My dad is black and my mom is white ama

my dad is black and my mom is white ama

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Your not a real anime gurl are you?

What race do you play in D&D

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half orc

no, my late twenties black biofather statutorily raped my teenage white mother. Ask me Anything.

Omg do you look like marco gonzalez?

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Your not even a gurl as well, so what are you, trans?

Why are you alive?

So what was it like growing up with a single mom?

nope i have white facial features, slightly curly hair and light brown skin

no why?

it sucks im mentally ill because of it

not meaning to worry you guys but I think I might be psychic

>Why are you alive?
my brother was born when she was 17. i was a surprise parting gift when she was 20.

Tran I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as white people are authorized to shoot people of color for trying to defraud me

You think you can use anime gurlz to trick me into clicking your posts, huh? Well your still just as much of a failure as the rest of us.

If I was her I would have got an abortion.

My late 20s native American father statutory raped my teenage mom. Are you ashamed of your nigger blood? I'm pretty ashamed of my chug blood

yup well done user


its supposed to represent my momma and poppa. kinda weird

>If I was her I would have got an abortion.
I wish she had to. my older brother is a psycho
no, not ashamed. pretty disappointed my mom and biological father are both idiots though.

I would play D&D with you

Do you have bad knees?
Just wondering.

i played once in high school and i suck at it. im also very anxious

no, is that a thing?

there's no bad answer with RNG, I'm also incredibly anxious a lot as well but I tend to keep it bottled up

>my dad is black and my mom is white ama
how big is ur pp?

hmm maybe


kind of small...

so, have you raped someone? how many time have you been in jail?

>statutory rape
So basically she wanted the D but then people found out and she didn't want the consequences, so she cried rape as a cope

is it?

never raped or been to jail. im only 19 though

My dad is white and my mom is Mexican

Everyone assumes I'm white but my hair is thick and dark, completely unlike my balding dad. Everything else I think I got from my father.

thats not statutory rape. the girl is willing but its illegal because theyre 14 or 15 or whatever.

>Not a Kenku
Why live?

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Nice op
My dad is black+asian and my mom is white

No it's not a thing just thought I might know you thats all.

My dad was Marco Gonzales and my mother was the earth herself. Like God gave rise to Jesus, I gave rise to myself, Marco Gonzalez.

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