23 year old, mixed race man with diagnosed autism and an IQ of 157

>23 year old, mixed race man with diagnosed autism and an IQ of 157
>hate life because it is inherently evil
>realize I am the only being that is not evil, realize there is no use living in pain so I join the conglomerate

I killed 47 birds and 13 squirrels today. This is what I have to do to keep my humanity as I have a feminization number of 112.5

If I hadn't been born autistic I would have had an IQ of 105 and could have been free. I could have been having sex with empty women and murdering people without fear.

Life is truly satanic.

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Can someone give me a quick, original rundown on this guy?


this sounds fun

whats a feminization number?

none of the information in that post is true, that man is not you, and you haven't killed any animals today, dumbass user. Everyone is locked inside.

IQ wiring and ceiling, prenatal hormones effect your digits. Whites have an IQ wiring capable of 140 points and have an average feminization of 115. Arabs have a wiring capable of healthily producing an IQ of 120, and have a feminization of 95.

Why wouldn't it be true? You are a satanic schizophrenic.

what is the result of a feminization number, high to low?

How does the number describe the person?

stop killing animals needlessly user, we are the shepherds of this land, not its defilers.

Lower results in schizophrenia and higher results in aspergers and autism. I am past my feminization wiring and therefore autistic.

This number decides how insane and how sentient a person will be.

Is a shark killing it's prey murder? No. I am forgetting myself and doing what I must, I have to do this to soothe the pain of living.

You know he's mentally ill, right? Why would torment him like this? He's also a much better looking guy than I'm sure you must look like.

I am in a wasteland, a lone soul in a sea of schizophrenic sharks.

In real life, you're closer to schizophrenic than I'll ever be.
Stupid too.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184.24K)

>IQ of 157
Nope. Lies.

who's the real guy? Is this OP larping as another online person?

What would you guess it is based off of the photo?

why do you want to keep your humanity?

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Why are you posting my DNA test results? I am more intelligent than you could ever dream of being. I am the most intelligent man that I have ever met. No one has ever been my equal, I am like an adult in a room full of children.

You are schizophrenic. Your brain is entirely shut off. You are an evil and satanic being. You realize you can only do what you are doing because you are unintelligent, right? A smarter man can not commit the evil than an inherently evil schizophrenic could.

I'm not committing any evil.
I'm simply telling you the truth.

And the truth is you are a dumb nigger compared to me

You are full of rage and hate. You are trying to encryptively defraud me, you are trying to take my identity and use it against me. How can you say this is not evil?

You cannot even realize what you're doing, that is part of the inherent evil that comes with being autistic. To you this is funny, to you this is a game. You are like a predatory hawk, purely satanic in nature.

And in the human species, this is generally true.

The smarter members are kinder, more giving, and caring.

I am 157 IQ. That is still murderous.

I can't believe I am being liquid chris'd right now by a fish.

what the fuck are you on, jesus fuck. i have seen some retards here but youre fucking off the wall

Pure evil. Like a cougar stalking his prey. Like a komodo dragon patiently waiting for the bison it bit to slowly die from the venom. You have your prey in sight and your mind is hyperfocused on the kill.

That is all you are. A dumb predator performing it's only task.

You are a fat pig.
Stop using my face

>Extremely smart
>it's only task
Dumb encryptively defrauding poster

this faggot not again

Stop trying to steal my identity. Surely there is no point in reasoning with a shark. Can a sea lion convince a great white to release it from it's jaws?

No. A dumb predator. That is all you are. You will stay and defraud until your kill has been consumed. That is all you know.

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>I am the only being that is not evil
>*does something evil*
That's why I feel iq shouldn't be emphasised on so much when this kind of thing still happens. You're so dumb.

>157 IQ
>it's jaws
Dumb encryptively defrauding poster

Dumb frog poster

Anyone picking that ugly fucking green toad is automatically dumb.

alright buddy here's your (You) now stop being edgy on the internet

>157 IQ
>confuses the world with himself

A true schizophrenic. Can you not leave me alone? You can't even conceptualize the pain a man like me feels every day. You cling to every mistake like a baby chimp clings to its mothers back. You want the kill, you are a satanic beast.

no such thing as a high IQ spic

Just look into the eyes of OP and look how dilated his pupils are and how masculine his face is.

Ask yourself if that's 92 IQ

How smart would you say he is based off of the picture alone?

>157 IQ
>Tries to reason with satanic beasts
Dumb encryptively defrauding poster

You cannot even comprehend what a rhetorical question is. I am speaking into a void. I am looking into the cold eyes of a shark as it swims towards me at full speed.

idk but you can tell he's schizo from his facial expression