What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Euronews says he won something
>What went wrong
people associated him with his supporters and said no way.
he did. colorado, utah and vermont
In one graphic, this:
i guess the young bernie retards cant be bothered to vote. how shocking.
Nothing went wrong. We already knew Biden would win a lot of shitty states on Super Tuesday. We knew that Bernie would with the huge majority in big states.
Bernie still has a great chance at winning until superdelegates cuck him.
those with socialism decided they didnt want to share
Young people have to work on tuesdays. Young people have jobs. Old white people who have wealth and are retired can get out and vote in droves.
This. In general, young people are idealistic & enthusiastic, but they don't vote.
>"young people are too busy to mark a circle on a ballot and mail it"
you are a complete fucking retard. the reason why they dont vote is because they cant be bothered to. there is no indication that young people are so fucking busy that they cant take 5 seconds to vote. jesus christ. im 19 and i voted. it took me 3 seconds.
No, young people have to work on Tuesday. Multiple jobs. Double shifts. It's voter disenfranchisement.
epic b8
They can't be bothered to because they're working.
must be nice, took me 45 minutes to vote
If you actually read an article, you would know that young people are overwhelming interested in politics and voting. The problem is that they cannot leave their jobs to vote, or they have difficulty registering to vote.
It had nothing to do with working. 33 states have early voting, all of them have absentee voting. They just didn't show up because they never show up.
thats still literally no time. if you cant be bothered to take an hour to vote for the leader of your country then a) you dont deserve to and b) it's no one else's fault or problem but yours. kindly fuck off
>"To vote in the United States, you can’t simply go cast a ballot. In most states, you first have to register. If you’ve registered, you have to have state-issued identification to then actually vote. If you don’t have identification, you might have to pay a fee to obtain it. If you don’t live in an early voting state—or one with flexible absentee rules—you have to take time from work to cast your ballot. If you live in states like Georgia or Florida, you may have to wait for hours before you can step into a voting booth. If you can’t drive or aren’t mobile, you may have to find a ride."
oh that's right i forgot, you assume everyone is a NEET like you, and people don't work 12 hour shifts or anything, and employers definitely just let everyone go vote.
Nothing went wrong, Pete and Amy's centrist supporters threw in with Biden giving him a big bump. Bernie is still in it. Lots of time left but Bernie does need to show some fucking personality or he's going to end up getting Greta'd.
>Florida, you may have to wait for hours before you can step into a voting booth
I registered to vote online, got the ballot sent to my house and mailed it back out, then you can go online to make sure it was received
They shouldn't have to vote absentee. Our country should make it mandatory that we have time off to vote in this country and the states should all vote on the same day. States' rights shouldn't be applicable to a national primary or general election.
GL with your hanging chodes.
A lot of states don't have enough polling places, plain and simple. Some places it can be under 5 minutes, others it can take up to 2 hours depending on when you get there.
Also a lot of people don't know the laws regarding voting, such as that if you are in line when polls close they can't turn you away, and must let you vote. Turning away someone already in line before polls close is a federal offense, even trying to is one.
What happened? The DNC learned from what happened in 1972 and resolved to never allow that to happen again.
He was a terrible fucking candidate. The only downside here is that his supporters still won't shut the fuck up
Dude, I am 28, work full-time & I voted for Trump. Even though I wok nights, my polling place was open 8 AM- 8 PM. Young people have no excuse if they're registered & not illegals.
Young shits have better moral values, but don't vote because they are young shits.
Old shits have garbage values, but vote.
I feel like "they couldn't get out to vote" is coping. Sanders didn't get the fucking votes. That's it
THESE. Young people seem to think that posting shit online will change other people's votes (which it doesn't) thus absolving themselves of their own duty to vote. Bernouts, like young Trumpets, rage like lunatics online but then when it comes time to vote it's suddenly a spectator sport. The boomers are the complete opposite. They aren't raging on the interwebs but when it's time to vote they ALL get their fat asses off the couch and pull the lever. Once again this lazy as fuck and unemployed generation will blame the boomers for voting their own interests.
>Dude, I am 28, work full-time & I voted for Trump.
Imagine boasting about being a cuck
Dude ppl voting anything democrat don't even have a fucking job
>hanging chodes
Mail in ballots. No excuse
His supporters live in a bubble and so couldn't see that an octogenarian Jewish athiest Bolshevik was of limited appeal to non-woke cis hey normies
Arkansas wouldn't let me
Nothing. All going as planned by the DNC.
