Why does everyone hate pedophiles so much?

Why does everyone hate pedophiles so much?

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Because you are a faggot op

Op is always a faggot. Now answer my question

Because its not blacked porn
that and its associated with ancaps and libertarians because of the memes.

and people generally hate all things right wing extreme

Pedophelia is a right wing thing?

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I'm genuinely curious why they get so much shit. Is it because it's cool to hate pedos?

Because little kids dont understand sexuality and adults take advantage.

Now when people say liking 16 year olds makes you a pedo that’s just retarded.

Pedos that literally rape toddlers and 7 year olds need to be shot

Did you enjoy your uncle filling up your tiny ass when you were 5?

Is sexuality that bad? Is it really ok to shoot someone because they had some fun with a kid? I remember being 7 and thinking tits were amazing and I had no standard. All tits were great. I'm not advocating forceful rape here, but not all pedophiles are rapists, so why do they get clumped together?

40 years of mass media brainwashing.

the origins of that being historical circumstance, what's known as the child rape hysteria of the 70's if you want to read up on it. long story short christian retards believed satanists were mass raping and sacrificing children in daycare centers. think pizzagate except without the rest of the world ridiculing them through the internet.


16 is legal here anyway

I think guy, attracted to younger girls are bad seen because of those who have raped, and molested minors; and I do think those specific last ones should die.

What if I cut a kids hand off? Is that worse than taking a 14 year old out to dinner and fucking her brains out?

Yes sexuality is bad when prepubescent children are not in a position to make good decisions and be taken advantage of by adults

>I liked tits at 7

That is likely projection of hour adult opinions on your 7 year old mind, most kids don’t have any actual sexual desires until they hit 10-12 years old at the earliest.

Even if a 7 year old “likes tits” that’s far from being capable of deciding on sexual activities or picking sexual partners

Pedo is really fucked up like

Not that user, but yeah, of course the former is worse than the latter

My take is that when people say pedo, they aren't thinking of the guy who had sex with a consenting underaged child, regardless of age or the guy who gave them some candy, patted on them a while and tried to convince them to have sex with him. They're thinking of the guy who kidnapped, tortured, raped and brutally killed a toddler or a baby or something like that, or the guy who abducted a kid to sell them as sex slaves or to use them for production of CP.

Puberty often starts around 10, 11 years old, and pubescents' pheromones compared to adults is similar to the venom release of young snakes versus old

that's nonsense mate. I remember liking beautiful women when I was 7. fantasized about flashing them my dick.

it's a misnomer that children only have sex hormones when puberty starts, that's just when a sharp increase occurs.

Kids are pretty cool and innocent, seems kinda evil to fuck that up I guess.

And really, the latter groups really deserves as horrible and painful of a fate as possible

Prob cuz you were raped or had shitty parents, most 7 year olds don't want to have sex... (Unless someone trained you like they brainwash you about Santa...)

Define pedo.
By law were all potential pedos.

Back when I was a kid, the consenting age was 14. They moved it to 16 here in Canada. So anyone who wasn't a pedo back then is now a pedo or potential pedo.

All guys like the older girl acting or dressing like a little girl look(lollipop, pigtails, school uniforms), so that's also a pedophilic mindset.

pedophilia ≠ hebephilia
being attracted to teenage girls past puberty (about 14 at the least) is, believe it or not, absolutely natural. in the very old world, that's around the time you should bag one

The statistic is one in 6 boys are sexually abused. In reality it's closer to one in three.

Even if that were true (it isn’t ) you weren’t normal and having some gauge sense of wanting to see women naked is a far cry from understanding what sex is, the risks and who should be engaging in it you fucking freak

Not true

may as well include a visual reference.

none of that happened mate. where do you get off coming up with weird fucked up scenarios

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This. The rest is hypocritical, biased or roastie-opinion, which does not matter.

>Prob cuz you were raped or had shitty parents
Change the or to and for the correct answer

Don't be scared. It's only pussy

because they manipulate their penises in defenseless little people

He is right. Why are ppl so dishonest with themselves?

