount of steel and aluminium to keep factories running because it cannot produce enough of either, even when using pig iron.
Without those your economy would show its true form and that is not so good.
Your treasury is not overflowing, its straining, the US requires to constantly borrow from banks to pay for things and to allocate funds to sectors. Which is why your national debt incurs interest on a daily basis. 3.6% APR is the current rate your treasury has to pay on a $22 trillion debt. Works out to be around almost 500bn a year in interest alone, which the US struggles to pay off, which is why every year your national debt increases each time.
Then you lost your respect as an intelligent person when you brought out the fantasy world you think happens in Europe with Muslims.
Here is the nightmare scenario...
With Japan being the new Silicon Valley, a gamble Trump thought would be in Taiwan so broke the TPP deal for an exclusive there which came to nothing.
Several nations stop supplying the US with raw materials like iron, aluminium etc.
Germany stopping their trade with technical goods and medical goods would cease.
Losing 40% of foreign investors and customers.
This is likely to happen if Trump gets re-elected and continues his current strategy.
It happened once before to the US, and that was back in the 1920s when the 30s hit the US was in a massive recession, there was famine (actual famine in the US) and loss of jobs, the share market collapsed in the US (Black Friday).
Yet you and a good chunk of Americans like you are ignorant to what goes on in the world, you sit there with your overweight frame (80%+ of Americans are overweight and unfit) thinking you are masters of the world.
But you aren't.
And you will reply with anger.
Also another 10 cases of COVID-19 in the US so far today.
By end of Friday I wouldn't be surprised if that hits 1000 and a Week on Friday it spikes at 4-6K.
Not a good time to be in the states right now.
every modern economy is a part of the global economy. you aren't getting one over on anyone by saying the US relies on foreign economies, because it's a platitude. funny how in the same breath you can mention the massive foreign debt and think that foreign businesses will stop trade with the US. foreign economies ride on the coattails of the leviathan US economy, and if they ever tried to get by without the american dole they would be much worse off than the US would be without them. the world economy needs the US economy more than the other way around, as in fact demonstrated by the global depression AFTER the US economy took a dip. if you were really so independently powerful surely such a thing wouldnt happen. i won't contest that our president is a clown and that most of us are fat fucks, but i think the rest of the world has largely the same problem, the US just does it bigger and better like they do everything else. in short i'm not concerned with your "nightmare scenario" and i think that europeans will do anything it takes to cope with their fall from grace with regards to global power and status.
why so much european cope over covid? do you think it won't reach your country too? have fun laughing at the US while you can, but it rings hollow to anyone in the know.
>uhh not really
>except for these things
>and we're laughing at you too!
europeans will never be able to stop coping
You hate us cuz you ain't us. Bitch.
Amerifag here...
I'm OK with a cleansing of the population. But can we spread this to the rest of the world as well? Basically just need weak humans to die off.
I never mentioned foreign debt at all. You just assumed that because Americans are taught that your national debt is foreign debt, but it isn't.
You should look up what your National debt is. Instead of the "poor USA not getting paid" excuse they use.
You don't seem to realise is the fact the US relies heavily on foreign investment and trade. It needs it. Without it, you would be fucked. Other nations will trade with each other, they wouldn't need the US, again something Americans are told is that everyone else wouldn't cope without the dollar. It's a fallacy.
I never said it hasn't reached my country. But right now the US is in a bad state due to someone walking about california infecting people and it has spread, and it is spreading quickly, and the mortality rate in the US is high along with a low recovery rate.
As said it isn't a good time to be in the states right now.
We dominate, you bow down. It's that simple :)
Americans right now in this thread crying because nobody fucking cares about the US and hitting them with truths they can't handle.
OPs pic looks like mcmuffin
Filthy subhuman burgermuncher can't even spell
What the fuck is the story behind this
it's not that the USA not getting paid, it's that the USA owes money to foreigners. foreigners want US shekels so badly theyll even take a promise of future shekels, that's what the foreign debt is. is the national debt entirely owed to foreign nations? no. did i assert that it was? no, you just thought you were being clever like the dunning-kruger fuck you are.
