Anyone else prefer this quarantine life over regular life?

Anyone else prefer this quarantine life over regular life?
>don't leave my house anyways, now I have justifiable reason to hermitmax
>get free NEETbux
>get to sleep in, sit on my ass and avoid looking for a job without my fat cunt nasty gross fat bitch mom pressuring me
>just get to fucking jack my dick and coom all day, buy sex toys and fuck them
>play vidya whenever, cook good food when I want, free time to learn new skills and pursue hobbies
>soon the supply chain will be truly fucked, resources and services will be scarce, possible societal collapse will allow me to roam free and banditmax

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i have to work from home doing call center shit. I was doing retail before and that was easier.

I enjoyed it for a month, but now it's starting to get to me.

Honestly, I gained almost 10 pounds this month, and am borderline overweight. In the last couple days I already lost 2 or 3 pounds, which just shed off, because I normally live a healthy lifestyle, though.

Not having to work my shitty phone retail job has been really nice. However, now I really want to go out and do stuff. It was fun laying around, reading and watching movies, but it's starting to get to me. Literally, over the last decade I went from college to the Peace Corps, to grad school, to working a shitty job, so this is the first time I've been a NEET. Honestly, being a NEET is WAY better than working a shitty job, but it is a self-esteem killer

You choose to work, wagecucky

You reek of autism

well its made my family be home when normally i would be the only person and its annoying, but i do like the stimulus munnies

> I went from college to the Peace Corps, to grad school, to working a shitty job,
Ouch, what major?

>cooming all day n sitting on his ass
>thinks he got a chance in post-collapse bandit scenario

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You'd be surprised, nigger. The world will be my sandbox and I'll rape your female family members while you're tied up and forced to watch

>>soon the supply chain will be truly fucked, resources and services will be scarce, possible societal collapse
doubt it

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>user starved to death

all of my classes moved online and im fucked because i haven't done any of them lol

International relations/foreign policy. The thing I wasn't ready for is how competitive of a field it is. I think I need some kind of a technical skill to make myself more appealing of a candidate, like public health, economics, or something like that. This last year has been the roughest of my life, though.

you won't do shit pussy. you best hope you die before we ever meet, little bitch like you is an easy mark

At the moment but I'm just reverting to my old NEET ways that made me utterly miserable before so I need it to end sharpish.

im making more money on neetbux than i was wageslaving fulltime. it's comfy but i'm not used to having this much fre time, and i live alone so i dont have a lot of social interaction, which has been a bit of a bummer. its a toss up on which is better.

Kek I hope you remember this post when I'm pinning your mom to the dirt and forcing my cock into her succulent pussy

>International relations/foreign policy.
Do you have any passion with the field? Because I can not imagine going to college and not major in STEM.

What i get a kick out of are the extroverted normies losing their shit because they have to stay inside alone with their thoughts for longer than a few hours

I liked it at first, but now that everyone stopped staying home, I have to see people when I go out. Doing shit outside was really comfy when no one else was out there.

you don't have the strength to pin a 100 lbs girl. first woman you try to rape will cave your head in.

Long term NEET/never had a job. It's been funny watching normaloids degenerate into violent (look at the uptick in domestic violence) and disgusting sloths during the lockdown. Turns out leading a structured life without the boss man whipping you into shape isn't so easy after all. What separates a lot of happy NEETs from miserable ones is finding the motivation from within to live well.

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I do, yeah. I really love working on development, and I'd like to go back to doing it. However, I wish I'd struggled more before going to grad school, because I would've gotten a technical masters with a marketable skill.

Statistically International Relations is supposed to be a really valuable grad degree, though. The average salary is $90K, and I went to a relatively prestigious school. I need to figure out how to get out of my current struggle.

Honestly, the shittiest thing about this has been the way people have treated me. I felt really good about myself through college, the Peace Corps, and grad school, and everyone seemed supportive of me. Then this year I really struggled, and suddenly everyone started treating me like shit, basically acting like I'm a loser. It seems like maybe they were jealous when I was doing well, but now that I'm in a bad spot and am showing weakness, it's almost like people are getting back at me for having the audacity to think I could do better than them, so they want to assert their superiority. It's honestly making me really hateful.