Not completely no, but generally, yes.

it doesn’t seem that bad to media if you’re a 9 year old drag queen for some reason they just want you to feel bad for liking lil girls

Study biology, retard. Why do you think Sniffy Joe usually targets children?

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90% of faggots are pedophiles
less than 25% of faggots are ring wing
do the math

it's definitely true mate I remember it lol. maybe I didn't fully understand everything about sex but I deffo wanted some kind of lewd attention from women. don't appreciate being called a freak though, I don't think that's all that abnormal for a 7 year old. hell even according to developmental psychology children that age experiment sexually.

Voices of reason. Thanks

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Shoulda have used the word hebephile

>hell even according to developmental psychology children that age experiment
Only After an adult teaches them how

I was playing doctor when I was 7
>you were molested
my parents were anti-masturbation, they were crazy christians who thought any sexual pleasure that wasn't for procreation was a sin, so....no
>uncle did it
my parents were both only children
all were dead before I was born

try again, bernie fag

On the extremes of the right and the left, yes, it's pretty rampant.

Children doesn't know what they want. If they get to choose what to eat they will probably die of a heart attack at their 20s.
If you have sex with a kid (who's never going to be prepared for that kind of act until maturity) even if they CONSENT, they will be thraumatized when they get older. No speaking when they don't consent...

I don't hate pedophiles and I don't think they have to die or get shot. If you are atracted to people that young, if you are unable to have a sexual relatioship with someone your age... That's a mental problem, is not they're evil or something, those are sick people who need a psychiatrist so they don't get mad and ruin kids life.

I feel like people get pedophiles and child rapist mixed up. Pedos can be sexually attracted to a child without touching them. Personally, I think pedos should still seek help but as long as they keep their fetishes to themselves and don’t hurt a child or keep any CP on their computers, then I guess they aren’t doing anything wrong according to the law. Now if they rape or manipulate a child then fuck them and they deserve the worst death imaginable.

But why the worst death imaginable? Seems a bit disproportionate

Good info right here

Do you think someone who has raped at the age of 14 upon a child, be considered a rapist their whole life?

A 14 year old rapist? Sounds like my kind of guy

Well, girls on the left and boys on the right.

I agree. All 7 year olds need to be shot.

>little kids dont understand sexuality

little kids at times believe they're girls/boys trapped in boys/girls bodies and parents oblige

>crazy christians
Here's your answer. But you can't handle it so keep lying to yourself.
Typical Yas Forums low self esteem beta white male

>Why does everyone hate pedophiles so much?

unfortunately, around here people don't reaize a pedo is into PREpubescent youth, and toss around the term pedo for anybody that sees a POSTpubescent 14 year old in a sexual way

so ... which pedo do you mean?
an actual pedo, or people that can see youth that have passed through puberty in a sexual way?

both can be wrong... Raping 15 girls is worse than raping 10...

Boys are being pressured into losing their virginity to women at an early age while women are supposed to keep them until marriage. Fucking capitalism fucked me over so bad I don't ever want a girlfriend again. I've had one girlfriend that was 12 when I was 13 and now everyone suddenly is my girlfriend. Fuck all of u fake ass hoes. I hate yall!

>Why does everyone hate pedophiles so much
Brainwashed by religion

that's the point, they are literally to fucking dumb to do that...

They would sell their soul (or body or whatever) for a candy bar, they believe in santa, they are too dumb to trust with sexual decisions. Including cutting their own dick off because they want to wear a dress or play with dolls.

Unless Muslim, then, well, you know...

10/10 picture

Oh, a retard, how did you manage to wander away from Reddit, time to go back

If you really think most children are like that, you need to leave your basement

>that's the point, they are literally to fucking dumb to do that...

they get to CHANGE their sex, what's the opposition to them HAVING sex?

