Back in January I went to friends birthday party and I cuddled with her younger sister. It wasn't full on, but it was a first for both of us. She's two years younger then me, and I'm friends with her sister, who's my age. In march I went to another girl's birthday party, who's a 6/10 Stacey. I ended up cuddling with her, and I rekindled an old crush I had on her. But it died off, as I realized she's a 6/10 has hairy forearms and still hasn't gotten over her cheating druggie of an ex-boyfriend. She's also a nicotine addict, so thats a whole other package of problems. The younger sister, however, is a 9/10, doesn't have any addictions, but she's two years younger then me. I've only known one other couple with a two year age gap, and they worked out just fine until the boyfriend moved to another city 5 hours away for uni. But I'm staying right here. And I'm pretty sure she will too. I know it might seem like I'm some super anxious horny 18 year old, but truth be told I'm just looking for a future partner who's a virgin. I know for a fact she hasn't had a boyfriend or had sex, and I'd really like a virgin. My parents have been together for 36 years and they met when they were 19 (my parents are originally from Poland). My friends parents survived the fall of Yugoslavia and they've been together for around the same amount of time. My other friends parents who are Canadians have been together since they were 18. And all of them were their firsts. I don't see sex as some sort of thing that you need to do when you're a teen. I really want to lose my virginity to someone that I'll spend the rest of my life with. I guess you could say I'm clingy, but I'd really for things to pan out with this girl. So here's a brief rundown:
I fucked up again didn't I?
- Me and the younger sister watched a movie along with my other female friends during which we cuddled
- She (heavily implied that it was a date) asked me out to go shopping with her
- She would approach me in the hallways during our breaks to talk to me. She actually ignored some of her friends to come and chat
- She would send snaps with heart emojis on her cheeks and around her head to me
Lately she's been taking some time to answer my snaps, but the conversations aren't one sided and she asks me questions too. But I see some problems too. Since we're both teens, I was thinking mainly coffee and walks. Movie nights would be hard because her father is pretty controlling. I really want to keep it secret. I just find that because she's two years younger then me, there might be some stigma but it's legal where I am. I am mainly scared of what other people would say if they found out. I could probably talk her into keeping it a secret at school. If she was one year younger then me, it could probably work at the same school (we are a small school after all) but in a perfect world we would be in different schools, cause that way no one would know anything. I don't think her sister would be too much of a problem, although a robot told me that the sister will go monkey brains and ruin it for us. Her sister is really sweet and we're good friends. I'm pretty sure I would destroy a friend group, but I don't really care about my female friends too too much, as we'll probably fall out of contact once we go to Uni. Then there's also the deal with prom. What will I do when prom swings around. In a perfect world, corona will swing back as predicted and prom will be canceled. But I need to plan in case of a contingency. I was thinking about showing up alone but that might hurt her feelings. I was thinking of then taking her dancing so she feels like she's at prom or something.
TL;DR Trying to go for a girl two years my junior. I got one more year of high school (quebec) while she's got three more. I'm pretty sure she's interested in me. I am worried about keeping her a secret for just 10 months and prom. What should I do?
>I really want to lose my virginity to someone that I'll spend the rest of my life with
Yeah good luck with that shit norman
My parents are three years apart, my girlfriend's are four year apart and she and I are two years apart. Don't be stupid, OP. Two year age gap is nothing especially once you get a little older. Don't bother with the druggie.
refer to the picture related
As I've typed this out, I'm slowly beginning to realize that this probably won't work out no matter how hard I try. She would need to be some sort of ultra-obedient waifu that realistically speaking no women would want to be.
Maybe I should just give up on her and go for another? I don't know anything anymore god fucking damn it someone fucking kill me i hate this shit so fucking much I just want to hug someone. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. People my age should be virgins god damn it.
I'll go for some girl from a different school. I'm not thinking straight because I'm cooped up in my house and slowly going insane.
Go for it OP. You never know and this sounds like a really good piece. You shouldn't give up. Tell her you like her and hit it off, I'm sure everyone will go with it, including her family, if they see you aren't just making fun of her & are committed to something serious.
