Anyone wanna talk to me?

anyone wanna talk to me?

im kinda lonely tonight... really lonely actually

either on here or discord is fine. just very lonely

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what you want to talk about user?

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Whole lot of lonely anons here

Anything. I was just staring at my computer screen and nobody was online, and not that those people were really my friends anyway. just mere aquaintances i met on soc who could care less about me

I just want friends

yeah..... i am sorry about that, i wish we all had friends

I feel you user. Guess loneliness is a personal attitude, since I feel lonely even among family and gf.

Wish I had a gf. I'd give her so much attention and love. I'd always be there for her.

I wish I had a girlfriend or friend. To that degree. I'd really be there for anyone right now... i'm so painfully lonely

perhaps you lack something that these people cannot give you

>Anything. I was just staring at my computer screen and nobody was online, and not that those people were really my friends anyway. just mere aquaintances i met on soc who could care less about me
very relatable. I will never understand /soc/fags. it seems they always want to talk but only for a little bit and then never again. very fake and strange
loneliness is something no one should have to feel and yet because the world we live in isn't perfect some get to communicate and some don't. some value that communication but most don't. most people require it in a concentrated form and some people just spread themselves as thin as possible.
if you have a girlfriend and are around her and yet you still feel lonely it's more likely you just don't value the relationship as much as you think

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It seems i require a connection and social interaction more than the average person..... and what sucks is that i have the least social interaction of most people i know

It's painful. yeah soc people really come and go, the guys there are also all trannies or super weird and creepy, and the girls get added by 100s of people so it's very hard to talk to them which is understandable

i wish there was an online outlet for me to talk to people that are around me and arent insane or too odd

also who is that person that youre posting in low resolution?

Hey anons, mind if I join in?

Is there anyone you remember that was invested in you as a person instead of anything else?

Can't say for the girlfriend part, but I can relate to the family part. You got any siblings?

With my first gfs it was the same. I put a lot of time and energy into the relationships since I also was a kissless virgin till 24yo. But eventually they lost interest in me and moved on. Each time I was devastated. My now gf is 10 years older than me, has two kids and puts a lot of effort into me, but I remain a depressed lazy fuck, who would hop into bed with nearly any grill who would let me. The only feeling of accomplishment I seem to get now is when I "score" a girl. I am such a dumb cunt for being sexless 10 years longer than necessary

Hope you start to feel better about yourself bud.

Had an ex

She loved me for three months, got bored of me and got really cold for the remaining three

Really hurt man, it really hurt. it still hurts me despite being about a half year ago

I'm not really understanding you

How were you sexless for 10 years longer than necessary? Havent you br been having sex with your now gf?

>It seems i require a connection and social interaction more than the average person..... and what sucks is that i have the least social interaction of most people i know
I am the same way. Why do you think you're stuck like that? I know I'm like that because I'm a depressed empty shell that has no passion anymore. It's hard for people to maintain interest in people like me. Is it different for you?
>It's painful. yeah soc people really come and go, the guys there are also all trannies or super weird and creepy, and the girls get added by 100s of people so it's very hard to talk to them which is understandable
I really don't care if they're creepy or whatnot, I just wish they'd stick around longer. It's like they don't have same value in interactions that robots seem to have.
>i wish there was an online outlet for me to talk to people that are around me and arent insane or too odd
you and I both. what an invention that would be
>also who is that person that youre posting in low resolution?
they're not the same, and no one in particular.

also, you reddit post quite hard sir. no need to hit enter so often :)

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You are probably right about that. Sometimes I would like to break up with her but on other days I am happy to be with her. My problem is that I can't decide whats the right thing to do

She's probably out there fucking a dude who is worse than you. If she doesn't have to will to commit to something, you probably weren't her first one.

You'll find someone better, as cliched as it sounds.

i feel you user, life rn feels very empty and im kinda just floating along, dont really have anyone to talk to but im used to it by now

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Robot server
All are welcome but read the rules

Other people have their first sex/gf in their teens. I in my mid 20s. I just feel that I wasted so much time figuering out what I want in women and relationships

Yeah it is hard for people to maintain interest in me probably cause i get sad so often, i also too dont have much passion in things anymore. When I do it is very short lived. Like i'll pick up guitar and want to play for weeks then get bored. My interests are also very boring from a general standpoint, I just like having conversations and walking and looking at beautiful things and enjoying general peaceful things.