>Why do you think Sniffy Joe usually targets children?
He isn't the only one, faggot

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With a good vaccine of course

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It is easier to hate than to understand

I’m not talking about teenage girls I 100%% agree that it’s normal to be sexually attracted to girls as young as 14 and 14

I’m talking about pre pubescent like this faggot Keeps saying he was into tits at 7 therefore pedophelia is okay

Yeah and I think that’s abuse

What is actually the legal definition?
Lets say the age is 16. A 16 year old boy having sex with 15 year old girl. Or two 15 year olds.
How doess the law handle those cases? At what point is the older person a pedo?

You need to actually interact with kids

Actually no you shouldn’t

I am Opposed to both of those things

one of my favorite gifs.
Lovely tits

I mean I think the current laws are not adequate or reasonable

If I was king of the universe I would probably make the age of consent (and being an adult) in line with the historical and biological norm like 14-16 anywhere within that range I think is reasonable.

Obviously it has to be somewhat arbitrary to a point but by your mid teens 99% of boys and girls are mature enough to handle most adult decisions.

Indeed most adults never really mature beyond a 15 or 16 year old level.

>inb4 voting and drinking

When I say adult, I mean an adult. If the age is 14 or 16 or 15 that’s the age for everything.

As for voting though if I’m still king of the universe I’d limit voting to property owners or a specific aristocracy. Popular democracy is absolute trash and isn’t effective

Most pedophiles don't act on their urges

I have 4 of my own and teach 5th grade

Go on, tell me how you understand kids better than me

But isn't the prefrontal cortex which iss responsible for decision making done developing at age 25 or so? Wouldn't that make let's say,anyone under the age of 20 biologically not an adult?

>All guys
Bro I think it's fucking annoying when girls act like theyre young.

this is true. also, research on offenders in the last 10 years seems to indicate many offenders (in this manner) are not pedophiles. they do it for reasons other than pedophilic sexual gratification. the studies are interesting, because they look into the dark side of human sexuality and how it differs person to person. some victimize strictly for the dominance, some get off inflicting pain, some internalize damage and express it on easy victims, some do it for revenge on the family, some do it without any sexual gratification at all.

>Daughter sits on her dads lap
Thats it, call the police.

Chicks regret the fun times they had
Guys are self hating pedos, trying to draw attention away from their own pedophilic desires


""It is very important for the public to understand that most child molesters are not pedophiles," Finkelhor told me over the phone. "[Many people] have the impression, when you talk about someone being a pedophile, that they have a permanent and unalterable sexual interest in children and, therefore, they are going to be dangerous under any circumstances and under any form of management—and that's not true," he says, adding that pedophiles constitute a minority of those who sexually abuse children, or who are child molesters."

I agree

Sure you do! And I’m sure they are smart and totally capable of agreeing to sexual intercourse with adults, especially with people in positions of power like their teachers and friends parents !!

“Not fully developed” =\= not capable

The justification for extending adolescence into the early 20’s has been used with this recent discovery but I honesty don’t think you need a “fully developed” prefrontal cortex to make most general life decisions

For leaders? Military commanders? People responsible for major decisions that effect thousands or millions of lives? Sure I agree I want somebody with age and experience

For deciding to get drunk in a Wednesday or who you want to bone?? Yeah I think teenagers are capable

I personally believe people have a myriad of causes for acting out homosexual behavior, in a manner similar to this. Some people are gay because they were born to be gay, I wholly believe that, but not all, maybe not even most.

I get what vice is saying that it’s a “power” thing not a sexual thing, but tbh if you sexually abuse a child you are by definition a pedophile

Even if generally you’re sexual desires tend towards adults

What is it called when a 7_15 year old gets in bed with you while your sleeping and she put your hand down her pants?

>if you sexually abuse a child you are by definition a pedophile

no. if you sexually abuse a person you are an "abuser" or an "offender". if we're going to understand the nature of deviant sexual urges like association with pre adolescent beings, we need to be truthful and straight about these kinds of myths.

For a girl?

>exploring her sexuality

For a man

>sexual predator

Hi, Reddit

You wouldn’t sexually abuse a child if there was not some level of sexual
Appeal to it

Maybe you could say it’s a sexual attraction to abuse or suffering if you want but i think you wouldn’t rape a child unless some part of you sexually desired children

>it’s reddit to agree that age of consent is too hi and popular democracy is trash

....when was the last time you went to reddit ?

