Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?
Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?
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why won't you KILL YOURSELF today user?
I don't own a single gun...I own 14.5
lmao @ open carry. two on the right are in retardedly awkward positions also.
not in a country where theyre legal and not found the connection to buy one yet
because eurofag
Because I'm not an insecure manlet that has to over compensate for their tiny penis.
especially the one in the middle...she has to reach behind herself to unclip and draw
I own one, it's fun to target shoot
Because I just moved to Europe. Luckily my country has the loosest gun laws in the continent, so I will be buying some more soon. I seriously miss target shooting and shit
not a murderer
My ex stole my guns and gave them to her nigger bf
Same. Eurocuck oppressed by a liberal government that only allows criminals and minorities to have guns paid for with my taxes
I do. And I live in Canada.
Anyone that doesn't understand that the 2nd ammendment is to protect a person from the same threat.
When everyone has guns, the only times you see school shootings are when it's crisis actors staged propaganda. Sandy Hook I'm talking to you.
I'll support the principals of the 2nd ammendment even if I live in Canada. And I'm never getting robbed at gunpoint or watching people put knives into a bin. They can watch. I'll be reading the Federalist Papers.
Because I don't need one
Name one country like that
Weak bait
Nice try. You're in this thread faggot. Why don't you post your position. Prove me wrong
I own 2
I do. My everyday carry is my sw .380 bodyguard (just because its so small light zero chance of being noticed from impression. When i’m in shady areas i’ll also carry my g26. Live in MA so don’t want any libtards seeing my shit
My daily carry is SW .380 as well! It's a great piece and is fun to shoot
I open that exact Makarov. Mine has a loaded magazine though.
I hate people like this with zero trigger safety. maybe you can blow your brains out all while trying to look like any typical social media whore seeking attention.
Fuck trigger safety.
I’m suicidal.
Where do you live man? Guns are legal in Europe, at least in Denmark.
What would you do if someone enters your home with a gun?
>how i became deaf AND a whore
get a knife edgy faggot
Yea user plus double action only means i can leave it on fire all the time without blowing my dinky off on accident.
Bcuz Australia
lost them all in a boating accident fedboi
Because I am a pacifist.
Same reason I don't own a sword, a pick axe, flamethrower, pocketwatch, or sextant. One more piece of useless shit I dont need to waste any resources on.
I don't have a gun, so I make it absolutely sure the government can't take it away.
She maybe owns a gun but forget the magazine
Because the police can be called, and they always look out for our best interests. as well as our government officials.
Wtf you think this is? I own like 10 guns.
At least they're not pink.
Owning a gun is no different than owning a fire extinguisher. You’re be a fool not to.
Why are you such a faggot?
Except shit actually catches fire all the time. Plus, if nothing else, you can use it to make a delicious carbonated sorbet or other interesting tastier treats.
Outside of hunting in a rural area, a gun really doesn't do anything else useful besides be a pretty mantle piece.
I do
Lived in NYC for work for the last few years. Moved back to the Midwest recently. Haven't gotten around to buying more yet.
Cheap source of ammo fyi
I don't want one.
I own a gun Yas Forumsro, and I love it.
No worries user, you do you and i’ll do me.
US defensive gun use stats say otherwise
Page 15:
Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010).
neets can afford guns?
Give me one.
Read how offensive is defined. Gang violence is concentrated and surges the usage up and sometimes suicide statistics are also lumped in which is dishonest
We all work at least 35 hours a week
Also, now compare that to the incidence of shit catching on fire.
because i need to go through 3 levels of licensing and spend at least 1000$ to get a license.
i suspect they are israelis.
Please never own a firearm. You are a cancer and give gun owners a bad name.
Onother great reason to own a gun
Because the gun laws in my country are totally shit. There is no legal way to get you a gun easy like in the USA
I dont own a gun because id cap myself
I own three pleb.
Lost them all in boating accidents. Forgot where I lost them sorry Mr. Police
because I've been institutionalised for a psychotic break after the age of 18 and I'm in a national database