Teach me something Yas Forums

teach me something Yas Forums

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Good ones

Inb4 hydrogen bomb

Is this a bomb?

A bomb!?

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Holy shit he's got a bomb everyone get the fuck down!

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No just googled. Maybe have tried out and then explodes this shit

when you're innawoods and can't find clean water or anything to boil it in, you can use your clothing and coarsely ground charcoal to filter it. not as safe as boiling, but certainly safer than drinking straight out of a pond.
Also, if you ARE going to boil water, make it at least 10 minutes as it takes longer to kill viruses than bacteria.

>Also, if you ARE going to boil water, make it at least 10 minutes as it takes longer to kill viruses than bacteria.

you can not kill viruses because they do not live

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okay smartass get a virus then see if I give a fuck faggot

Factually unfactual, viruses can be destroyed just like any physical being, killing it doesnt neccesarily mean death, just assured destruction. Boiling a virus in water will in fact, destroy/kill it.

amerifags detected

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When ist red then stop, when its green then go. But you should also be careful!

Sind wir also eine deutsche Schwuchtel. Sehr basiert.

This is terrible, unless you have atleast some knowledge of knots half of these are just renditions of their parent knot, not the base knot itself.

So youre just angry that europe is going to be riddled with coronavirus while we boil the bitch to death?

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Sehr gut aufgepasst mein Freund. Bissien was aus unserer Kultur gleich beibringen.

the real electoral map 2016, because let's face it, Hillary won by 4,000,000 votes and your kind wouldn't know the truth if it went through you like a .50cal

Attached: electoral map 2016.png (1660x1086, 809.22K)

My favourite knot is noose

all of those TINY red areas, are places people don't live. Flyover areas. places that don't matter.
the big blue places are the places that produce and earn money, American Industry, Corporate Centers. America.

Attached: I Love America.png (214x112, 7.32K)

theres still more red than blue thou

Keep telling yourself that

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How to smoke crack

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which one means 'shoot that dog'?

red states have all failed economically (except Texas)

Blue states are massively wealthy, and the wealthiest state in the US: California with a GDP of 3.5 Trillion per annum.

So while your kind rape kids, do meth, and steal blue state's wealth in the form of farm subsidies and welfare, we have estateS (multiple) and high-paying jobs, whereas you don't even have healthcare.

Trump's tax cuts all benefitted us. Not your kind :)

Attached: TWWUMP 2020 MWAGWA.jpg (737x722, 44.67K)

i feel like my life has been a lie

Check out to see if they've listed all of yours.

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Yeah how’s Detroit looking, asshole?

BINGO. We're dealing with retards who've have their skulls caved in by meth.

How can you honestly make any claims about the previous election. I dont know what really happened. You sure as shit dont know what really happened. Anyone who says they know what happened is a fucking liar. This map and every other map is fake news.

And the people doing most of the money earning are openly republican or secretly pro, since the business policies help them. The homeless and those on welfare make the areas blue. Cities tend to have a LOT of voters in poverty.

Damn I have a lot of googling to do

>thinks Detroit's a state

>put 1 round in your .45
>chamber it
>blow your brains out.

go hang out with jeebus in heaven!!!!!

It's almost as if loser voters are attracted to big cities because of their pro-homeless programs and extra benefits.

you know who wants to get rid of the electoral college, son?


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No... I'm from the west coast and moved to rural mid west... at first I thought like you. It didnt take very long at all for me to see the only people out of touch are the ones living on the coasts.

Any citations for any of this?

Okay. So that's your rebuttal?

>150 million shanty cottages throughout the Midwest and south, all on meth with diabeetus, this retard thinks they're all wealthy KEKEKEK

Attached: goptard.gif (376x288, 487.71K)

this is what trumpflakes actually believe

That's meth you retard

This does not make harmless smoke. This makes chlorine gas.

>Okay. So that's your rebuttal?

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keep whining, gender neutral faggot

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I sure do cleeter


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think i found a new dnd setting. whole group will be paladins sent to cleanse the realm of sin

yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhh who do you think runs all those businesses? manuel and tyrone? no, they are a bunch of rich jews and white guys who are all pro republican because they want lower taxes and more business friendly tax plans

Ich erkannte das an der autokorrektur ihres mobilen Fernsprechgerätes.