Why are you projecting so hard, user? I can see it already, your hands tied behind your back and your legs beaten into useless masses of torn flesh and shattered bone, you scream and cry like a bitch, you beg me to stop as I drive your moms skull into the ground by pushing down on the back of her neck, my other hand smacking into her bare ass at full strength, living bright red handprints, my diamond hard cock savagely thrusting in and out of her inflamed pussy, she whimpers and begs me to stop and she cries out to you, telling you not to look

all i see is some skinny faggot with a beaten-in skull. those fantasies what you coom to? keep dreaming

lines up with what i've been thinking. lack of discipline leads NEETs to being depressed, their lives becoming disorderly hazes

There is no need to dream, user. Soon it will be a reality. You better enjoy the time you have left with your mom, it will all be over soon.

>free time to learn new skills and pursue hobbies

the most hilarious thing that NEETs say, I'm grinning ear to ear right now

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you're the one dreaming, and whose mom is still around bud. i get the feeling these fantasies of yours initially involved her, is that right?

No. You need to quit projecting user. Fucking sickening.

>possible societal collapse will allow me to roam free and banditmax

I will see you the news "rescuing supplies "

Don't seethe to hard, wagecuck

out of steam? no more fanfics to share? thinking about how your own mother could manhandle you? what am i talkin about, theres no doubt she's thrown you around a bit

Look user, if you're that small and weak then just lift and eat more. This projection shit is pathetic and you need to stop.

awww, it's not so bad that your mommy can toss you around like a rag. at least she makes sure you got a fridge full of tendies, right?

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Well, best of luck to you and fuck those people. You will make it.

Seriously what happens now with th Kung Flu and all?
What should a 20 yo Neet do right now exept the ususal stuff?
Pick up archery?

I hope you get help, buddy. Visit Yas Forums, that's a good place to start. I'm sorry your mom beats you lmao

Thanx, bro

Since I can't do anything in the way of obtaining employment, I have put all of my energy into attempting to repair my mind and body. Thus far, I have lost 22 lbs. I am learning a language which supposedly permanently improves your executive functioning. I have significantly raised my potassium intake which improves overall health including brain function. Next, I will pick up piano to further enhance cognition as well as running to strengthen my heart and increase blood flow to my brain. I am also taking nootropics. Hopefully, IQ maxxing will lead to a higher quality of life.

damn, you really did burn out. not unexpected from a coomer who ain't do jack and dreams about the collapse not knowing he's a dead end. best change your life while we're still in the "tutorial level" little guy, mommy won't have those tendies for you forever

I'm not a full NEET, but only work 4 months a year at a seasonal job. I spend 8 months a year doing the following:
>playing rec league soccer
>lifting heavy
>playing vidya
>watching sports
>playing guitar
>attending catholic church in a ghetto area (the African and Filipino girls are easy to sleep with)
>driving my Toyota Camry wherever the fuck I want
Shekelberg's corporate cucks don't have time or energy to pursue half of the things a NEET can

Who the fuck wouldn't? Returning to NEETdom after "turning my life around" has been great.

That sounds like a really nice work-life balance, senpai.

How do I get one of those jobs? Seriously I need one for 2-3 months

>little guy
So much projection. Like I said, lift and eat more. You sound like an idiot as well, try what this user is doing and things might get better for you.

I do enjoy it a lot but there were times where I could have comfy moments at my college. They had professional artists do art for 3 art galleries that changed each week and I was one of the main visitors. I really enjoyed walking through them while listening to

It is a good sacrifice to feel NEET again but I also miss sitting and watching people interact.

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No because after doing the same repetitive and stupid shit for years you realise you are just a fat ugly retarded nobody watching videos of people that are somebody, eating shitty junk food because youre too inept to make real food, playing basically the same shitty game over and over again and thinking that because you bought a new one on steam today that its gonna stave away that scary fucking boredom that we all hate but it never does, it just leaves you feeling like you did when you ended the day yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that, and then you realise youve been sitting in this fucking chair for all of your life thinking too yourself YEAH WAGIE IM DOING BETTER THAN YOU!

You know what if you can find happiness in that after doing it all these years (not just this like one month in lockdown where roasties lost their minds lmao) then I wish that I could be like you. Truly.

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