/r9gay/ - #1008

Soft cute cowboy bf edition

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Same.. wish they're so perfect irl like we saw in the media..

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What are you anons up to tonight, /r9gay/?

Bros tfw no /k/ bf, I think I just found a very /k/ dude in fb and he's so cute..

Are you going to make him your bf?

I-I don't know, I'm kinda scared to tap that "message" button let alone I don't know if he already had a gf/bf since his profile is mostly private..

Good luck to you getting a /k/ bf either way, user.

anyone else absolutely hate facial hair? I even love manly dudes but hairy faces especially disgust me. Pubes and stuff are gross too if not at least trimmed. I don't want to get hair in my mouth.

Thanks user, I'll just send him a friend request first though..

Why is the thread so slow? It's gonna get deleted.

Dead thread today, that sucks. I wonder where everyone is.

>go on drive like I usually do once a week
>do this because it makes me feel slightly better
>aimlessly driving around like normal
>find myself driving towards a place that gives me pain to think about
>never done that before
It didn't feel good to realize that

its friday night user...

Where the fuck do you think you are, anyone going out on a friday during quarantine is probably some annoying normie

Exactly, most of r9gay are normalfags.

I've been trying to talk to people. Perhaps talking to people related to this has been a mistake, there's a lot of pocket spaghetti in these parts and it's embarrassing.

Do any of you guys like urban exploration? I find industrial areas with those sodium lamps to be comfy.

I've been skating alone and listening to music every since quarantine started, its nice because I dont have to deal with my roommate. Been going out for a bit and just enjoying places that would usually be packed with people

Would anyone date a boy who had 3 freckles on his butt?

I'm too clumsy to skate, but I do take my bike out a lot.

I like biking too. I've been really sick lately (not the rona just bad luck) but I hope to get out there every day I can once I feel better.

>tfw no bf to choke me with his hands during anal intercourse

Skating is pretty easy, could probably learn in a few dedicated hours, plus theres a lot of videos you can watch for basics.

Honestly skating is one of the most free feelings you can have, nothing better than cruising around empty streets

>tfw no bicycle because I'm sure niggers will steal it
at least gas is cheap now

I hope you feel better user. Do you have a favorite place to go?

I just go as far as I can when I feel well. I really wanted to get as athletic as I could so that, hopefully, I can attract more people. The problem is that I'm short and it sadly hasn't seemed to help much. It's also really hard to find other guys to date, unless I'd have to just give up and start wearing a rainbow bracelet. It's really frustrating because I don't want to broadcast that kind of thing, but unless you do there's just no hope.

>tfw no 3 freckles on butt bf

I want a cock inside me where a womens pussy would be on me. Up the ass is weird, it doesn't hit that perfect spot.

why do virgins have the weirdest fucking fantasies?

t. virgin

tfw no bf to teach me how to skate
tfw no bf to go skating at night during lockdown while we chit chat and listen to music

Hey there mister
>tfw no bf to play rdr 2 with

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I think the longer it goes on the weirder your ideas of real life become in isolation. I agree, virgins develop the most bizarre fucking ideas in the absence of physical intimacy. This often creates a lot of sexual anxiety and dysfunction because reality is nothing like what they see in porn, or what they invent in their heads. It's largely for this reason I really try to avoid virgins, they're exceptionally dysfunctional the 2 I tried to date. Super anxious, super inept, and often unwilling to admit they have problems.