Because full grown women are better.

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No. Its not even really a white thing if you include IRL pedos only. Look at your local sexual offenders list. The pedophiles that molested IRL are more often black/Hispanic. Whites are more often because of images.. That's why they want to have stuff like lolicon illegal because its the only way to achieve racial "parity" in sexual offender registers. Counting Hispanics and Indians as white just wasn't enough.

well, this is the difference between "you think" and what is the empirical truth from research.

and frankly, think about it, you're not going to "get it". you're not going to be able to imagine what goes through that manner of damaged mind if your mind is not similarly damaged. you're not even supposed to. so the way you think/feel, albeit inconsequential to the truth, is because you are not "like that".

Define, please.

How is he a sexual predator if he's not the one who put his hand there and he's asleep?

You are lying and you know it. Clap your hands. In fact you are a white pedophile. I am an agent monitoring you.

Whats the sauce on it?

It’s a joke bro

I don’t trust vice as proof of anything, they have an agenda to push deviant sexuality.

Not saying there isn’t some truth to the power thing but I’m not going to play semantics

You sexually do something to a child that makes you pedophelic the root words are quite clear

General consensus

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I knew a girl that was 14 and in love with a 27 year old. She tried like mad to get him to go out with her.

>the root words are quite clear

but it's not clear. that is not going to come close to solving the issue.

I would like, some day, for people to understand psychology better, and curb, if not stop, aggression of any kind toward children. we will not get there just taking these easy answers.

It’s not an easy answer. He is by definition a pedophile, he sexually engaged with a child.

Why are you trying to muddy that water

look at it this way. if we could cast a magic spell that instantly whisks away any and all people (men and women) who have pedophilic thought, would there then, the next day, be no assault on a child which is considered a sexual manner?

no. it would continue. we need to solve it.

because that line of thinking will not ever fix it.

Well dipshit sexual definition is backed up with extensive research, or are you retarded enough to believe some jewish libtard wants his children to be able to change sex at such age without a good reason. Its all on preventing people from feeling like shit and killing themselfs because they dont feel as their gender given at birth, plus if there is doubt you can always delay puberty.

And that shit is wired into their brains, is not some thing they think about and decide. A male boy who has a whim/convinced being a girl just wont pass the tests they put them trough.

Them consenting to sex is whole another thing, even comparing the 2 is some room temprature IQ right there. As someone else said you can convince a child to do anything for candy or a relative easy things (better grades, alcohol, money) or worse for nothing at all if you have a close enough relationship with them. We as a whole ruled that below a ceirtain age you can't be held acountable for your decisions since children are too dumb.

TL;DR: CONCENTING is a choice, the kids GENDER is not.

Childhood ends at different times in different places. A child in America is an adult in mexico. The water is already muddy

They hate the lucky people who can touch perfect and virgins bodies kek

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I've never been, unlike you which has been, 7 minutes?

Yes, because doing something sexual to a child is pedophilic

If you removed everyone with such tendencies then there would be no sexual assaults on children

There would still be assaults in general just not ones or a sexual nature

how about you check the definition again.
pedophile = attraction to children

what you are talking about is a child rapist

I salute your efforts to argue with halfwits. Sometimes these discussions remind me of the 80s where people had ridiculous opinions about homosexuals.

Defining things has nothing to do with fixing them

And you can’t fix sexual abuse or pedophelia

>If you removed everyone with such tendencies then there would be no sexual assaults on children

this is exactly wrong, and it is expressly the point of the research being done. you are simply mistaken.

She'll grow up to be damaged and will maybe fuck up worse than if you just chopped her hand off

Sexuality isn't bad but taking advantage of someone who doesn't even understand what is going on is.. also a 7 year old is even developed enough mentally to cope with it all. But yeah let some 40 year old fuck them right..

understanding the source of the behavior is more than just categorizing it.

