no one will ever trust and love me like g.njy did and now he is gone forever
No one will ever trust and love me like g.njy did and now he is gone forever
>now he is gone forever
Join him.
He's not gone, he's in jail. Call him or something.
gunjy was a faggot and you are an even bigger faggot
if i could i would
what jail is it? do you have any information please?
im an insufferable miserable piece of mentally ill shit but he was the only one who loved and trusted me despite all of that
No he didn't, he manipulated you. You were nothing more to him than minor dopamine bursts of distraction and amusement.
why'd he love you so much? you a 14 year old girl or something?
thats not true, ive never ever before him, and after him in my life met someone who cared and trusted me the way he did. no one does. for the first time someone really did and i fucked it up because of my own insecurities. now im crying. im just 20 and since today i have 5 official mental diagnosis. Yas Forums was right about bpd after all. god i wish i was dead
all discord niggers will hang
groomers get the rope
troomers get the bullet
no, im not underage. we were so similar that it was almost felt like i made him up in my mind
im not on discord. idk why im even here now, just no one to talk with
had to walk away from my pc to stop laughing at this
who the hell is g.njy
>Yas Forums was right about bpd after all
yes, please kys asap
yeah its pathetic. just had to vent.
He's in jail? Can I post megumin without being mistaken for him now?
I thought gunjy was pretty cool too. Yeah he had his problems but I used to enjoy getting drunk and talking to him. He always had a unique perspective on things. I dont really give a shit if he was a hebe he was a cool drinking buddy. I always tried to get him to self improve hopefully he is ok.
You must be some retard LARP. Nobody is going to believe this shit. G can't love people, all he does is manipulate and use people. If you're not a LARP then please do some research on him before you come here crying about this criminal.
>without being mistaken for him now?
maybe? all meguposters are pedophiles, not all pedophiles are g.njy
how'd you even talk to him if not on discord? he's the king of discord drama
discord man who raped a 15 year old girl and groomed a few others apparently
i used to have discord but left. we talked on discord as well as text messages on the phone
unironically wish my life was larp
thank you for sharing. most people haven't experienced how good he also can be, and they forget they have their own faults as well :/
>how'd you even talk to him if not on discord? he's the king of discord drama
Because OP is a shitposting troll lmao.
Here is an actual picture of gunjy talking with me on omegle
>uhhhh guys im not really a sexual person muh anhedonia *tranny giggles*
>literally goes, grooms and rapes a 15yo
>ruins life in the name of cunny
im just talking about my experience with him since that is all i can truly know
He did not rape anyone faggot the girl was his girlfriend the age of consent in upside down land is 16 who gives a shit it is not like she was a little kid. We are biologically wired to find teenage girls hot.
Yeah everyone has their faults yet they are so quick to judge someone else. You would think here of all places they would be a little more compassionate but I guess there are a lot of bitter people. I will miss my drinking fren.
is that you, Diana?
>He did not rape anyone faggot the girl was his girlfriend the age of consent in upside down land is 16 who gives a shit it is not like she was a little kid.
she was 15, not 16. your dumbass weeb argument doesn't even work. I wasn't smart enough to make adult decisions like sleeping with 30 year old when I was 15 and neither was this dumb bitch he groomed.
>We are biologically wired to find teenage girls hot.
I am biologically wired to rape as many women as I possibly can but I don't because I'm a civilized member of society with a conscious you retard
>You would think here of all places they would be a little more compassionate but I guess there are a lot of bitter people.
bitter about what? that I'm not rotting away in a prison cell with tyrone? yeah sure bitch.
I don't care what anyone is into you can jerk it to children or mutilated corpses all you want but the second you fuck one you've crossed a line.
hey babe post your phone number/discord I'm a real good larper. I'm sure I could pull off a 30 year old mentally ill pedophile if that's what you're into~~
Your a moral fag what is the difference in a 15 year old girl vs a 16 year old girl? I was fucking girls by the time I was 14. Most people have sex around that age. She was not some innocent child faggot she was literally a grown women. There is not even a mental difference between a 15 year old and a 25 year old women. They all have a child like mentality they are all fucking retards. Please try to explain with something that is not retarded. Teenagers make the conscious decisions to fuck all the time. Stop pushing feminist talking points. She was well within her own mind to consent and make that decision. You honestly sound like an insufferable faggot.
>Your a moral fag what is the difference in a 15 year old girl vs a 16 year old girl?
there isn't. There's a difference between a 15 year old and adult, you fucking idiot
>I was fucking girls by the time I was 14. Most people have sex around that age.
I don't care normalfag
>She was not some innocent child faggot she was literally a grown women.
thats a fun thought you have huh, too bad it's not true. she was biologically a teenager.
>She was well within her own mind to consent and make that decision.
>that 15 year old girl knew what she was doing
>but that pedo
>he didn't know what he was doing, he was mentally ill! thats all!
>forgive him! not the child!
>You honestly sound like an insufferable faggot.
you honestly sound like you fuck kids
Not him but if she was well within her own mind how comes she got warded soon after lmao? Face it, this guy was a manipulator. I dont even mind a 25yo fucking a 15yo as long as the older man is uh you know, not a well known manipulator scammer piece of shit and the girl isnt some mentally impaired damaged teen whoring herself out on discord. Between 2 consenting non mentally impaired adults its perfectly fine tho.
he was always a literal who discord user, you're just posting your megumins in the wrong places.
gunjy dindu nuffin he a good lad
he got manipulated by that roastie
fuck roasties
incles BTFO kek