My dad bought me a house when I was 16 LOL. Do you have any idea the type of girls ive fucked...

My dad bought me a house when I was 16 LOL. Do you have any idea the type of girls ive fucked? Literal model 10/10 goddesses, they looked like the hottest girls from your school. Do you want to see my car? Do you have any idea how girls look at me when I drive this thing? And to top it off I was given a job that makes 120,000 a year LMAO. The job isnt even hard, any of you 90IQ morons could do it LMFAO.

So in short, fuck you, my dad is better than you
Get fucked poorfags
Im laughing at all of you

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Is there anything more autistic than this? I think not

Dont bother replying to me I dont want to catch the poor LOL

i know this is almost definitely bait but do you ever feel any cons at being born with a gold spoon up your ass? i know a few rich kids too and while half of them are content and happy and feel blessed, the other half are kind of fucked up since they were never challenged or felt they had to live up to such specific standards

larping poorfag

Whenever I feel the sad coming on I just go fuck a hot as fuck 18 y/o
They do anything for me, I bet you fags are the type to lean in to kiss her, I just sit back and have her work me
Bitches love my money I dont give a fuck
When youre rich you can do anything
Bro this girl im with right now looks exactly like a young Emma Watson
Its fucking nuts bro you dont even understand

Hey anons, how many millions of dollars would be worth it to have slanty eyes and a one-inch dick?

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youre like e-bilzeran lol

>mfw someone tells me they havent been outside in 5 years
Bro LOL I spent 400 dollars on my dinner tonight
You dumbfuck

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Im white
Why would I want that?

>people unironically work 8 hours a day for 10 bucks an hour
Gods your lives must be terrible
Thats why I come here, I hate poor people
You dumb cunts

I grew up poor but eventually my parents landed better jobs and we were middle class I guess. So I was transferred to some rich kids high school and I assumed everyone there to be a bitch about it but nah most of them were humble and grateful and the other half were like rebellious type kids that went against their parents by like doing "bad" stuff like smoking weed and drinking and getting tattoos and shit and whenever I asked them why they did that shit they would mostly say what you said. They never got challenged or struggled or worried about stuff most people do and so it causes them to wanna be different so they become fucked up.

glad you and your family made it up user thats really great of them and im happy to hear their hard work ended up being worth it. and yeah honestly i used to wish my family was rich when i was young but now that im older im just glad were all healthy and my parents are together and we enjoy spending time together

LOL this is such cope
Youre too poor to know anyone rich
My teenage life was spent cruising around at night with my buds, hanging out at our beach house and fucking dumb hot teenaged girls
Your life is shit LMAO fuckin kys poorshit retard youll never accomplish anything without money like me

You are just an ATM for them. They dont love you.

thanks man I know this sounds cheesy but I appreciate it.
I feel you on the rich part everyone loves money and it solves problems but when you get older you realize how money really starts most of the worlds problems and really is manipulative.

I owned a house at 22 and started out making $135,000 at my first job out of college, but I don't think this level of wealth is rich by any means.

AGH! rich people are assholes! Give me some of that money you fucker!

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my most insane sexual fantasy is when a women sees my penis, the first thing she'd do is get on her knees and suck my cock so good she'd get her labia fucked. "That's why we got some people with good tasting vaginas" he said to me when I proposed I switch the geting dirty talk. God fucking damnit that happened. Bummer. No training. That's another story though. Because I have no training in cock sucking I had to develop my technique on my own. Most of the time this ended up being sex with women in nightclubs or phone sex from someone's house. To be honest it was hell. But it was heaven to me when I got a woman I really wanted to talk dirty with.

They work hard for me, you know?
Theres love, theres lust, and theres bowing down to my millions
Youve probably never even seen a woman submit before you fucking clown
Dumb poor cunt kys

What do you do for a living? STEM field?

hell no its not cheesy. my parents also came up from being poor to upper middle class and im thankful as fuck for their hard work and love them. im glad your family has come up too. hope you and your loved ones are all healthy and happy bro

hes larping, you must be retarded

I am a poorfag but I LARP as a rich guy and get well off roasties to loan me money from their trust funds then ghost them LOL. I guarantee you its way more fun.

I'm well-aware there are people more fortunate than I. Not sure how this is supposed to make me angry.

money dupe glitch hasn't been patched since it was discovered lmao put in 5$ get 10$, put in 10$ get 20$ and all you do is buy shares lmfao

the biggest trick was hiding this from anyone too lazy to not research it themselves, aka 90% of people and convincing them that they can ruin their entire life the stock goes down

Ahahahhahaha you dumb piece of shit
Fucking bow down and grovel beneath me you worthless fuck
Learn your place actually it sounds like you already do LMAO

Its literally free money, its actually hilarious to me that dumb faggots are slaving away so the stock market goes up and I make even more for doing nothing
I could retire but it looks cool to have a fancy job title
Poor people compliment my car sometimes, its so hard not to throw shit and laugh at them, but my dad said its a bad idea because thats how revolutions happen

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
P.S You're a cool guy OP

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>upper middle class
LMFAO the fucking delusions of this place
You piece of shit fuck you
Go be poor in another thread, youre lucky im even letting a rat like you read this

Not a larp, believe what you want. I could buy your house and fuck your mom if I wanted to. The police work for me bitch dont get rowdy or ill silence you.

Thanks bro that means a lot
Kidding LOL its hard to give a fuck about some poor fag when I got 18 y/o hot as fuck hunnies slobbering on my dick
You ever had a foursome with 3 women?
Thats what I call an average Tuesday
Life is so great, why cant you see that?