>If they get to choose what to eat they will probably die of a heart attack at their 20s.

You mean if they get left alone with mass media and "choose" what to eat based on a flood of advertising, social conditioning and peer pressure.

You can only choose from the set of what you're exposed to.

michiganfag reporting, as long as you're ≥16 you can have sex with anyone ≥16. Romeo and Juliet laws allow you to be 3 years apart and have consensual sex with no penalties. so an 18/17/16 year old can fuck a 15/14/13 year old with no legal repercussions. but they're pretty strict on those laws. i'm a senior in high school and this kid that was in my grade fucked a 13 year old freshman, she cried rape, and he's in jail for 15 years.

Not enough info to draw this conclusion. She was well taken care of, had a full stomach and a full mouth. She'd probably be more well adjusted than your dumb ass. However cutting off her hand will hurt alot and she'll be disfigured/handicapped forever. People will immediately notice a missing hand. If I fucked her brains out and she loved it, she would only think she's a victim because you told her that she was.

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Therapeutic CP is a thing(were clinics ask the grown victims to use it as) but I wouldnt like if pedos that keep to themselfs incentivates that kind of content being made, like buying or selling it etc. it just means more CP will be made because there are people needing to buy it.

I blame tv for making kids into sexual deviance.

>we should shape all society to be perfect and utopian

Or you could just be an adult and help raise children correctly about what to eat and keep them safe from sexual predators like people have been doing since the dawn of time

>we should shape all society to be perfect and utopian

Stopped reading there, because that's not what I said.
Try again without straw-manning me and maybe I'll read your post this time.

Hope this isn’t serious, if so go ur garbage fuckoff

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What the fuck are you even talking about? You are insane.

what you guys are even arguing about ? yes society exposes us to shitty live decisions aswell as good ones, kids are dumb and don't know better, thats why a parent is responsible for his kids and chose for them.

sooo 8 year olds then?

hey dood you are walking on thin ice.

It’s only death sentence worthy when the girls are prepubescent. It’s still somewhat abusive when they are physically mature, but aren’t mentally mature enough to know what they are doing, but nature basically says otherwise.

He’s trying to say people who sexual abuse children are not pedophiles

And I am saying that by definition any sexual abuse against a child is by definition pedophelia

Root cause is irrelevant but he is trying to normalize deviant sexuality ie pedophiles

Sorry, its the only i have

They were pedo apologist Ted gunderson found the tunnels they used to escort them out under the mc Martin pree school

Now that I examine it, yes because the fringes of the spectrum have to flee to the dark corners of the internet rather than debating them openly.

>What is actually the legal definition

Pedo detected

Where is here ? Cause where I’m from it’s 18. From the US .

You must have been exposed to sexual abuse for that to be normal for your young mind lol Stockholm syndrome

2 children having sex before 16 can be considered statutory rape. It happened to me and this 1 girl when we were 15 both said it was consensual and they let us go.

true and dubs, dind't realise it just, read the few last posts you guys had.

The FBI hard at work yet again. Just like the Mueller investigation.

Quit making assumptions. You dont know shit

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what the fuck does porn have to do with politics

>Well dipshit
Starting off with insults, very nice
>are you retarded enough
keeping up the insults in the next line, nice nice
>jewish libtard
Oh damn he going full tard with this one

Gonna give you a free tip user
>insult someone
>expect them to respect/listen/care about your opinion
Choose one
Not the user you are arguing with btw

>who the hell is friends with 5 pedophiles
Way more people than you realize user.

its so fucking disgusting that people in this thread actually think pedos arent the absolute most disgusting people on this fucking planet. its probably the same guys that post in those loli threads every day. Yas Forums is the reason why people hate Yas Forums users