Good job... People like us who actually work for a living know that voting for Republican (whichever dipshit they have at the head) is better than any Democratic shill in 40 years
What a moron
Difficulty registering to vote.
In michigan they bonbard you with requests to register in a billion different ways its a choice not to.
In several states now, you can tegister to vote at the polling location and can vote at any voting location.
Seems to be thats just an excuse to "blame the unfair system"
Weed. Black leaders: "Lawd he gone legalize the devil's grass throughout the whole country. Every black man in the country will violate his probation. We all gone go back to jail. Next they gone make us take drug tests then take our welfare. Don't let whitey trick us into keeping us down, Lawdy!" Old white people: "Legalize weed throughout America?! Ricky will get high all day, never get a job, never move out of the basement. No, sir! One vote for Biden is a third term for Obama!"
I don't know about that. In RI at least, you can register to vote at 16, when you get your drivers license. When I switched addresses, I got a letter saying I had to register to vote from my new address.
I'm not buying it.
Voting Conservative is a vote to keep the masters at the top and the slaves at the bottom.
It has been since its inception, which was literally in order to keep rich aristocrats on top during the French revolution.
So good job there buddy!
So pretty much all the states where the DUDE WEED's live.
Well, why?
I work 12 hour shifts, from 7 am to 7 pm(generally don't get out of there until 7:15). My job is an hour away from my polling place, since polls were open until 7:30. they told me I didn't qualify since I got out of work before the polling place closes.
you're not fucking kidding
We didn't donate enough. DONATE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN RIGHT NOW!
No refunds.
Corruption, last minute conspiracy from Pocahontas, Amy, and Buttgay
Who do you think will be Biden's VP? Michelle Obama, Bloomberg, Hillary ..?
I mean it’s a p obv sham
This is only one example, but pete and warren dropped out and endorsed Biden at a perfect time for their follower to not be able to have time to research their opinions, and to blindly vote for their endorsed candidate
Bernie is out here challenging the status quo, and they don’t like that.
>Bernie Bros
>working jobs
Pick one, newfag. Sanders supporters are mostly unemployed drug addict basement dwelling incels.
As a 20 something thats too lazy/disinterested too vote but that also works at a library where I had to deal with polls: there is plenty of easy and alternative ways to get it done. If you have a drivers license or even a state ID like everyone should, there is no reason you shouldn't be registered. It really is a choice in the matter. Own up to being lazy schmucks and stop maling excuses.
Old people vote in this country, young people don't. Been that way for decades. Until that changes the US is going to be status quo for a long, long time.
I mean klobochar not warren
My company pays us 2 HOURS of time off to go vote either on election day or any time during early voting
Not enough brainwashed children to vote communist, that all.
This, tbh. Bernies core base are white, unemployable junkies that sponge off their boomer middle class / upper middle class parents. Hence why Sanders promising "free" shit is so appealing to these useless freeloading cunts.
i feel like bloomberg can buy it. hillary has so much baggage. then you gotta consider that sarah palin type problem where if biden becomes too ill michelle obama is president
he's out
Bernie will lose to The Grifter in the general. A vote for Bernie is a vote for The Grifter.
Lets face it
Young people are smart.
But as Forest said, "Stupid is as stupid does"
And young people do alot of stupid things.
Those stupid things done are naturally preceded by...stupid thoughts.
The smartest people do the dumbest things.
The most inexperienced people regardless of education level also do the dumbest things.
This includes voting for a system that has failed again and again and again...
IF YOU lead a political movement that relys on the young who lake the true wisdom that life experience gives, then it's a good bet that movement is a loser.
You may be young and smart.
But there's a good chance your dumb
Bingo. That's why the non stop psychotic meltdowns alk over social media today from Bernies shrinking cult after Biden decimated him is so hysterical. All these lazy jobless faggots and tranny leftists dreams of a communist revolution under comrade sanders just went up in smoke for a 2nd time in 4 years. Hahahahahahahahaha
i'm talking about him being VP
user, Bernie's campaign is effectively over. The remaining states slant hard Biden and there's no pathway for Sanders to get enough delegates to even come close to Biden. Crazy Joe will be the Dems nominee. The only question left is who will be Biden's VP running mate.
bloomberg just endorsed biden lololol
warren just dropped out
Sanders platform is way too narrow. It's all about free education and healthcare. No focus on foreign policy (where the presidency really counts), shit like veterans affairs, job creation, and the whole appealing to minorities thing doesn't really work as well when you're an old white guy.