But how? How would I figure out prom? How would I deal with the comments??? fuck fuck fuck fuck they'll call me a pedo won't they?
Alright maybe I should but how? How would I get past prom? Wouldnt they call me a pedo?? two years is a lot in highschool isn't it?
i do not understand the fascination with "obedient" or "docile" women. i want a woman with a good head, hell, in the climate of today disobedience is downright required in a woman else she has no quality.
>it probably won't work out
so you'd rather not have that experience, not try to keep it working, be a virgin for the next 10+ years, and then come back here and complain about how society is stacked against you?
Is that what you'd rather have OP?
lad if you're 18 you should put off screwing anyway, it's not some urgent thing that you have to do or suffer
No no I don't want that either. dear god no. It's just my anxious ass is just worrying about people calling me a pedo is all. I just figured it might be a good idea to keep our relationship a secret for the first year. It's just that I realize if I wanted that to happen she'd have to follow everything I say, which I wouldn't want. I want a women with a good head, which she has.
I'm not after screwing I just want someone that hasn't been screwed before and I think I'm young enough for that to be a realistic expectation.
General question for this board: how would you deal with people calling you pedo? or giving you looks in hallways?
no I guess not. But I also want it to pan out. So if you were in my position, what would you do?
ah my bad son i skimmed your walls of text and noticed
>super anxious horny 18 year old
ought to condense your blogs in the future, i'll chalk the format up to passion which isn't a bad thing if you got a handle on it. my parents have a ten year age gap man, two years is fucking nothing in my eyes. you probably won't be called a pedo so much as mocked for having to go down in age by women but thats just jealousy. i'd be congratulating you if i knew you.
a real solution to your problem is to learn to stop caring about the opinions of the masses. not an easy ask i assume
but I also dont want it to not pan out is what I meant to say
I'd do it and try to make it work
The only reason to ever think "it probably won't work out" is if you're observing red flags and shit
highschool sweethearts are a thing user. go forth and experience life my man
Some of the older robots in here have the whole unironic
>tfw ywn experience teen love
thing going. Not something you wanna regret if you're a much older virgin looking back on this
Maybe I am young and stupid, but so were my parents at one point weren't they? And well it might not be as much as passion as it is the want to not end up like most of the robots on this board. And I guess learning to stop caring is an important task.
>don't want it to not pan out
>do want it to pan out
what's the distinction?
I will now post the corrected version of no I guess not. But I am also very scared of it not working out....
Sorry Im just not thinking straight she sent me another snap or her with her tongue out and heart emojis.
>went to friends birthday party
Stopped reading there.
Just relax user
We're all scared of that when we first start doing the dating thing
just go out on a few casual dates and shit. have coffee or walk around the park or something, if you can during lockdown.
just see where it goes. it seems like you have some level of chemistry so there's that. It's why this shit is important so you don't wake up some months later thinking, wow i know nothing about her except she makes my dick hard kek
I know she likes the office and we like horror movies so I guess Im binging the office.
Also, drawing. I know she likes doodling. Also piano. I play loads of piano and Im pretty sure I could teach her a duet. Fuck it you robots convinced me. I'll go for her. I'll man the fuck up and ask her out.
Yes, go fucking do it faggot
Smooth sailing brave user!
to avoid the fate of the robots, you just can't let yourself get "down" so to speak. they have defeatist mindsets, because all their lives they've known only failure, even when they succeed all that lasts is the thoughts of how they failed yesterday, or a month ago etc. if it turns out to be fool's gold gotta shake it off, keep hearty comrade. your mentality doesn't seem standard Yas Forums tier yet, at all
Alright I won't get a defeatist mindset. But what would be some red flags in a relationship
red flags are different for everybody
but shit like
>losing her shit because you don't spend every waking moment with her
>unreasonable jealously
stuff of that nature. you'll know because you'll feel uncomfortable about whatever she's doing
Just don't overthink shit either - don't psych yourself out as some robots have
just have fun and enjoy each other's company dude. thats the most important part