Time for a classic /drunk thread/ corona in corona edition...

Time for a classic /drunk thread/ corona in corona edition. Please post a comfy song for everyone to enjoy and also tell us what you are drinking. I am having corona instead of my usual choices. I am celebrating getting my corona buxs so come on in pour yourself a drink and lets have a good time tonight.

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Oh shit I broke my own rule here is a comfy song to listen too anons youtu.be/1rmo3fKeveo

Buying Corona isn't worth it for a dumb joke.

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Yeah it is kinda a piss flavored beer but it is not terrible usually I drink whiskey or 4 locos to get really fucked up but I wanted something that would not fuck me up too much tonight.

Come on anons get in here I know some of you are drinking I need your comfy songs. Tell me about your day and why you are drinking youtu.be/Zs3RybcYi2E

cheers bro. having some voodoo ranger imperial ipa as usual. heres my comfy song. it reminds me of childhood and the show little bear especially


i would drink today but i'm trying to fix my fucked up sleep schedule


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Thank you fren very comfy is voodoo ranger any good I might have to try some usually I do not like ipas but they tend to be strong so that is a positive
I gave up on that a long time ago I am basically nocturnal at this point it is not so bad.
Holy shit so much comfy thank you user you really went above and beyond I love all this shit youtu.be/SvKZGiLl_xM


ah I can not stand vodka anymore I used to drink gallons of the shit when I was a kid and it gave me a stomach ulcer since then I can not stand the taste of it. I know it mixes well but fuck that I never want to go back to vodka days. Great song fren.

yeah honestly my stomach doesnt feel too good but thats probably cause yesterday I took phenibut and drank a six pack.. But it's cheap and does the job. I wonder what hard liquor you prefer instead.

I drink a shit ton of whiskey now but I have taken a break for the last couple of months what is phenibut it is been a while since I took pills so I am behind on all of them now youtube.com/watch?v=g3nn6WfFQ7o

It's a nootropic that makes you feel better. makes you more social etc. its legal to buy in the US online.

are they like bars? I think I am better off now that I gave up all that shit. Sometimes I miss my drug days but I was pretty deep into them I used to take way too many pills. It is amazing I never overdosed. I miss bud tho.

Nah you dont black out. It's more like being slightly drunk I guess. But like bars youre not supposed to take more than twice a week. withdrawals and addiction are possible.

I had many a black out on bars ah those were crazy times I did some really crazy shit back then. I think I will be staying away from that shit tho.

Is Corona considered a "good beer"?
Tasted fine to me. But beer seems like a meme anyways

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eh I am not sure what the normal fags think of it. I think they are pretty good with some lime and salt but there are people that call it a piss flavored beer. It is more of a boomer beer I think but it is not terrible. Personally I like Negro Modelo for spic beers but corona is not terrible. Beer is a meme I prefer hard liquor but I do not want to get too fucked up tonight I really do not have alot of control when it comes to booze.

same. Shit tier drug but it does the job its supposed to do if youre an autist. Do stay away. Its one of the hardest drugs to withdrawal from.

I have been struggling just wanting to go back to smoking weed everyday but even that will just make me even more lazy. I really want to escape being a shut in but vices keep tempting me. I doubt I will ever give up the booze tho I love making /drunk threads/ it is nice to have drinking buddys here.

combine the weed and the booze and you got nothing left to lose.

i-is that you user-kun
the guy who talked to me about classical and jazz?

I miss getting twisted

When was this fren? I recall talking about classical and jazz with someone in one of these threads but I think it was a while ago?

I was searching the archive but it took too long. you said that you played in a orchestra or something. I forgot most of the details and the thread in my history was 404'd but I forgot what link you sent.

yes that was me then fren. I used to play in a symphony orchestra when I was a kid. I miss playing music alot.

Classic thread user I want to see more of it

I missed your threads. I guess I've been drinking a lot more lately.

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thanks fren post something comfy
I have been too broke to drink lately sorry fren

Have this I guess:
Wish I had a Guinness or two right now. Maybe even a Smithwicks. I guess tequila will have to do.