Hey champ can i talk to you for second my man? listen, i know you've been feeling down lately and that's ok...

>hey champ can i talk to you for second my man? listen, i know you've been feeling down lately and that's ok. there's shame in feeling bad. but i saw some of your messages on Yas Forums and you said you didn't want to live any more. that breaks my heart champ. i wish i was a better father and didn't let things get this bad. i promise you champ i'm going to be more involved in your life and i want to see you happy. just remember champ, you're my champ and i love you

Attached: sq2cnn526x631[1].jpg (502x407, 35.95K)

fuck you dad i dont know what Yas Forums is ive never used any of that.

> dad i don't know what Yas Forums is ive never used any of that.
but really, what dumbass leaves Yas Forums tabs open

>you're hostile and i don't blame you champ. whether you used Yas Forums or not is not important. just know that you can come to me for anything when you're feeling down

Dad, I don't trip or namefag. What makes you think those posts were mine?

Who is this "four chan" to which you're referring?

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dad I'm not down I'm doing fine in school I'm doing fine in everything. I didn't use any Yas Forums

>i know how Yas Forums works champ. i tried using it a couple times to see some of the funny frog pictures you like so much. i saw those (You)s. you got a good sense humor and a lot of people like you. i wish you understood how many people would love your personality if you let it shine champ

>i can hear the pain in your voice when you say that champ. it's ok to cry and be vulnerable in front of your dad. i won't judge you champ

No Dad there's no pain in my voice there's nothing . There's nothing in my voice. I don't use Yas Forums, the hacker you mean? I don't know him. I'm gonna go out I'm going out dad

>is it alright if i go with you champ. it's been a while since our father/son walks. remember those walks we used to when you were a kid. those are my favorite memories, spending time with you champ. i still want to spend with you

Well it's too bad mom divorced you and moved away when I was little and I never got to see you growing up. Because I think not having you in my life, especially during those developmental years, has left me off a lot worse and I didn't realize it until high school but I was too far gone by that point. Or maybe I was always going to turn out this way regardless and I was just always going to be a disappointment. Oh well, at least I can still hope to kill myself once you and mom have passed.

no it's not alright dad , I want to go by myself. I don't remember any of our walks. I don't remember anything.

>i'm sorry champ. things didn't work out between your mom and i and you were the victim in all this. i moved because i thought a better job would mean more money so you would have a better childhood. now i see all you wanted was me to be there for you. if i could do anything for you champ it would be do that all over again. i wish i made the right choice. listen champ, you're never too far gone. i promise you we can rebuild our relationship.

>alright i'm sorry champ. i'll let you go. maybe we can see a doctor for your memory loss. i'm sure it's nothing though champ. just remember though, i love you

uh yeah sure. see you around dad.


it's funny because it's very surrealistic

>see champ, that's that humor you have. you always crack me up. why don't you ever try that with the ladies. they love a guy who make them laugh. tell you what champ, you and me, this weekend go down to the bookstore and see if we find a pretty girl for you

Please come live with me and mom again dad, we'll be better I promise

>tearing up reading this
Why did I have to have a narcissist as a father, i could have had a dad that actually likes his kid

>i'm sorry champ i don't think your mom and i can make it work. listen us not being together had nothing to do with you. i love you and you're best kid i could ask for. you don't need to be better for me champ. let me tell you something champ, let me talk to you mom and we'll see if you can move in me.

>listen champ forget about that past. I know it's hard but just focus on what you have now. you have me now champ. you're an awesome person to be around and any less of good childhood was not your fault. don't beat yourself up over this champ. love yourself, you're worthy of it

feels bad man. same here

>it's ok to cry champ. emotions are nothing to be ashamed of champ

Based dad LARPer

>lol, there you go again champ. love that humor. you're pretty "base" as you say it champ

My dad was never like that. If he knew I wanted to die he'd just try to beat it out of me. Fuck you OP.

>champ that's awful. nobody who beats their son can call themselves a man. you're still carrying that pain champ and i understand. you had a traumatic childhood and i wish that didn't have to happen. i can't undo that champ, but what i can promise is that going forward you'll have real father in me champ.

I genuinely hate you with every fiber of my being, OP.

>champ, i don't blame you dude. you have a lot of anger inside you. that's ok, that's nothing to be ashamed of. just don't take out on hurting on people champ, you don't want perpetuate the cycle. it's ok to hate me, i just want to see you move past this and become a better person

Yeah yeah "dad" I'm getting in the car ok? Enough sappy shit just take me job hunting.