I think because children are property. Owners do not authorize property to have sex with adults. A pedophile violates an owners property rights when it has sex with the child. Sex therefore us an offense. Child learns that sex is an offense. Child is coerced in to silence. Child is filled with existential terror at being the subject of a crime, the sole witness, the property, the subject of desire, the subject of coercion all simultaneously. Child develops unhealthy stress coping mechanisms, bad thoughts, over eating, negative self image, hatred, cutting, depression, suicidal tendencies, feeling of shame low self esteem, mistrust of adults, fear of intimacy, ect. Child grows up. Child turns into a dysfunctional person (DP). DP makes shitty society. DP creates drama all the time. DP ruins life of those around it. DP destroys familial bliss. DP contributes to dysfunction of others. Society suffers. Society views pedophilia as undesirable

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All pedophiles are rapists though. If the child isnt able to talk about the sex with thier parents, its wrong. If its wrong, its rape. Only adults are able to have privacy. Children are property and have no right to privacy from their parents.

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>CONCENTING is a choice, the kids GENDER is not

consenting is a choice, and gender is not, which is why a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl and what a person THINKS - is a choice.

bill clinton

Kids should be able to talk to their parents about sex. Don't you think?

quads, nice

can we get the other 122 sec of this snap?

because all of you kikes deserve to be shot.

Oh boy! You are just beginning your journey

Be carful for you may not like where this rabbit hole goes

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo
Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't

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This has to be the best gif I've ever seen in my life

because they are predators to the weakest in our society. Animals in the wild would kill them for getting near their young.

>if you were molested as a kid YOU will never be the same again
either you become:
-fucked up in the head "boy/girl"
-SUBMISSION slut/whore/trap"boy /girl"
-serial killer"boy /girl
-a another pedo

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There are some great fucking tits in this thread...

>extreme right
gay pedo priests
>extreme left
drag queen story time
gay pride parade
marxist teachers
joe biden
bill clinton went to jeffrey's island while trump banned him from all his clubs

I 100% agree that children should be able to talk to their parents about sex. If they talk about it, the parents would first of all say the children may not have sex with adults.

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In most states its 16. Unless your a woman having sex with an underage boy then you fine.

the children ussually are dying to tell thier parents about the sex they have engaged in with the pedophile. But usually the pedophile will frighten the child into silence.

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>can we get the other 122 sec of this snap?


s response you would expect from satan

Hold up is that the same person?

Been collecting a while now

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friends with epstein... do your homework fucking asshat. he banned epstein from his properties. your boy clinton tho loved travelling to epsteins island ..hmm atleast 26 times.

the girl is bianka used to post her on Yas Forums Yas Forums and /soc/
she was molested and abused as a kid by her dad/stepdad she was fucked up in the head fuckn around underage playin dengros games with guys
she used this 4chaner on the left and he killed her

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>BTW the killer also fucked up in the head
he used to crossdress

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Insecurity leads to needing to differentiate yourself by creating enemies. Pedophiles like gays are an easy target.

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>daddy, can you tell me about sex?
>honey, I will just show you. Take off your clothes.


This thread is pure cancer



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>such small body
me wants

You’re a nigger

All right wing men are pedophiles.

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All men are pedophiles

You mean Democrats

Most of them are Republicans, we know that as a fact.

Nope, it’s obvious it’s a right wing thing. Democrats are more into fatties though, despite most fatties actually being republicans aside from the purple haired lesbos.

they're dumb. Victims of feminism. Believing that the number 18 is the natural age of adulthood. Because feminists told them so.

Lol how do you explain Clinton and their sex Island

Since you niggers decided to make this about politics, I'm just gonna post more tits

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Fuck off, Kevin

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Woman does this, it's alright.
If the genders were swapped, everyone loses their minds

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So true

sauce tho?

Reminds me of the time my 14 year old cousin did that to 11 year old me.

To carry over what a previous user was talking about, the separation of the pedophile/hebephile from the child rapist will very likely never happen in the near future because people already have a bias in mind when they hear the word "pedophile"; an abusive deceitful manipulator who violently rapes and sodomizes a child he kidnapped. People aren't interested in getting to the bottom of why pedophiles are attracted to children because they don't care. They would rather all child abusers die an excruciatingly painful and torturous death over and over for all eternity, and to them, in their mind, CHILD ABUSER = PEDOPHILE. They literally CANNOT make the conscious effort to separate the two groups, because thanks to their upbringing, neighborhood, and the media, they are the same in their mind, and there is no reformation or reeducation or help they would be willing to offer these people, except a bullet in the brain.

