To newfags

To the newfags of Yas Forums, I'm curious whether you realize how shit this website is compared to its' past. The politicized, repetitive, cancerous, psyop shit you see today is barely a husk of what it used to be. It's less worth it than ever to be browsing this place (by orders of magnitude), so hopefully you find something better to do online.

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>To the newfags of Yas Forums, I'm curious whether you realize how shit this website is compared to its' past. The politicized, repetitive, cancerous, psyop shit you see today is barely a husk of what it used to be. It's less worth it than ever to be browsing this place (by orders of magnitude), so hopefully you find something better to do online.-

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The perfect first post to completely and utterly drive op's point home.

Fuck this I'm out.

Nice half assed way to tell newfags to fuck off, faggot.

OP here. I'm trans sexual if that matters

I hate the porn adverts OP.

Pls pls take them away ....

You are not me, but yes I am a transgirl. So what?

That's pretty gay op.

Allah will not be happy

This is exactly the kind of stupid shit OP is talking about. Imagine making this post in 2010. It would have been out of left field and maybe even an amusing non-sequitor. Now it's just the same endlessly rehashed garbage that is constantly spewing out of Yas Forums into the rest of the site. Absolute bottom of the barrel shitposting and you fucking know it and you have no shame whatsoever because you have some dumbass political agenda.

Who the fuck cares?

Sigh... Just fuck off newfags. Transpeople have always been a part of Yas Forums and that won't change no matter how much you seethe

>This is exactly the kind of stupid shit OP is talking about. Imagine making this post in 2010. It would have been out of left field and maybe even an amusing non-sequitor. Now it's just the same endlessly rehashed garbage that is constantly spewing out of Yas Forums into the rest of the site. Absolute bottom of the barrel shitposting and you fucking know it and you have no shame whatsoever because you have some dumbass political agenda.
>Who the fuck cares?

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i feel like this is a ruse and you're baiting him, but this is unironically true


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Just look at this thread. Honestly, just nuke the site at this point. It's had its' run.

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>ohhhhh trannies have always been part of Yas Forums ohhhhh

Fuck off, porn and trannies are responsible for ruining my favourite board...

R9k is kind of the last bastion. It will also fall with time.

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>reddit spacing
1 trans poster > all you newfag posters

>the LAST bastion
fit is the last bastion. But yes, tannies, porn and women ruin everything

I've been here for over four years, since the election. I'm not a newfag. And it's not reddit spacing it just looks cleaner. Dilate tranny.

>four years
>trump election
Newfag scum, you are the one who ruined your favorite board and you are ruining Yas Forums. Oldfags support trans rights.

>Oldfags support trans rights
You got that mixed up. it's insufferable faggots who support trans rights

How am I a newfag? I've been lurking pol for 4 years and r9k for more than a year.

Just go to r3ddit newfags.

>not a newfag
>only been here for four years
you are absolutely a newfag, this place was never politicized before fucking gamergate and trump. i've been on Yas Forums since 2006 and Yas Forums since it was another moot experiment where we all called each other gentlemen. it wasn't anything like this

based dubs
oldfags like to pride themselves about how they spend their time on Yas Forums since 2006 or something
really, it's retarded

Literally the definition of a newfag. If you're trolling me then you fucking nailed it.

honey, it seems like you haven't been dilating for quite some time

Yas Forums was always shit my dude

Actually cringed irl at these piece of shit posts

I like spacing my sentences.

Does it make you mad?

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Trannies don't belong on Yas Forums. None of this tolerance or acceptance bullshit. We are legion. We like gore. We like scat. We like lolis. We don't like men who dress up as girls. Fucking trannies, go dilate on discord. Trannies are the newfags, they've only been here since 2018 or something. I've been here since 2016 and there weren't nearly as many of them back then.

>We are legion. We like gore. We like scat

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