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>more blue than red

>"omg ur an ess jay dub"

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Did He died ?

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Educated Liberals.

Because republicans are anti-education and anti-science. Do you think a meth-smoking retard knows how do send a rocket into space you literal shit-eating fuckmonkey?

Who're the people at Harvard? Republicans LOL? No. Liberals. Eat a .45 and fuck off with your non-facts spunk junkie.

What kind of a retard told you a republican "runs" anything LOL Was it oxycontin Limbaugh? Pedo Trump? Tucker the Tranny?

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This is exactly the type of out of touch coastal fag I'm talking about. A big eye opener for me was learning what coastal cities thought about DAPL. Just no idea wtf is going on at all.

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thats mitch hedburg and yes he later died

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Oh, no this is it! Ouch right in my feels. You make a strong argument user.



Mj was deep af. Always with the gang. What a real one

Oil is bad. Orange bad. Obama would never drill.

wow ive actually met the blue one

Having 15 dollars an hour in boston is much different than 15 dollars an hour in west virginia

Thanks for the information user

People in WV or other red states don't matter.

Poorest in this statement means in literal monitary worth. Theres a reason why gas is 1.99 in some places in iowa vs 3.50 in downtown LA.

Most cars will be electric soon, and your kind made us dependent on OPEC. now we're not thanks to Obama.
though trump sucks the Saudi cock like no other, doesn't he. bowing to them, bending over for them, taking it, taking it.

then there's israel, my god he's swallowed their loads for decades

Attached: jew trump destroys america.jpg (1279x1024, 169.54K)

Good, I'd rather than kid get mulched than live in a place where the parent has picked the route of literally killing it vs living with them.


oh i wish there was content like that with mitchie

Jews already own america. If we don't bow down to them 9-11 would happen every few years. Face it, the jews won.

It was an interesting learning thread before y'all burgers had to go muh politicians. Why do Libtards and MAGA cucks have to show up arguing in every single thread?

About a good as all those abandoned mining towns that voted for trump

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I see these vast depictions of knots from time to time but there is NEVER any description of wtf theyre for or what the point is.

Case in point:
>take a pic of a wall of knots in a nautical themed hotel I was at once
>later review, pic the most complicated knot
>finally figure it out and get it
>ok neat but now what?
>google the shit out of it, turns out to be a knot that easily pulls tight or loose to fit snugly around the neck of a jug
>... the most complicated one on the "board of boat knots" turned out to be a fuckin carry knot for your grog on your belt.

Attached: IMG_20200304_122300.jpg (1009x1500, 306.35K)

>live in apt
>have dog
>have small "yard" area with walk way
>wish I had a hose to squirt wizz and dookie off

....i might actually go out any make this, seriously.

>Most cars will be electric soon

Now let’s eat the arm

this aint /ck/

In some municipalities this is illegal

Prejudice and racism leads to pre-made assumptions about the whole population and infuriates many because they go unseen for who they are.

The most useful in terms of industry practice (tower work, hoisting) are the boline, figure 8, and taut hitch/running hitch, the butterfly knot is ok but too limited for quick use. Boat knots are fucking stupid anymore as no one has the need for them except maybe fisherman

No shit, now answer this. What cause prejudice and racism among a population? What source is the largest proponenet of bias?

Taught it was coronavirus map for a second

Amen, brother!

Great, txt for ants, awesome. Could you please be less of a closeted homosexual and possibly post a higher resolution next time?

If they have the same population, can't we just count the votes?

The leaders and influencers of society are responsible for the population.
The largest source of bias would be experience in itself which is quite paradoxical. I really like Yas Forums. it is because you don't know who's behind every text. Makes you really judge everyone equally without bias

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Does anyone know how to extract pse from oct tablets? (400mg ibuprofen, 60mg pse)

But... But that's a retarded argument, surely? I mean, that's an argument for one person, one vote, and doing away with the electoral college altogether.
I'm not murican, so I have no stakes in this discussion, I just fail to see the logic of this argument.

god bless america
land of the free
get caught catching runoff
and its jail for thee

The resolution is fine. right click open in a new tab/window.

the Yas Forums kys starterpack

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Golden showers are in forbidden land but rape is not ? Wtf

what is the purpose of that? does it make for a hotter fire, or shelter it from the weather?