YOU dont seem to realize there are scores of countries out there that would be literally be crippled if the US stopped giving them business. does the US rely on foreign trade? yes. do foreign countries rely on the US for trade? yes. these are platitudes, and for you to think the US is the one in a position of weakness is nothing but laughable cope. why does the US constantly impose trade tariffs? if foreign countries really have the US economy under their heel so well, why don't they ask for more money? because they can't retard because your perception of reality is the exact opposite of the way things really are, and it's literally all european mental gymnastic cope
dont even gotta read the thread to know a bunch of euro pussies are jealous of america again.
>>mfw europeans are the descendants of sand niggers who got monkey fucked by mongorians so hard the had to move west
Probably alcohol poisoning with a lot of junk food mixed in with it.
Give the guy some credit. At least he's covering his mouth.
So in your words, the US can't afford to pay right?
Not a good image.
>it's another episode of cucked europoors think the US gives two shits about their misguided cope opinions
live in your head rent free, don't think of you at all
why don't you step to with some real rhetoric and we'll see if you can back up your bravado
The Trump science-deniers are still saying this is nothing to worry about. Somehow I am perfectly OK with this.
No, just American.
the US can't afford to pay, and the rest of you cucks can't afford not to get payed. who sounds like the one in power here? the cucks owed money will continue to grovel and capitulate so they can get the scraps theyve earned. who sounds like the one in power here? the US has taken something from you foreigners, and given you nothing but the promise of future boons in return. who sounds like the one in power here?
lucky... we are most unlucky, hope it ll shock people to start thinking on their own, and not glare into their stupid eye sucking phones that makes them have a attention span as a extreme ADHD kid -(behavior).
I hope people ll stop walking around like stupid sheeps, realize you can't have all children cause they drain you mentally and economically.
Let me clarify i mean, you can't have all kids, but you can have most kids that is born with some kind of disorder, but if you get a kid that is not going to be able to be normal like CP, extreme Autism etc etc... I see most of those kids are either being taken care of by the government or their parents... are either mentally exhausted, poor or both.
People need to realize we can't have everything and natural selection is the nature trying to take care of us.
literal hilarious cope. it's in your country too,
>but the US has it worse!
how can you do such mental gymnastics without realizing? look inwards if you want to find the source of your problems, it isn't the american boogeyman
Thoughts and prayers
>You wear our clothes
Made in china.
Corona alcohol poisoning?
i'm fine you shut the fuck up
May it spread far and wide at the maggot rallies
waiting for the population cull
But yet we aren't having any economic problems on our end. We don't need to pretend to our peeps that spending another 1.2 trn on top of the current 800bn on a military budget will keep you safe from ISIS.
With 20% taxation (vs 30% for most US peeps) we can have free healthcare. How is that working out for you?
But tell me if your nation is so rich, why can't it afford Universal Healthcare? Is it because you aren't rich and the money isn't there and the fact the corporations who run Pharma know people like you will bend over and take it and pay a premium for ranked 11th in the world health care.
>made in china
>some poor chink gets pennies on the dollar
>america rakes in millions
really something for china to be proud of, america should be ashamed of such a disgraceful display of powerlessness
Yep there's the butthurt
Lol. First world country with the best medical in the world. Being wiped out by a Respiratory Infection virus. Ok, whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with the denial you deal with on your place being fucked.
US has 11th best healthcare. Cry about it.
This is an intense amount of brainwashing. I’m gonna go with Europe being the brainwashed in this example bc of no free speech. You have it all backwards my friend, Europe heavily relies on the US dollar along with medical research and advancements (80% US btw this is a fact). We’re also the reason Europeans don’t bother with their military bc who cares when your ally can wipe out the planet with the push of a button. Europeans don’t really produce anything. You guys are brainwashed HARD by your nanny government and it’s why we left Europe centuries ago. You’re countries are heavily censored and it’s pathetic
what kind of newfangled cope is this? user i hate to break it to you the US economy is literally stronger than it's ever been, and america has literally nothing to fear from isis. we are literally concerned with them on your behalf. europeans always have the same 2 or 3 cucked talking points it's hilarious. why can't the US afford universal healthcare? because the US is unhealthy as fuck. a normal country can take the L on a few unhealthy folk, but the US would be on the hook to treat literally hundreds of millions of unhealthy fucks with conditions brought upon themselves through unhealthy lifestyle. i'm actually not even american lol, and i hate those burgerlard creaturas, but to pretend they arent by far the most powerful entity on the planet is laughable.
