What makes him ugly besides haird and glasses?

I tried catfishing girl with this picture. I didnt sent this photo to girl from begining, so the convo was like this.
>me:hi, can you add me to friends? (she made it so nobody could add her)
>her:hey, why?
>me: so we could get to know each other better
>her:atleast you could put some photo of your self
>i sent her photo pic related only scroped paper out
every single message from her was cursing at me and literally telling to fuck off or she will ignore me. After 3 or 4 messages she ignored me. What makes that guy so repulsive if girl isntantly started talking diffirently?
Is guy in this photo actually that ugly or the girl is just a bitch?

Attached: rip.png (368x500, 159.45K)

His alien like visage.

The guy in pic looks like an ayy lmao

>I tried catfishing girl with this picture.
Great idea, let's "catfish" girls with a picture of the ugliest motherfucker you can find.
We know this is you OP.

but i mean he's not deformed? he's really feminine, if he was girl, it wouldnt be problem to find a partner with that face because its feminine.
In my opinion ugly is when you are deformed and your face would look ugly on both genders.

>Is guy in this photo actually that ugly
he looks 12 years old. the dude needs to put on a few pounds.

stop looking for validation OP, that isnt fooling anybody

his heads too small

That's a girl, vro.

How autistic are you? It doesn't take science to see this guy don't look right

Too skinny, no muscle

Could I catfish with this guy pic instead?

Attached: oQKfTED_d.jpg (640x1280, 26.01K)

>What makes that guy so repulsive if girl isntantly started talking diffirently?

Because he's an 11 year old child.
Of course they gonna think that he's just fucking around, what would you think if a kid like this wants to add you to his Steam friendslist?

he looks like a little kid not manly at all

He posted on reddit 1+year ago and said he was 19.

Something is off about her. Maybe it's the glasses...

It's him. You don't know how to read?

That's the problem, it's feminine. Most women like masculine men

>His face isn't lean, chubby cheeks..
>Low set and recessed check bones
>His eyes are bulging and two wide
>His jaw is narrow
>His lips are big
>His neck is thin
>Thin facial bones and lack of brow ridge
>Nose is a little to bulbous
>Long philtrum
>Chin not forward protruding
Good enough for now

This is just an ordinary ten-year-old underage b& who shouldn't be allowed to use the internet just like you, op

you made this thread because you too are an insecure ten-year-old

Weak thin jaw, puffy face, wide nose, vacant expression telling of no real emotion or personality, and generally being a mix of scrawny and puffy in all the wrong places.

>this a man
Even most of the incel stereotypes look better than this faggot.

Yeah, he looks like that one actor.

He looks like a middle schooler with stretched out limbs

Which one?
This isn't me tho. Just someone else from other thread here.

Bump man bump hukfdgfs

The tiny ass bones in his face. Brow and cheekbone offer no protection at all to his eyes and his jaw is puny. He has pretty nice eyebrows tho.


eyes too far open, glasses poorly chosen for his face

looks like a girl, cheeks too large

Unironically it's the the stare. A haircut, smile, etc. would do him just fine. The glasses are okay as long as he can integrate it into his look