I understand you, I wish people really wanted to be friends, and wanted to really be something more than just a conversation

Also sorry I'm phoneposting and the spacing helps me get my thoughts out more clearly/in an organized way

Thanks mate. Wish you a nice day

No I think you are right. I have a good feeling she regrets it all. I was a really really good boyfriend and I made sure that I never fucked up, and I really don't think I did. And yeah I was not her first one, judging from general symptoms she seemed to match with having BPD and i found out just recently. she said she had a past with getting bored of guys and I shouldve seen the red flags

It still makes me sad though.... shes my second ex but I felt real deep love for her, and I just really miss that feeling, it always hits me everyday that she's gone and my perception of love has really left me broken, and changed

Op here something for the feels

I wish I could be used to it. I've always tried to cope with the fact I don't have anyone to talk to most days, but it really breaks me inside more and more everyday :( I can't take it. I feel like such a weakling that I need people... I wish I had a lot of friends so I could talk to someone any moment I can

it was okay as you were figuring out what you really wanted. a lot of people such as me throw themselves at any girl who'd show them love even if it's not who I really like or wanted, and it ends up in a poor investment of time and effort wasted

If you're talking about pure sex well I don't know then. I only think about sex with girls I'd really love, they go hand and hand for me

because you seem to be implying you have the same lacking love of life that I do, I'd like to ask you; say you had a friend, a very good friend, someone you loved very much and who very much cared for you back, what would you conversate with them about? thats what I struggle with most. I don't know what to talk about when everything seems so dull.
it's like I need friends so I can be happy but in order to make friends I need to not be depressed so I have something to talk about. it's a sad cycle for a socially inept extrovert
>I understand you, I wish people really wanted to be friends, and wanted to really be something more than just a conversation
too many options, why should they connect with you when they could do so instead with so many other people?
>Also sorry I'm phoneposting and the spacing helps me get my thoughts out more clearly/in an organized way
it's cool, thats fair enough

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well even though you get used to it, its never easy, you always want friends to talk to or people to share your thoughts with, most of the time I just talk to myself like im a fucking lunatic because it beats having to interact with people and getting hurt all over again.

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Guess I am the male form of a slut then. When I get drunk and the mood on a party is good I go for any girl I can get.

I feel like when you do meet a friend that you can at least get along with, maybe a little well, you don't even need to worry about "what" to converse about. Things come out naturally between you two, and you both can say things that will generally interest eachother and hopefully you also share the same humor at moments to laugh about the same things. But thinking wise, there would not have to be a lot of that if you truly get along with someone

That's just how I see it. You shouldnt have to be solving a puzzle to be friends with someone, maybe a bit in the beginning but later on you'll just be yourself around them and it'll be fine

i think they don't connect with me which is why they move on

Take those experiences for the next to you do get a girlfriend man. When you go for the next one, which is one of the only ways you'll find that same feeling again, do what you can to make sure the relation is kept together, but that she's doing well too. It keeps both you and her in check, if that makes sense.

The next one will be it user, I promise.

that is painful user. i wish the universe would grant us nice and friendly friends to have and get along with

no one deserves to talk to themselves

You are not the only one talking to himself. I often do discussions with myself like you would do with a friend

You just want to experience life then, it seems you dont want a relationship at the moment but just sex

Also I mean, at least you have the ability in general albeit late. Most robots here would kill to even have sex once

i dont want you to promise me things user :( There might be more heartbreaks to come, but i really hope in the end i will be able to find the girl i waited so long for

But yes i will definitely take what i know about myself and how i am in a relationship and carry it on. i will treat her even better.....

>23 years old
>mixed race
>IQ of 157

Life is a living hell for me. Working for my schizophrenic dad is getting tiresome but I need money for airsoft bullets.

I'm regularly killing squirrels and birds to feel good and hold on to my sanity, and I'm thinking of moving up to stay cats next.

whats fucked up is that its been like this for so long that i used to prefer it this way. you can only have so many people out to ruin you before you just break. in high school i was the big funny fat guy that was friendly to everyone, and I was naive and dumb. i ended up getting used a lot for different shit and no one ever really cared about me as a person. after high school the people who said were my friends just dropped me like i was worth nothing, so i spent almost a year just bettering myself. lost a shit ton of weight, ate good and just worked out. and the thing is it changes nothing. people still don't care, so you just gotta be one with yourself. its sad but it is what it is.

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that brings me some peace at least

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I've never had a girlfriend in my life, so you are definitely closer than me. Play this game of life like a game of mine sweeper, except the mines are heartbreakers your starting tile is a 7. Play it safe user, and godspeed to you

i'm really glad you lost weight and bettered yourself at least, user. most people in that situation would just cry and let life pass them by, i think i probably would if i was treated that badly in high school

But i also dont really have high school friends they were never really my friends and about 99.99 percent of the people ive met in the past two years have dropped me as well.

I really do get you when you say it just breaks you sooner or later. That is where I am at right now. Everything seems to remind me of how shitty life is. I don't know if I can ignore myself from the reality anymore

I have a small burning flame of hope that's on its deathbed that there will be someone for us, or something that will save us user.... and it or they will change our lives, we just have to keep hoping for the best user