Yep, there's the lack of anything to say besides
>america bad!
You are like a child compared to me.
Ahh the Americans delusional mindset that somehow they are the only free people on the planet. When they have no real freedom at all.
You make me chuckle.
There is no brainwashing, it is actual fact, it has happened before and it will happen again.
Europe took a massive 30% world trade deal with Japan and the US lost that chance for a paltry 3% world trade deal exclusively with Taiwan.
You say a lot, but if I asked you to explain what the benefits of leaving the TPP for Taiwan was, guaranteed you don't know. Because people like yourself don't think for yourself you only do what you are told to do, from your media sources.
And you accuse others of brainwashing... weeeew
You lost even more credibility when you said Europe doesn't produce anything, you might want to check your imported goods needed by the US to operate.
Then you can pretend its not real again and cry on here once more.
There's more butthurt.
I have to admit Ive been disappointed at how doctors deal with things here. It seems like we also need some kind of cap on healthcare cost.
Notice how they don’t complain that we foot the bill for their defense
Oh really?
It's because they bloat their costs so much that it costs the US a lot more than it should.
do you not see the schoolground level thinking youre employing here? do you think youre upsetting me? you will not reply to this post, and if you do i will not be replying to you.
If we nuke ur country and just take what we need will we be ur masters?
that's what happens when you turn the medical field into a career instead of a calling
Just because you used 2 nukes before as tests doesn't mean you can use them again, and you never will. Because the Russians would then launch on you also.
Thats the idea behind the number of nukes each side has, it is a deterrent to not be used again.
Learn some real world history, not fantasy world in your head history.
Also back again with the fantasy Muslims are taking over the world thing again. Must scare you huh to believe in something so bad that it doesn't even exist.
>the debt the debt the debt!
the debt that the creditors are literally unable to collect on? america will dole out the dollars owed in their own damn time because they hold the power in the agreement. and btw those dollars will be literally value created from nothing off the backs of dollars essentially stolen from foreigners. america drinks your milkshake user
More butthurt right there.
They are only mimicking what Americans do on a daily basis on here.
I love Americans. I am one. Fuck you! Euro traitors. Without the USA. You'd be under Putins thumb and rotating on your mothers.
I'm washing my hands and not touching shit nigga. No Beer virus is gonna get me
Wrong, as I thought you have no clue what that table represents because your view is jaded with something else.
It's a deal from the 80s when corporates go into politics and enabled banks to profit by borrowing continuously on the national debt, all started with Reagan when he used $1trn in the 80s to pay Saddam Hussein to take over Iraq and to go to war with Iran.
All on released CIA documents from 2003.
And ever since the banks have been lauding it with a clear 200bn+ profit every year. Except now its 500bn+ a year.
Not bad for giving phantom loans to a government, especially when it is recirculated into the military budget so McDonnell Douglas etc profit from making useless F-35s that will hardly be used or sold.
so they are no better than americans then? agreed
That's good mentality
>Every other thing on the planet not American.
I corrected it for you.
i won't even harp on your misuse of the words jaded or lauded because i suspect you might be esl, but it is embarrassing. be glad you made the mistake here and not somewhere it matters. as for the rest, you sound like a schizoid. we'll see if the house is cards comes tumbling down, but you assessing the issue with an econ 101 level of understanding is not going to convince me that "phantom loans" are going to destroy the US. the US is and will be for the foreseeable future, the strongest power in the world. when it all comes tumbling down i will personally find your thread and apologize for this post, but i see that as being unlikely
I hate America
>be American
>thinks their opinion is the only real one
>someone gives new opinion
A 3% death rate is about as far from population cleansing as you can get.
Oh noes! Whatever will we do?