And on top of that, his platform requires a pretty significant tax increase, and everybody already bitches about high taxes. And he really doesn't play well with the party who's support he's going to need to get him to the whitehouse.
His appeal really isn't that widespread and when the votes reflect that people cry disenfranchisement and conspiracy.
Which isn't to say the election system is perfect, and the democrats aren't fucking him. But think about it. Not everyone is an old hippie or in their 20's in college. He's built up plenty of buzz in the media, but that doesn't mean you're gonna get the oval office.
supposing the Bernouts had jobs, at least here in CA, you get to start work 2 hours later or leave work 2 hours early to go vote and there were a few 24hr polling places available so dont spew that bullshit about not having time.
What I mean by "he's out" is with the stop and frisk stuff joe kept talking about, it would be more baggage with african american voters. I would bet he's going to go for abrams
Bloomberg as Biden's VP? That's about as unlikely as picking Sarah Palin. Biden has made no direct statements yet but he's alluded to Sally Yates and Stacey Abrams (without mentioning them by name) and the obvious elephant in the room, Kamala Harris. I think Klobuchar and Buttgieg also have an outside chance.
Lets face it
you're a pee pee poo poo
New memes are on the horizon!!!
People saw Venezuela and thought maybe it was a bad idea.
Fuckin retard...
Also, everyone keeps harping on the youth vote.
That's the problem with Bernie's campaign, it's hyper focused on college aged people, but no one else. But you never win with just one demographic. You can shit on the baby boomers all you want, and rant about how they ruined everything. But they still make up a sizeable portion of the voting pool. If you can't appeal to enough of them, you lose.
>Old white people who have wealth
I wonder how they got that wealth? AND had the time to vote when they were young? Oh, I know!
They weren't useless entitled lazy shits - that's how!
>I wok nights
despite 18 to 29 year olds being 25% of the electorate in super tuesday states, only 13% of the people yesterday who voted were between 18 to 29.
Dumb kike thought he could win by relying on young people, what an idiot.
I'll have a #19 and a covid stir fry to go
Not a Democrat
Never accomplished anything - ever.
No way to pay for plans.
the man became more important than the revolution, as always tends to happen
if he'd thrown his support behind Warren, she'd be ahead
>Not a Democrat
This. And Bloomberg felt the same bitchslap last night, that's why he folded today.
Why didn’t he win the big state of Texas?
Boomers! Ahhhhh
Lazy fucks expect others to do their work for them. Even when it comes to actually voting.
In the word of the internet its up the person voting to be aware of the general rules.
Ignorance isnt an excuse.
Yeah, I noticed that, too. Lol.
Turns out the the 21st century has made the freedom of information Trump ideologues like Bernie who promise free free free. Even better (best case scenario) is a larger portion of American youth actually want to work, want to be thrust into a competitive markets. Because although we talk about free shit and gimme gimme gimme, intelligent spirited people want to be independent, successful, self made.
Communism has never gone right
People realized that "dude weed lmao" isn't a valid political stance and that yet another old millionaire who makes positive comments about Fidel Castro might not make a good president.
What a shock, right?
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
Most states have early Voting and mail in ballots. They're not voting because they choose not to vote
Harris doesn't want VP, it's a do-nothing job; she might be more amenable to AG if offered
Abrams hasn't won a damn thing, which is why she'd be perfect for Biden
I change my registered status to Democrat the year before these, then vote for the least likely candidate, then I vote Republican in the general.
Is güt
The Bernie voters have school on Tuesday
>only boomers vote
>boomers generally vote trump nation wide
Kek, somehow boomers will save us from totalitarianism/communist dictatorship for 4 more years.
Fifth graders can't vote anyway.
