You guys play bass?

You guys play bass?

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It's okay if you don't, I haven't played in a while.

I learned Long View by Greenday and attempted to learn Pretty Girls Make Graves by The Smiths.

Mike Dirnt to Andy Rourke is a huge jump in skill.

lol, there were other songs but I don't want to sit here listing them all those two are just the most fun. I spent more time just messing around with repetitive riffs I came up with. I struggle to pick out the bass in some songs though. I wish I could get good but guitar keeps my attention for longer.

>guitar keeps my attention for longer
The same with me except with the Hurdy Gurdy. Have you considered learning some Dinosaur Jr. riffs?

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yes, love to play some Metallica

Ride the Lightning and Death Magnetic both have back to back good bass riffs.

Learn the riffs on bass? I do enjoy listening to You're Living All Over Me greatly. I haven't ever looked at it. Aren't hurdy gurdys not really expensive?

play bass in 2 bands. alt rock bands, but I prefer punk rock

Yep, or at least I'm just starting to learn. Dug up a Squier jazz bass my parents gave me years ago while I was cleaning my room.
>tfw no calluses
>tfw want to practice more but my fingers hurt like hell
gonna keep at it though
Any fun lines or drills I should learn as a sorta noob?

I got mine from my grandpa when he fucking exploded. The listings I see online price them at aroung 1,000 to 1,500 canadian last I checked
Based. I want to start a post-hardcore band
I started with Scott-era Weezer. I can't imagine Matt-era is much harder.

yeah you could say that i do

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Good call user, thanks. I like Weezer quite a bit.

Your hand is meant for bowling

>no friends to start a band with
>never been in a band in my life, after playing guitar for seven years
>friend keeps telling me we can Skype and jam together, but it never happens because she's too stoned all the time or something

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I live this same hell

Bass is my first instrument but I ended up playing drums in my band because we can't find a third member.

You're on par with Mike Kinsella. Time to start a solo side project.

yes. Here's a bit of my playing if ur interested

based, Metallica basslines are fantastic, and an amazing right hand workout if you play everything fingerstyle like Cliff did.

as a beginner, I'd recommend just learning short riffs and trying to play them well.
take this video for example, and try to learn at least 5 riffs a day just by using your ear. That'd be a pretty great early training. Once you feel more confortable, maybe you can move on to the full songs.

I've tried to do my own thing, but I find improvisation to be the main source of my enjoyment in music making. Doing stuff solo isn't fun for me and I don't really like writing fully formed songs.

I want to play again, but I don't have the space and my landlord is a cunt.

I'm currently learning Ride the Lightning (by ear, using the isolated lines from youtube), very good bass line
Yeah man, his attack was very strong, and got lots of open strings and power chords, his style reminds me of Geddy lee by putting lots of types of notes (4th with 8th and 16th and stuff like that) truly an amazing player, sad that his lines are very buried in the mix and you can hear only his muddy tone

apparently, the reason Cliffs tone is so buried in RtL and MoP is because he insisted for using guitar pedals (NOT bass pedals) in his effects loop, which would end up cutting low frequencies from his tone.
A real shame, I wish we could hear the amazing solo he's playing in Call of Ktulu during the verses. In the current state, it's just buried behind all the guitars.

Hmm, that makes sense. If you listen to some Black Sabbath on some subwoofer (or other speaker with good low end) you can hear that the bass has a FUCKTON of low end, but in Metallica bass is basically high and mid.

Playing alone it's like masturbation, some day or another you won't have fun with it. It's sad, but try to improve yourself on the guitar and record yourself playing some riffs, use social media showing your skills and maybe someone will call you to do some stuff

Is he calling you to schedule a jam session or to actually play over skype? The latter would be pretty much impossible due to all the latency you would have to deal with.

Tried bass a while back and couldent get into it. I love a solid bass line but I have a really hard time hearing myself if I'm the one playing it and I always get lost almost immedietly. Started playing guitar like 4 months ago and can already hang with most 4 chord jam sessions on simple rythem stuff.
>t. played trumpet for years and hated/loved it

I don't know what we were gonna do, swap ideas or something. I don't know how it would have worked.

Yeah, I play bass in an experimental jazz rock band. Sounds pretentious, but I assure you we're a bunch of hobgoblin degenerates. Lots of odd time signatures and weird song structures because fuck it. I love playing bass, mostly because it's my most competent instrument. My drummer and I can lock into a groove like it's nobody's business. My main influences are John Paul Jones and Geezer Butler, although there are a smattering of other influences scattered in there.