Would you date a girl with bpd? Have you dated one before?
Would you date a girl with bpd? Have you dated one before?
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Can't say I've been with that kind of girl, but have experienced one during high school. She was interesting.
My only gf was bpd. The intense moments were the best in the world and I didn't even mind helping her threw the lows. Unfortunately one day something snapped and she left for good and never talked to me since.
I loved her more than anything and still miss her every day.
I dated one for 6 months. She used to tell me she loved me and cry in my arms thinking I was gonna leave her or I hated her or I was gonna cheat. And then one day out of nowhere she did all the things she was paranoid of me doing.
It's literally been over 2 years and I'm still not ok about it.
It's not a hard no, but can't say I would stay around long if her bpd is really bad
>tfw no qt bpd yandere hapa gf
fuck bpd women. I dated one for a month, one instant she was all lovey dovey and wanted hugs and stuff, the next she would shittalk me and be rude. I remember one night we were just hugging in bed, then literally the next morning she left and never came back lol.
Don't even bother with this shit bros. It's not worth it and it will more than likely not last.
You should try coding. You seem scary smart; I think you would be good at it.
This sounds hot as fuck.
This is also a very original post, fuck the bot.
What does it mean you've had normal relations but are specifically drawn to this kind of unstable gf
Tried dating one a few years ago, it was a disaster. Never again. They're terrible. Here's a few examples:
>Went to a house party with her, she took a few sips from a can of Bud Light and started stumbling around and yelling how "drunk" she was. Told her to knock it off and she immediately did, but not before kicking a hole in the wall of the room we were standing in -- while in front of like 20 other people.
>Invited her over to my dorm and she wanted to watch me play Halo Reach, so I put it on and she immediately straddled me and started making out, but then jumped off and slapped me, punched me, screamed at me, and locked herself in my bathroom for half an hour crying.
>Caught her sticking un-bent paperclips under her fingernails while we were sitting at a fucking Starbucks.
Looking back I'm so glad I cut ties with her, she was a fucking psycho. My big 'no no I gotta get out' moment was when she invited me over to watch a movie, but 15 minutes in she pauses it, runs over to her dresser, and proceeded to pull out multiple prescription bottles of anti-psychotics and popping pills from them.
BPD people in general are horrible tragedies, but the girls only get fetishized because men with BPD are so aggressively dangerous that they could murder you at a moment's notice.
No, but my first gf was before I really knew what BPD was
>was 17, already had sex with 5 guys before I met her
>threatened to kill herself if I ever left her. Threatened to kill herself even if I didn't leave her
>begged me to knock her up, but would freak out and talk about abortion if her period was a day late
>glass heart, would break down and cry at the drop of a hat
>hated other women, called them "cutthroat bitches" who would steal me away from her
>would give me the silent treatment if I was nice to female wait staff
>would talk to guys on dating apps. "I'm not really using it to date. I just like talking to people". Would get mad at me for feeling uncomfortable
>she would break up with me and then sleep with guys on dating apps or male friends, then come crawling back begging me to take her back (I did, because I was a retarded faggot with no self-esteem)
>would get drunk and high and then tell me that she might cheat on me because alcohol and weed make her horny
>basically forbidden from having female friends
Yeah, don't do it guys, you might as well kill yourself because she'll murder your soul
It . Is . Not . Worth. It
All ya want me but then I'm put to cage, because ya can't stand me. It's not fair. You just come back to be spoiled. Not to be bitten. Why not?
Also OP pic feels like 60 percent accurate.
Do bpd women really hate all other women and think of them all as whores?
Hmmm, maybe bpd women are, dare I say it, based??
Are you an irl qt hapa yandere bpd gf?
Everyone who dates a bpd whore automatically becomes a cuck
you are a stupid retarded inbred tranny nigger actually
Bro I'd date just about anything at this point as long as it doesn't have a penis
No, this is bullshit.
-had 2 long term relationships with bpd girls, listen to vocaroo for what to expect
Noo... What that other guy said.
So sleepy. I don't understand at all why you guys are marketing us like this. Think this is like making those crystals again, huh? So funneh. Well, I don't like it. At least send us men that won't run away.
Then get out of here. I don't have any tolerance for walking axe wounds
Sorry user don't hear anything. Mind giving a rundown?
The only males who can handle the BPD gf are sociopaths/psychopaths. These two (BPD female + APD male) are the romeo and juliet of personality disorders.
I'm APD and had a few BPD gf's. Here's a story:
>we living together
>having a fight, don't remember about what.
>I start playing some vidya cuz whatever
>she leaves room for 5-10 mins
>comes back, saying
>"user you better call an ambulance bc I just took your last 15 zanny bars."
>I pause game, pissed
>seriously this girl loved getting me super pissed, most people get freaked the fuck out when I lose my temper, instead it made her wet
>she's just staring at me, feeding off this shit, pissing me off even more
>"No ambulance," I say, with authority, "no ambulance for you, bitch. You deserve none, you get NOTHING, BITCH! NOW GO IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM and force yourself to vomit them up, fingers down your throat, OR I WILL SIT HERE AND WATCH YOU DIE, okay? Very simple. Do you want to live or not. You know what to do."
>she goes to bathroom, hear retching sounds
>unpause my game cuz whatever
>she comes back, "I got rid of them."
>"Fine, bitch, now that you destroyed my pills you're gonna make it up to me and suck my cock."
>she sucks my cock.
And that is how you handle the BPD gf.
>sucked your dick with vomit mouth
Yeah I fucked her ass too, like I gaf.
Seriously dudes are such pussies these days, jfc, "vomit mouth, wahh" lmao at this faggot
>The vomit layer adds in texture to the feel
I don't have jewish drugs lying around my house so I would never get in this situation in the first place. But yes, I don't generally give a shit when people threaten to harm themselves. Not my problem.
>went on one date with one
>managed to scare me off in 2 hours flat
>she still had the best conversational skills of any woman I've ever met, and seemed genuinely excited to talk to me
I could try it cause a ton of the stuff in that image turns me on, but I doubt it would work
You both sound like human vermin, and you have my pity.