>my state
>wants to decrease the voting age to 15 or 16, because "the are responsible enough to do so"
>also my state "but everyone has to be 21 to smoke or buy a firearm because younger people arent responsible enough to make good decisions"
Fucking leftists
The socialist twitter warriors who eat gluten-free and smoke weed all day discovered most of America consists of normal people who have jobs and pay taxes. Most of us don’t give a fuck about the problems of young people or immigration, which is essentially the only platform Bernie is running on. So you’re in your twenties, maybe still a teenager and you’re disillusioned because you’re broke. Congratulations, welcome to adulthood. I was broke until my late twenties, spent most of my 30s paying off my student loans and now that I’m in my 40s, hearing you fuckin fags piss and moan about how hard your lives are and blaming it on people who have spent decades working is not going espouse me to your fuckin cause. There’s no way rational and intelligent people would vote for him. People who have are fuckin retarded and most people realize that a minority of the population being below average intelligence if left unchecked would literally lead to the end of our species. So every now and again we rational people have to remind you that you don’t always get what you want, but this is America and you’re allowed to participate in the process if you wish.
Of course the left wants a bunch of impulsive shitkid teenagers to be able to vote. Most adult lefitsts have never left that age mentally.
>positive about Fidel
This is his biggest killer. As I've said elsewhere in the thread, he has never done enough to appeal to baby boomers, who grew up during the cold war and the cuban missile crisis. Any positive mention of the communist regimes is gonna turn a lot of them off really quick.
Every time he does that shit, he looks dangerously Naïve, and he alienates a key demographic. No shit he's losing
I mean, Castro legit murdered a lot of people. Anyone who Castro appeals to is pretty much a shit person and shouldn't be determining who runs the country.
Oh I agree. But Bernie and his supporters have this wishy washy stance about his regime. Failing to understand that a big chunk of the voting pool grew up where the TV was constantly blaring threats from the communists.
Yeah, joe 18yr old in portland might think it's cool to wear a Ché tshirt. But their parents, and even grandparents, who also vote don't.
Bernie can cry "democratic socialism" all he wants, but the older generation will hear "communism"
which is why it was absolute madness not to back Warren
it's still 95% of the same policies as Bernie, but since she refuses the socialist label, she can frame her policies as fixing capitalism, rather than overthrowing it
Idk too much about her tbh. I mean, Bernie's policies are labeled as fringe, with limited appeal. Kinda the same with her.
The democrats have a pretty shit candidate pool overall. The only one with any real buzz is Bernie, and of course , that's an impossible position for the dnc
Plz die nigger
He's a Castro-loving shitfuck Commie who wants to turn America into Mexico.
>What went wrong?
Who tallies the vote?
Who doesn't want Bernie to be the nominee?
Burnie has ZERO chance of winning now, even without all the super delegates automatically going to Biden.
Imagine being this stupid but thinking you're intelligent. XD
Holy shit this thread makes me glad I'm not American, your country is a shit hole and you're all fucked
Bernie promised the same thing every democrat does and never actually does whats the difference Trump is going to win anyways
should have gone vote instead of making memes retard
nothing - not young people voting
lol like i would ever live in those shit southern states
donalds tweets about bloomburg and warren were on point though - i chuckled
They allow you time to vote by law
I'm so satisfied to see cuck left losing crying ''but we are working''. This generation of weakass kek
They can't even vote
A lot of places make you wait in line for hours to vote, I’ve heard of people having to wait over 6 hours.
Young people have jobs and school and don’t have time to wait in line that long. If it took 5 minutes it would be different.
>young people couldn't/wouldn't vote
Is so fucking weak. Are Bernie supporters so myopic that they thought he could really win when he constantly alienated himself from the older demographics and his party?
>barely got 50% IN HIS OWN STATE
LOL ok boomer
The only thing keeping VT in the economic game is farming and labor jobs. Why the fuck would they vote for him, he's never bother to stump for them.
b-but muh tourism
complete bullshit. I'm in that demographic and had no issue registering/voting in every election. It isn't about not having access, it's practically shoved down your throat if you even remotely attempt to participate in society.
Our generation is just apathetic and only interested in politics to the extent that it lets them feel self-righteous.
It's easy to whine on reddit for echo chamber points. It takes being a responsible adult to try to actually vote.
and here's the big hitter. That's how it should be. If you can't take the time to fill out a registration form from the mail or on your drivers license, you probably haven't taken the time to actually research the issues.
He's right. They can't refuse or punish you for voting. Most state also allow early voting and mail in ballots.
I knew the corrupt demoshit machine would find a way to fuck him again total bullshit no way he really lost Texas from what i see probably other states
Fuck Biden
>What went wrong?
He's a fucking socialist. What did you expect? LMAO
and california
I love how Democrats have been crying and whining about the popular vote for 2016's election. And they've never even realized their own primary system doesn't respect a popular vote. LMAO
So once again young people were all talk and didn't bother to actually go out and vote?
