"LOL thank God I wasn't MUTILATED at birth!"

>"LOL thank God I wasn't MUTILATED at birth!"

Attached: IMG_20191117_205402-e1574290448815.jpg (1000x1333, 71.43K)

how the fuck dis happen? also kys, amerimutt

Unless hes fat, what is the problem?

Whatever helps you cope man.

Glad I had my phimosis sorted out when I was a kid. Sure would hate to be an uncircumcised dicklet!

I'm circumcised and mine looks like that

Cope you fucking dicklet.

shut the fuck up jew. kids dont have phimosis and youre a disgusting freak

I want to ask a serious question. If your penis looks like that aren't you embarrassed to show everybody?

imagine not knowing anything about the human body

its probably not even this poster penis

the pain and cope that mutilated mutts go through is so hard to see
I hope the jews will get what they deserve in the end

No thanks, I know what I need to know to know that youre a disgusting kike

Ok, another question. Why post pics of other guys penises? Like why look at guys penises all day and keep them? I don't understand how a guys head works.

The ADL is pretty strange.

>good goy, stay uncircumcised like our European pets in Europe. May your fertility rates forever be low

Jew, after you wipe baby penis blood off your beard, would you mind killing yourself?

Im having a kid soon. Should i have him circumcised? I dont want his penis to look like that.

No. The man in the pic has a micropenis, which is extremely rare. If your child has problems with phimosis at puberty, you could consider circumcision as a last resort after teaching him to stretch the foreskin. Also encourage healthy masturbation habits during childhood to facilitate the stretching that should naturally occur.

anyone complaining about dicks is a turbo normie because they have no other bad traits to complain about like shitty personality or being ugly/short which are much more crucial if you're a robot

>encourage healthy masturbation habits
Just make sure your kid knows its ok to touch himself in private. Obviously punish touching himself in public, and punish excessive masturbation, but the foreskin is supposed to stretch and grow through the natural exploration of his sexuality that child will go through, and you will severely fuck up your kid if you interfere with that in any extreme way ... including especially circumcision

I know you know its possible to have multiple bad things about yourself at once, so why did you post something so bad?

>"the pain and cope that mutilated mutts go through is so hard to see
I hope the jews will get what they deserve in the end"
Okay Eurocuck

Attached: paR1Duycpe-v3y-5LTsebpUQXOBKqaOnCt6W3DbzRic.jpg (2592x1936, 623.17K)

my dick isn't small, much less microsize, but you need to imagine that really hard to cope with your dry putrid lacerated skin that seems like it's a dead fungus from the middle and upwards
nothing will help you restore that, you will live and die with that thing

>cherrypicking pics of fat men who will have a small appearance even with an average size penis due to excessive fatty buildup in the groin
Why do you Jews want to chop kids dicks up rather than promote healthy eating habits?

maybe reread my post?
if you have time to discuss other peoples dicks like the faggot that you are you should probably use your time for something more useful

I'd love to see a video of a tiny dick like this that grows to like 6+ inches when hard

>anyone complaining about dicks is a turbo normie because they have no other bad traits to complain about like shitty personality or being ugly/short which are much more crucial if you're a robot
Yea, youre just a petty idiot, unsympathetic to peoples problems.

Gently correct the child so he doesnt harm or embarass himself, or you.

i am the polar opposite to this image. my dick is fucking 6 inches but i have phimosis

Getting circumcised wouldn't have helped that guy in anything.

He would have had a 9 inch dick if his parents weren't communists