Why hate Pittsburgh
8.3% in the US so far
it's always the same shit countries that are jealous of America. why else would they talk about hating it so much, investing so much time and energy. and instead of focusing their energy on fixing their own shithole countries they just post hate Americans l threads, you'd think they would try to fix their own countries first. but instead they're too stupid and make jealousy posts like this one. that's all they do. that's all they will ever do. I feel sad for shithole countries, American truly is awesome, and it generates tons of hilarious content like this sad thread
He spelled everything right you stupid fuck. His grammar is shit. Neck yourself spelling police - no one will care.
They don't even have to wait for nukes, ruskis got a sonic boom missile that flies fast enough to negate any current anti air systems anyone has including the US by admission.
Also cobalt tipped sub nukes so they can force acid rain on any country they want.
we are talking about a very complex issue with a very simple level of understanding. did you really think you were going to convince me with your high school level factoids? just like i didnt really think i would convince you that america isnt the sick old man you think it is. no need to get upset that your undeniable charisma, charm, wit, and command of the english language have failed to convert me, youre still a very smart young man who should be very proud of himself for standing up for what he believes in on and anonymous chilean leatherworking forum. bottom line fuck americans eurocucks are clearly superior in every way am i right?
Lol, what a load of shite.
And yet here you are!
That isn't even me you are speaking to, you are so paranoid you think everyone who replies to you must be the same person.
You need to calm your 400lbs of flab down.
Really makes you wonder then why all of these new disease outbreaks seem to start in China.
corona is very weak virus only 1% lethal , whole planet is infected but ppl dont know
Think only the last couple have, they have varied over the last 100 years.
you're incapable of engaging with me on my level of discourse, and this proves it. eurocucks will forever need to think theyre better than americans in order to cope with their lack of measurable achievement.
Trump would fuck the Queen up in a WWE steel cage match and you know it
I'd pay to watch that. Liz would be fucked but I think she'd put up a bit of a fight. Then the Prince that is Charles son ( cant remember is name, the non ginger one) can fight to protect his nan's name and all that guff and kick the living fuck out of ol orange chops.
>>Covid19 will wipe you nicely
LMAO... No it won't. It'll hurt China dearly and any other third world nation that has a health care system the equivalent of a mud hut and a witch doctor.
American cars?. Fuck off mate, they are shit. As for the rest, some do, most don't. We watch yank tv and other stuff too, we barely wear yank made cloths because they aint yank made, they are made by litttle yellow children. Some american music, but lots that isn't. We are global. You sure as shit are an under educated, inward looking joke. We don't hate you, just look at you like a mildy retarded younger cousin.
Talk about being a hypocrite, you talk shit to people, they talk shit back, you get upset over it.
Ok whatever you say, enjoy your paranoid level of existence.
>implying America has actually cured anything recently
>implying America has medical breakthroughs and not Iran
brits are always bitter and salty
talking about the UK?
Why you so mad bro? Have a glass of water.
Keep hatin hater. We're just fine. Gonna continue to live like you don't exist. In fact you probably don't even exist. idk and idc. Murrica.
Because they have to do the jobs you Americans can't do, that is why 20% of your health service staff is foreign.
85% of all you mother fuckers on this planet need to die
"Have to" so we force you to move here and get a job? hmmm
all i need to do is compare our levels of discourse. your talking shit is how i talked shit when i was 8 years old.
Who else is going to do it if America is producing the qualified staff needed?
Would you rather it go to Americans unable to do the job right or let your health service get worse?
Awww diddums do you hate it when you get called out then you have to lie about the situation.
The other poster was right, you sure do have a lot of butthurt.
you never answered, are eurofags forced to migrate and work here?
Already answered, you just don't interpret English too well.
Also another American died to COVID-19 again.
Is America really that abomination my online friends tell me constantly about? Im from Europe and i always admired the USA. Why do so many people hate it now?
And again another died to COVID-19 thats 2 in the last 10 mins.
butthurt would be reducing yourself to infantility like yall are.
We are not perfect but still #1
neither of us are upset, but only one of us is trying to MAKE the other upset. this is the relationship between the european and american poster, sort of like a little and older brother, the little brother lashes out for attention
America is the best country in the world.