"shitty states"
Keep repeating nonsense like that. That sort of thought process is why Hillary lost.
That's how it's always been. The DNC are morons for pandering to these ignorant people. LOL
Doesn't that show older black voters are pragmatists that think Biden is more electable, because hes a fiscal conservative and younger Black voters think Sanders will can beat Trump easily with his populist message?
And the DNC wants to lower the voting age. LMAO Little do they know that if you lower the voting age. You lower the age at which a person can legally buy a rifle.
That's how shortsighted these people are. No wonder they can't come up with a working strategy.
>what is voting by mail
Fucking retards.
>lowering the voting age lowers the age of other things.
Where the fuck did you come up with that?
>what is not every state allows you to
fucking retard
The Constitution.
retards brainwashed by billionaires into voting against themselves
Majority of states have early voting and mail ballots
Cope More
>posting ben garrison
He is not a democrat so tell me again why the democrats would support him?
The DNC came to their senses and realized that electing a communist is a terrible idea.
user, you can vote at 18, but federally you can't own a handgun and to buy either a rifle or handgun in Florida, you have to be 21.
Sure someone could challenge that. But it doesn't automatically make it so.
Good question. Why did biden to 12% better than sanders in TX?
The DNC has always hated Bernie. Party officials never wanted him
And this comment string is in response to the demographics taken in exit polling, which is the subset of voters that went to a polling station to vote.
is that all states by chance?
Or they voted by mail while boomers more often went to a polling place to vote.
>why would a state of people where big oil is a mega industry with a conservative economy not vote for le climate change man who wants to raise taxes?
I don't know
You can buy a rifle at 18. There will never be a challenge that passes. The second amendment guarantees that a citizen that votes is a citizen that can own a rifle.
Tell that to the govt.
People between 18 and 29 didnt go out and vote. 13% of all votes super Tuesday were 18 to 29.
I don't have to. That's why we have groups like the NRA to do it for me.
I worked on Tuesday and still voted. Not only that in most states they had early voting for two weeks. It is also illegal for an employer to keep you from voting. Just face it. Young people just want to bitch and moan and are lazy. That or, Bernie voting young people are a loud minority. I
They really only exist in Online echo chambers. They are an extremely vocal minority.
>yfw pedo uncle Joe is going to be next president to push through their agenda and normalizing pedophilia
serious tho these fucking elections are simply set up
Sorta, if they had someone better than Biden they'd be running them. The news media is way more "set up" than the elections them selves.
>Can't help decide the fate of your country because you're busy flipping minimum wage burgers
I used to be a big supporter of Bernie but he lost me when he started talking about things like a wealth tax.
That kind of thinking is bullshit. Punishing people just for working hard and being successful to reward other people for being lazy.
That kind of thinking leads to communism.
15yo uneducated redneck has spoken.
People like being sheep and following scare tactics from the 50s and 60s still
I have a 40 hour job that I've sustained for 7 years
lmao losers
This is funny
he actively courts the worst people on the left to be his surrogates
for Colorado btw, actually it's like this for quite a few states, just check google
It wouldn't affect the middle class. Only the people wallowing in money, the loan sharks, property speculators and lawyers. So what if they might have to go for a downgrade on their fifth annual car purchase, it's not truly gonna affect them.You're already dumping all the tax money into the eastern deserts, the issue isn't how much money the state is taking, it's what the money is going towards. You're all getting fucked over by the big businesses, your state isn't covering shit for you.
die you stupid cunt
fat angry fucks like you are why shit doesn't get any better with this "i got mine, i got fucked so should the next generation" bullshit
kill yourself you dumb nigger
That's Trump's "theory" (campaign strategy talking point)
What the fuck are you quoting? Just because you put quotations doesn’t make it a fact
Go back to Twitter.
Sure, but that’s not the case. Play by the rules or take your ball and go home
>It wouldn't affect the middle class.
It's not just a theory, but it is a strategy being used by his campaign. It's not his fault the DNC keeps giving him ammunition to win.
Lmao so entitled. I can tell you're a Bernie fag
All im hearing is excuses for low voter turn out amongst young voters. Arguing with people on the internet is not how you exercise your political opinion voting is.
