What is r9k drinking tonight?

Whats everyone drinking tonight? I bought some nutella flavoured crap i regret buying.

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bulleit bourbon

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No joke, I unironically like this stuff. It's bitter as fuck but in a weirdly refreshing way. I've even tried mixing my own cocktails with it, none of which really worked out.

bought a liter of stolichnaya yesterday. Drank a little during work. I'm not familiar with any of these other alcoholic drinks in this thread. Perhaps because of where I live. They are probably good tho.

mix it with sours, lemon juice, a splash of orange juice, and bay leaves

>tfw finally almost of legal drinking age (California)
>coronavirus fucks up my chances of hitting the bars and finding milfs

Hmm that doesn't sound bad. The citrus might curb the bitterness and it already has a strong citrus zest flavor. Not quite sure about the bay leaves though.

whisky bitch~~

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it's my go-to for malort mixes

the bay leaves are absolutely essential, but only 1 or 2 per glass, and make sure to crush them slightly first before stirring

also, try to balance the orange juice to be about half the glass, with the sour and malort making up about a fourth each

Next time I'm at the store, I'll grab some orange juice and try it out. Is this something you made up or a known recipe?

same shit as yesterday boys, austrian 80% rum and polish 96% spirit

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Bird dog apple + infinity whiskey

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lot 40, my favorite rye

Have a half bottle of Reyka vodka I might crack into later.

I had two bowls of chili and now I'm on the toilet, shitting out clumps of chili meat with beans.

>nutella flavoured crap i regret buying.
well, im glad i dont have to fantasize about what that might taste like since i'm allergic to nutella.

just bought a $3 bottle of wine from kroger. itll taste like absolute ass, but it'll work for a solemn night

Sour Monkey, probably my favorite sour beer

Same thing as usual. Fireball and soda against orders to not mix anymore but what can I say, I'm a sucker for oppositional defiance

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not sure if it has a proper name, but a friend of mine that bartends in chicago made me one and got me hooked

i've never been able to make it as good as he did, but it's still pretty close after you've made it a couple times

>against orders
what does this mean

they will line him up against the wall and fire if they find out the coca cola reserves have been drained carelessly

Let me finish this glass then please kill me by firing range.

Drinking a very dry martini tonight, no olive or twist, just a few hearty dashes of orange bitters. Normally I like a less dry martini, sometimes even 50/50, but it depends on the gin.

how do other robots drink their martinis?


>tfw stopped drinking to become more focused and successful
>tfw no more regret from drunken nights, no more hangovers, generally clearer-minded
>tfw no escape now from constant anxiety and sense of failure
>tfw now suicide is always in the back of my mind
>tfw losing friends

I give you English and you return to me with this. Why?

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could it be, the elusive Bede fortniteposter?

Idk what that means so not I

I might just grab every bottle in my liquor cabinet, pour some of each into a tall glass and call it a night. Wish I could earn money right now without resorting to crime or communism.
I tried that once. Your mileage might vary. Got a back rub and a ton of free drinks out of it from an ok looking milf. Didn't go further than that. She was kind of crazy though and I never saw her again at the bar I used to frequent.

This stuff is like liquid crack, sweet and basically no alcohol taste at all.

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the idea of peanut butter and alcohol together kinda disgusts me.

I feel the same way. One because the combination itself sounds disgusting. Two because I'm allergic to peanut butter.