Anime basically ruined your life. Think about it

Anime basically ruined your life. Think about it.

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anime has been there for me through every bad time in my life

anime probably made it better if anything I am the weirdo

Both of these.
I'm brain damaged from a stroke I had at birth and childhood abuse and neglect made me withdrawn. I got into anime in my 20s and it had no real impact besides giving me a fun hobby.

Speak for yourself weebfag, I've only ever watched two animes and my life sucks anyways.

My life was already ruined when I turned to anime for escape.

Anyone else like to pronounce anime as "an-nyme" instead of "a-ni-may"?

I pronounce it a-nee-mee.

I've never watched an anime desu. And i don't want to start, given how oversaturated and corporate is seems to have become. It seemed pretty comfy tho


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Anime has change my life for the better.
>removes stress
>am happy
>able to better myself
>have a good paying job
>going back to school around fall
Honestly, for those that are saying anime made their life worse are fags that are blaming the media and not themselves.

>>able to better myself
>>have a good paying job
explain the impact of anime on this without cringe

Read manga because there is no bullshit.

>never watched anime except when forced by cute girls
>life is still ruined

ehhh, I think video games were more a hamper on my life than anime

you know the difference between a project that's made with love in mind, knowing people will buy it. Versus a product made to nickel and dime you

>be depressed and not wanting to do anything
>watch anime and read manga that are high spirited and pure escapist fun
>suddenly have the motivation to do things again
Not so hard to understand.

Any suggestions? yllanigiro

So it's just you, not anime that got you a job. It's like saying your trainer got you (athlete) the world record, which is cringe.

Well, what are your favorite genre?

I've only ever really watched Cowboy Bebop, and that show can only bring you good.

without the/a trainer, he wouldn't have gotten the medal
without the anime, he would not have had the motivation to change

not a hard concept to understand you're just autistic

>So it's just you, not anime that got you a job.
No shit, pay attention.

grand adventures and mystery are the two that come to the top of my head

I mostly fixed my life and then started liking anime like 2 years ago. It's pretty cool, fun and stress reliving, and has even inspired me to improve my life in some respects.

But I don't watch that trash

I am mostly a romcom type of guy so I probably can not give you a good recommendation.
>grand adventures
Try out one piece, I like the series, mind you this has like 900 something chapters so it will keep you busy.
No clue for this one. Sorry.

If watching anime cured your "depression", then you weren't depressed in the first place you dumb faggot.

i cant enjoy anime anymore because everytime I watch one I immediately imagine a building full of overly stressed chinks working overtime for pennies

manga is where the soul is

Because you used cringe.
>watch anime and read manga that are high spirited and pure escapist fun
>suddenly have the motivation to do things again
You just didn't want to move your ass. Realizing you're a shame for your family / don't have any money to live is the real argument

Anime helped me move on from a very bad period of my life. Now I'm doing pretty OK and still watching anime.