>Don't make a lot of money, don't get taxed extra
It's not that hard
Shitty states=states with open primaries where republicans vote in the democratic primaries that a democrat will have little chance of winning in a general election. Hillary did good in the South on super tuesday, too.. Lot of good the South did her in the general election.
So, yes, stupid states and fuck you if you are from one.
Because crazy cousin Bernie is too radical for the fam, and it's more cooler when good 'ol Uncle Joe is driving the bus.
I expect Biden to do well in all these states with open primaries.
Massachusetts (Primaries open for "unenrolled"/unaffiliated voters only)
New Hampshire (Primaries open for “undeclared”/unaffiliated voters only)
North Carolina (Primaries open for unaffiliated voters only)[13]
North Dakota
Ohio (semi-open) [14]
Oklahoma (Only Democratic primary is open to Independent voters as of November 2015) [15]
South Carolina
South Dakota (Only Democratic primary is open to Independent voters as of November 2018)
Utah (for the Democratic Presidential Primary)[16]
Washington (state)[17]
Im sure some people do this but I highly doubt you have droves of people voting across party lines to fuck with primary results.
Straight politician, honest campain, not enough showmanship and playing for the masses.
Also: had he won he'd have been shot.
Does an exit poll encapsulate all voters in states where mail in voting is an option?
Is the demographic breakdown of mail in voters identical to those that vote at the polls?
Biden is winning the popular vote by around 900,000, moron.
With a heart attack gun
Why are you so focused on exit polls? They're basically garbage. Im referring to the fact that a lot of people play hype man on the interwebs but when it comes time to vote they don't and then claim they're disenfranchised.
You faggots should get behind Pete
The democrats are never going to run Bernie, a non democrat, as the leader of their party. If you think they will you are deluded.
For JUST super Tuesday votes, representing 39% of votes cast in super Tuesday states.
He has 46.6% of delegates awarded so far - 12.9% more than Sanders and
28% of the delegates he needs to win.
Hi faggot. Do you like sucking cawk? Vote Pete
The assertion that young people didn't come out to vote was based on an exit poll provided. I'm only focused on it here because the current argument is that your ng people didn't vote, and the evidence doesn't necessarily to prove that to be true.
You bernie bros are fucking cringe.
all his supporters are too lazy to vote. still want free stuff, but wont even lift a finger to help. just raise one finger to everyone that doesnt agree with the bern
The evidence is in my cawk. Suck it out bitch boy and let me fondle your soy titties
I think you're a whole lot late to the game asshole
He has just as much of a chance of winning as Bernie you dumb nigger lover
4,365,361 is 26.7% percent more than 3,442,670.
That's interesting. So 4% of Republicans have voted against Trump? That's telling because that's an 8 point swing if they were to vote Biden.
Dude, you don't know republicans. This has been going on since at least 2008.
Their status quo lost the last election.
Most people I know who voted for trump only did because Sanders didn't get the nom.
Those same people are just going to vote for him again.
Dems are too fucking stupid to see this and just keep pushing shit candidates just to lose.
>young people have to work
as if bernie voters have jobs...
And Trump is the real winner of Super Tuesday!
We does so has jobs, massa
as if trump supporters have jobs,and no.fucking your sister in your trailer park isnt a job,neither is working in your meth lab
Are you trying to make voting for Trump cool again?
Hadn't heard about these guys. According to their Facebook page Sanders was the weakest candidate and that's who everyone should vote for.
All bullshit excuses. I registered to vote the day I turned 18. I didn’t own a car and took the bus to the town hall. I have voted in EVERY election since. Most polling stations stay open until 7:00pm. Or open early. I requested an absentee ballot if I thought I needed one. Most people have a drivers license or need an ID to buy booze so presenting an ID to vote is not an impediment. While in school or working full time with an irregular schedule or bad weather, I always managed.
Nothing... Bernie will collect a few more million along with another couple of houses like last time. Y'all a bunch of suckers if you actually thought he was ever seriously trying to win.
What everyone expected. The hillbillies voted for biden.
Like Joe?
He’s right. They bought his silence off in 2016 and their going to do it again because he gets richer and richer each time he loses. All you Bernie boys can do is make up a litany of excuses to why it’s so hard to vote. If you don’t have what it takes to vote you certainly don’t have to stomach to succeed at life. No wonder you love all the free shit Bernie is promising.
Idiot, Trump, and Trumpers by proxy, fucking WANTS top run against Sanders.