Time once again for arcanines comfiest thread; the robot guitar central...

Time once again for arcanines comfiest thread; the robot guitar central. It is my birthday today and I want good vibes in here while I let the fact I am 28 wash over me. If you hadve told me at 14 that at 28 you would not have made a single album I would havent believed you. At least Im working on it this year.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I do quite enjoy the new /gg/ now that it has moved out of Yas Forums

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>Guitar thread!!!! Maybe if I incessantly poorly play wonderwall females will finally notice me!!!!!!

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>>Guitar thread!!!! Maybe if I incessantly poorly play wonderwall females will finally notice me!!!!!!
Your mum showed me this photo of you. We had a good laugh together.

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>At least Im working on it this year.
post what you got

Dang what a shame. Oh well. Guess it was misguided to try use this place to cheer myself up

do any anons know what song this is? :D

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happy birthday op!!!
take care and have a good one :)

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Happy birthday fren, User your instrument to cheer yourself up instead of relying on a leddit shithole that's hell bent on keeping you down in a cycle of doubt and self loathing. Keep practicing, Keep working on your music, and use your instrument to cheer yourself up, It might need a string change or a retune here and there, But it will never disappoint you.

I'm only interested in playing sonic and dragonforce, any advice?

>any advice?
Download a cracked version of guitar pro, get a gp5 of any dragonforce songs you want to learn, use guitar pro to slow them down to a tenth of the speed, slowly increase speed over time as you get better

thanks for actually helpful advice, I hope things go well for you in your daily life from now on.

>thanks for actually helpful advice
That is why this thread lives here and not on Yas Forums, robots helping other robots achieve their childhood dreams of being a stroomer is peak comfy

Kill yourself frog nigger

I got my first guitar the day before yesterday and I'm loving it! Simply practicing my chords and learning songs through tabs. It's awesome! I hope these threads become a regular thing.

>I hope these threads become a regular thing.
I try to make it regularly. I will also continually use the picture from beck, since it is legit one of my favourite animes ever

I look forward to it. GG is comfy

bro how hard is it?? Just literally record a fucking album already you fucking lazy bum. Me and my band have already released 15 albums and we're the same age as you. It's literally as easy as sitting down and fucking recording it.

I bet all your albums suck.

Has anyone got some good resources for flamenco guitar? So hard...

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>Me and my band have already released 15 albums and we're the same age as you.
That is fucking awesome. Good shit manz


read it and weep faggot.

Fucking barf. Kill yourself, you no-talent hack.

I do not understand this is not your music

I am 22 and me and my friends went to a beach house over the summer for roughly two weeks and wrote and recorded our debut album. We haven't released it yet due to Rona but we are going to put it out on vinyl. It's not that hard. The album maybe a bit of shitty and lofi but at least I can say I have an album. You need to stop making excuses for yourself and just focus on recording an album and commit to it. No bullshitting around.

>Still waiting for Gibson or Epiphone to reissue the Buckethead Sig


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op specifically said good vibes

The headstock makes it look very strange. I am not sure if I like it or not

just ordered a new mexican fender strat for 600 bucks. I hope it's worth it

>guitar thread
Finally, a chance to show off my skills... Check this out, frens:
Pretty good, huh?

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>play in 6 different bands over the course of 10 years
>i've played at a few large music festivals like SxSW and Psych Fest
>only girls who notice me are middle aged ladies and hippies
>why can't I impress a nice, conservative girl??

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