What is this?

A draw

Something not legal in the states.
Rain water collection.

Haha seriously

hotter fire

here you go

why rain is illegal in usa ?


In some countries fat people are shamed as a means of retaining social homeostasis...


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I'm an American and I agree. Fucking paid shills, bro.

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Despite having some good points, it's your smugness and over used put downs that will lose you the election again.

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what point do you think you're making right now?

no, it is legal in almost all states dumbass, it's even encouraged.

Hurr Durr NY and Cali should decide the fate of the US only and not the rest of America that actually makes america what it is... No, only bullshit melting pot cities that are ruled by liberals and infested with dumb niggers who are uninformed and misled should decide because 50,000,000 people live on top of one another

you're a degenerate.

>Rain water collection.
and librard stands for retarded libertarian, yeah

Lol stop telling them this. Just let their hubris and arrogance be their downfall and relish in their tears later

Why is the woman taller? Fucking bullshit, man.

Maybe in blue state over-regulated areas.

I'm clueless here. What is this actually used for? Moonshine?

Fuck yeah, go Arizona! My home state, gotta love it, but liberals in Phoenix scare me, they need to move to Tucson with the others.


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What is New Mexico? Explain that entire state then.

Now remove the illegals and let's see how that map looks.

Better quality?

It's about water rights and farmers bitching. For whatever it's worth. Rain collected is that much water not getting back into resivuours and shit

Yeah, he is smug. All of you are smug. The Kekistanis are just retarded dick riders. You guys have this constant need to talk down and feel superior instead of attracting voters to your side. Your genuinely good ideas to help the less fortunate always get conflated with woke KANGS pronoun shit.

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Sorry, bro. That is the only version i have.

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I don't get how you can disregard the kekistanis but not the sjws despite acknowledging the value of the policies at stake.d

>sensitive manlet detected

I disregard both. Obviously, people are going to lean one way or the other, but those "dyed in the wool" types are walking jokes.

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Sometimes you'll be wrong about something and that's okay. Admit your fault and learn from your mistake. It won't be the end of your life.

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Love those advices.

I'm baffled that honour is a male abstraction, I have never thought about that and I feel its very true.

I think it was Rapist Clinton that told me. Or maybe his murderous wife. I dont recall. Also do you know how to send a rocket to space? Do lump yourself in with the intellectual elite just because you watch CNN faggot

He forgot to include;

listen to the elders, cause most elderly have been trough more than you have :)

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>places that produce and earn money.
Uber eats drivers.
Starbucks waitresses.
Wetback gardeners.
Retirement home nurses.

In the red areas, individuals take care of that themselves.
People in cities feed off of eachother like leaches.

>emo and self-pity is narcissism
Not always true. Some people have genuine reasons to have low self esteem

In Europe, it's same. I know women who has fucked half the dorm and studied education for special kids on elemantary school.

My oldest friend, we were from kindergarden till end of highschool in the same class.
He is social worker and educator. Invited all co-workers to his house party, many female educators wores slutty dress, have many tattoos and piercings.

Yeah .. great role model

Holy fucking based

The video of meth nig is NOT mitch burg

I think you are a little disillusioned. Google and other major businesses love republican business ethics. They cheat as much as they can to reduce taxation. They just espouse leftist progressive nonsense to appease people like you. At the top, the billionaires are mostly all the same types of people. Classist.

Eeeeh... cope

nope ammoniumchloride

The boundaries are really dumb. Why is there a mountain barrier between domination and rape/force/etc? Why aren’t professions near uniforms?


But I’ll just say is right and is ridiculous. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that 51% of the legal population live in NY and CA and they ALL want the same president. Why should the other 49% win? There can only be one winner.

I’m glad the system helps conservatives, which I am, but even I can see it’s unfair. It’s affirmative action for rural voters.