>be biological female
>above average height
>broad shoulders
>big hands
>narrow hips
>hank hill ass
should i just transition and become FTM?
Be biological female
How tall are you above average?
id still dump in you
a-are you tomboy too?
if so pls b my tomboy gf forever ok
No just do butt workouts or embrace tomboy aesthetic also I like tall girls just saying
if you become a Yas Forumsfu there will be a niche of men very attracted to you
>be biological female
good enough for me
As long as your face isn't masculine just stay a girl, who gives a fuck if your hands are big anyways? Mine are bigger. Or your shoulders? Mine are longer. You're just a dirty little whore at the end of the day, id fuck you and dominate you just like all the rest of the girls.
you can work out your lower body. tall women are attractive. it's probably not that bad
Do some squats girl, make dat booty pop.
4 inches above average for my ethnicity. i'm 5'7"
you don't need to transition ftm, just peg me and act manly in the bedroom
pretend to be a mtf instead and get showered in marriage proposals
thank you user but women don't just want to be pumped and dumped. they want to be loved and cherished.
i'm not a tomboy. sorry user. i am quite girly with me sense of style which makes my situation all the more tragic. i look like the creepy trans man parents worry will diddle their kids in the gender neutral bathroom.
what is your face like? be objective
Wha? Thats not even that tall
>just do butt workouts
it's never that easy. i will get a weird muscle body if i work out. a butt augmentation would probably give a more desirable outcome desu.
why do women think that theyll turn into ahnold if they do generic exercise three times a week
you do understand that shit takes effort right, like actual concentrated dedication, a huge time investment, dietary restrictions, and roids
youre not going to "accidentally" end up muscular, quit looking for excuses keep sitting around on your useless ass and go do something, cunt
Only woman on male hormones end up like that with big muscles, otherwise your body just won't allow it.
>bio woman
>super fat
>big hands
>size 10/11 feet
>no boobs
>comically large ass
don't cry femanon. a lot of men like the pear shape.
>a lot of men like the pear shape
i dont though. i just want pants to fit normally.
Post the full body here. Most of us would still cum in you (the rest would prefer if you transitioned), but I still want to see. I bet you're cute, but I also have an affinity for tall girls
as dirt-tits-poster's bf, i will tell you that i think she's beautiful and wonderful, and im not a feeder
I'm a gay guy and I'm in a relationship with a FTM.
Do you feel like a guy or do you just feel like you're not a woman?
>I will get a weird muscle body if I work out.
Were it so easy...
I have no idea how you look, but being tall is a plus, and broad shoulders can also be attractive. No one cares about your hands, so don't worry about that. When it comes to hips and ass, well too big isn't good either, maybe it isn't as bad as you think. Unless you literally look like a man you probably don't have anything to worry about.
>posting as a "couple" on Yas Forums
this just feels sad to me.
feel bad for yourself user. i'm having a blast.
small butts can be cute
you need to LEAVE
Post pics and I'll be the judge.
Lol no. You won't get a "weird muscle body" accidentally. That takes effort especially if you are a girl. Just work out it's good for you anyway.