>Is sexuality that bad? Is it really ok to shoot someone because they had some fun with a kid?

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Not at all. 70% of child molesters are homosexual


>i dated this pornstar she was unbelievably hot
best days ever

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Some 14 year old girls are little sluts that end up at parties drunk and high on coke meth and god knows what else. They’ll be in enough makeup to look 17 and lie about their age. These girls are banking on getting some older dude to take them home to fuck them. It’s both the easiest and most irresistible pussy if you’re in the right place at the right time. Sometimes you can be the better dude and fuck her instead of the loser that gets her pregnant given you aren’t a complete loser. Sometimes if you’re the decent dude they stumble upon it gives them hope in something better if they’ve had a horrible childhood. Not advocating you get with a young tweaker slut but just think about that.

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no, no. you're replying to two different people. I was not name calling or abusive in this thread. I was the one who told you "not all people who sexually victimize children are pedophiles, and perhaps the majority of people who victimize children are not pedophiles", because the statement is true. Further, I said you don't understand it and can't wrap your mind around it because you're not supposed to, you're not warped like the people who victimize.

Further, further, I said I would like to see psychological progress made to end child abuse in the future, and simply accepting easy answers as "all people who do (this) to (these people) are (this)", are not going to help us reach that end.

>All pedophiles are rapists though

no. simply no. this is not a true statement. I don't care what you say to throw it back at me, you're wrong and you're part of the problem as to why we can't get actual numbers and real data.

The age of consent in Canada is 16 and was just raised from 14 ten years ago. As a teenager I smashed so many 14 year olds it wasn't even funny.


Explain your reasoning. If my little cousin says she wants to marry me when she grows up, and wants to be my girlfriend until then is it really wrong? She enjoys it when I lick her and the other weekend I finally emptied my balls in her and that was the happiest I’ve ever seen her. She‘s literally clinging to my arm right now and has been this entire week. She loves me and she even said she loves it when “we’re” (really me) watching her little sister. She knows that she can’t be a mother yet but she knows she will be one day and she’s okay with waiting.

Is that supposed to be worse than the 20-something year old hamplanet who wants to get rawdogged by random diseased men every night at the club? Who cheats and can’t hold a job? Gtfo man. You’re the one who loves wrong. Not us.

Wow a pro pedophile thread I haven’t seen one of these in a long time.
Is Bill Clinton or Patton Oswald on B today.

damn, son. you're fucked. she's going to tell. they always tell.

yes, it's wrong, but you can't differentiate it from "normal" because you have a broken mind. I really hope you get the mental hospital and not general pop. goodbye, user.

>Is that supposed to be worse than the 20-something year old hamplanet
If the only people willing to touch your dick are kids or slampigs that's on you user. You must be a disgusting human inside and out. Work on yourself or an hero

Whats wrong? Did someone hurt you? It's not me, it's you. Love is love, even if there's an age difference.

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>Love is love


just nope. that's all.

US is different state to state. Most are like 16-17

You're forgetting about all the west virginians fucking their six year old daughters.

Getting all defensive cause he hit too close to home

>Love is love

Greeks knew better than this 2500 years ago.

because thats how females build the state, the law, on which their sex/temporary beauty for constant money contracts rely. The freakshow must be hated, for them to have a reliable third party, which they can then hand "religious" power.
Check it out, if you snuggle next to her this evening. She will bring up some faggot story, to check out- if you still work. If you can be reliable disgusted, if you feelings still work.
This is the definition of love.
Reproducefull feelings.
Reproducefull usefullness.

Let the never ending whatever-parade of disgust begin. Only then they can be sure, even if you leave her, to have a structure which would grant social support and feed your offspring to the pedo wulfes. So you stay. Your hate, is synthetic. Your a puppet.

>something something incel related

k. thanks for your input.


Sick fuckers haha