Cry more, faggot. lol
You seem pretty upset to me, you have been using assumptions from the start, throwing about misinformation, and when corrected you act like a 5 year old stomping their feet.
You get what you give.
+11 New COVID-19 cases in the US
Like I said yesterday to people, that Californian guy walking about has now created a South Korean incident style, it will balloon out of control with more deaths to come.
Your health service will be shown for how poor quality it is when your mortality rate is the worse out of everyone.
Enjoy your time, because the majority of Americans are filthy unhygienic blobs of fat, wash your fucking hands, it isn't hard.
A virus that basically only kills boomers?
Bring it
Doesn't only kill boomers, but prove me wrong go catch it and live.
Sadly we don't copy your laws, we are very fucking lenient whent it comes to rapists and murderers. Because we believe scum still deserve rights and compassion.
everyone is blind, unless they abstain from sex and alcohol ritualistically worshipping jehovah 5 times a day
Americans eat cheeseburgers not bat burgers or anteater burgers.
You eat burgers made from MRM, machine reclaimed meat, thats all the sinew, muscle and parts remaining after being stripped for parts.
Stuck together with meat glue and formed to look like burger pates, steaks, etc
If not cooked right its bad for your system and puts on weight quickly as they are worse parts of the meat.
True story.
As for what you think everyone else eats that is a bit jaded, one part of China eats dogs the only place they hold that festival the rest of China has openly said they hate it and it should be banned.
However what people choose to eat, even horse (which is used in beef ready made meals etc - check your label next time), at least they eat the actual cuts of meat and not scraps like most Americans do, which is why the ready made meals, fast food meals etc are cheap as fuck.
I agree, I can’t wait for all these white devils to get off my land. pinche gringos culeros
the cognitive dissonance is unreal
not even the poster youre talking to but it's obvious you're the one acting like a 5 year old LMAO
Have I? I haven't acted like a 5 year old, another poster posting the memes has been.
But that is the thing with Americans they assume things too much.
Bro your people couldn't even handle a fucking sneeze. Jealousy breeds hate. Yall just mad because whitey was and is very good at taking over the lesser races
i don’t see any mexicans dyeing so far. only chincs and old white people. at least my brothers who work as their day laborers can raid all your cracker ass houses once your all dead
we already have it planned vato
As Europeans you had it planned right?
yet you assumed i was american? honestly you're digging yourself into a hole here
just waiting for all you light skinned demons to die in tejas and california
But there are good white people in america too. What about them? Not all are rancid fat incel abominations
"We've got it under control."
You claim to not be the poster I was talking to, but yet you have the same grammar, why lie?
Also you are American that is why you are angry and acting in such a way.
Also samefagging. Ouch.
refer to
Talking about the uk?
If it would have happened in America first there wouldn't have been as many dead from the virus.
The transmission and death rate here is many times slower than everywhere else in the world combined.
If it happened here first, it probably wouldn't have even left the country.
These fucking foreigners invading is the reason why it even got in.
but most are. so you are guilty by association. retaliation is coming soon!
Bring it on you fuckin sand nigger, I'll lay waste to you and then incinerate your lifeless body.
you white fucks support this fuckwad so you all must die a horrible death. may god fill your lungs with your own hatred and may your hearts explode with violence. my cartel brothers will finish off the rest. the purge is coming soon gringos
orale, give me your address then pussy
my mommy doesn’t have to buy my guns for me
Check out the little penis guys beating chests because guns... "hurr durr mah guns makes me hard"
we really do need a purge
is this your sister?
Gas price isn't that bad. I've seen it higher.
alright schizo
whatever you say
american boogeyman comin to getcha
They also bought toilet paper by the bulk kek
0/8 tryhard attempt to dig yourself out of the situation.
People here think it's the end of the world. Atleast where I live.
where the fuck are this dudes ankles though? porkeys gonna need a lot of gas to haul his fat murican ass around
Semi trucks don't run off of gasoline.
the dude he blocking in the back is pissed because no one can see him express his white power
the price of diesel is goin up to. even more expensive than gas. porkey better hope his moms credit card hasn’t reached its limit