UK vs Sweden COVID-19 responce

have you guys realised that lockdown is stupid and is a massive violation of rights yet?

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Yes but this is bongistan we're talking about

I mean, were you going to go outside even if there wasn't a lockdown?

I'd bet that's because Sweden is a sparsely populated country compared to the UK

>massive violation of rights
Which rights?

>champion of "herd immunity" strategy
why don't you compare it to countries which enforced lockdown right from the beginning, nigger? just compare spain with portugal, one border, similar population and habits, one is drowning in chaos the other is coming out of it almost unscattered.

unscathed fuck

>deaths per million
try thinking things through next time

Norway is a good comparison to Sweden as they have very similar healthcare systems as well as many other similarities but Norway enforces a much stricter lockdown policy than Sweden.

Death per million
>Norway: 38.95
>Sweden: 241.77

Now this really says nothing about which strategy is the better strategy; that we won't know until it's all over. What is clear, however, is that OP is a complete brainlet.

We don't have any rights.

>britbongs LARPing as Amerifats
you don't have any rights you don't even have a written constitution

the ones that aren't written down in most countries bootlicker

But which ones exactly? You cant just throw out MUH RIGHTS without explaining it

i literally dont care
i domt care about the deaths
i dont care about my rights
i dont care about these countries
all i care about is that im on holiday right now and am even getting paid
corona is unironically the best thing to happen to me in years because its given me weeks of paid holiday

I don't know man but if you don't feel like you have right that are currently being stripped away you might be one of the ___oversocialized___ ones.
But in all seriousness why would the government have the right to tell you where you can and cannot go if you have done nothing wrong?
What I mean by that is that every person on earth has unalienable rights that most governments don't respect.
I'm not saying that everyone should be going out and partying now. Everyone has or at least should have the right to but they should not do it, simply because everyone should be responsible for themselves and their actions.
If this kind of principle is not followed what we end up and we probably will end up like that is the situation like patriot act and other legislations which were introduced during a crisis but haven't been revoked since. You also get bong police breaking down doors because of a call reporting a mass-gathering.

>You cant just throw out MUH RIGHTS without explaining it
doesn't matter at this point they would arrest you and fine you any way

Sweden has next to no ties to China. It's obvious they're lagging behind in their statistics, because their import rates of infected cases were so minimal from the very start. Furthermore, I know of at least one major county that refuses to report any public data on their infections, so there's a sizable portion of hidden cases.

Hell, there's only a single university program that teaches Chinese in all of Sweden. A single one. Clear example of just how distant their ties to the Chinese are.

If most of what you're importing are second hand cases, of course your statistics look good. That's the simplest way to look good by doing nothing.

Reminds you of all the wars where Sweden tried to spin the "oh look how good, non-partisan and humanitarian we are, staying neutral and out of conflicts", when in reality, they were too pathetic and under prepared to act in the first place.

Do your homework, sonny.

So you believe in the complete and unfettered right to free movement, no matter the situation?

concentration of the population when compared to the overall population is a lot more in london than stockholm

have fun when ur grandparents die lol

Okay, I'm just a disinterested femcel eating pierogis. I don't give a shit about Covid because it did not affect my lifestyle at all. However, does that chart really prove anything? Like, yeah, you controlled for population, but did you control for immigrant population, urban density, pre-existing conditions, etc. Like I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Britbongs are far less healthy than Swedes. Iunno, just seems sloppy.

go help out at a hospital and do something useful retard

youre just retarded
>every person on earth has unalienable rights that most governments don't respect.
no. No they dont.
all your rights are derived from what the state is willing to grant you because the state has the most guns
if the government say "you cannot go outside or you will be shot", short of an external power intervening, the only option for recourse you have is revolt at which point you are no longer party to that state
you have no "unalienable rights", God granted or otherwise. Why would you? Where are these derived from?
you even explain how what i say is true
>You also get bong police breaking down doors because of a call reporting a mass-gathering.
The people who make and enforce the law decide when rights are violated.

yes, maybe if we didn't live in societies that provide almost everything to people with little to no consequences and if doing something inappropriate could mean death instead of some stupid fine people wouldn't be so irresponsible

>all your rights are derived from what the state is willing to grant you because the state has the most guns
what's stopping you from breaking up their monopoly on violence?

Isn't democracy supposed to be the state being servants of the people instead of people hoping their rights are not violated and if they are they can do nothing about it?
>The people who make and enforce the law decide when rights are violated.
Who are these people accountable to? Who these people SHOULD be accountable to?

many politicians take money from corporations to enforce laws that benefit them, so called lobbying, a nicer word for bribes.
If they do not answer to the people but few CEOs then you're not living in a democratic state. Many don't even know anything about the subject they're regulating. They are manipulated by lobbyists because they lack knowledge on subject. Why should people who are incompetent get to decide what you can do?
Why should they be able to decide to violate your rights? Isn't democracy about demo = people, kratos = power? No one was asked about lockdowns, no one was asked about article 13, no one was asked about net neutrality, only politicians, who either didn't know the consequences or had received generous donations from people profiting from it.
I'm not saying that there's someone profiting from the current pandemic, I'm not saying that we should have throw out democracy and implement fascism or communism, I don't want people to go out and #hugachinese I want people to stand up for themselves and instead of allowing undemocratic laws that take away your rights to be passed and just say "oh well I guess that's that" to do something

You really went off the tangent here dude

Sweden did ban gatherings of more than 50 people, closed higher education facilities, and quarantined nursing homes. Bars and gyms and shit are still operational, though. The difference is that Sweden's culture is based on mutual trust and individual responsibility. You won't see people going outside if they're feeling bad, or intentionally spreading the disease like you see in other places. Social distancing is also somewhat built into their culture, with greater personal space being expected in general. Not only that, but Sweden's death count for Scandinavian countries is actually pretty high compared to their neighbors, like Norway, Denmark, and Finland who weren't hit as hard by COVID as a result of their more strict lockdown policies.
>pic related
Might give you some better insight.
Biggest takeaway from this, though, should be that we have no fucking idea whether Sweden's strategy is working because the data is incomplete, but it doesn't seem to be working as well as its neighbors at the moment.

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>can't spell simple words such as "response"
>is concerned with rights (not even threatened btw) as opposed to the economy or general well-being
>posts ridiculous cherry-picked statistics, probably can't even comprehend the graph he's posting
sounds american alright

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an aside from the cherry-picked statistics, what kind of half-wit thinks this is anywhere near a valid comparison?
these are two wildly different countries reacting to the virus in wildly different ways

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Im anti-lockdown , but your comparison is worng because englad and sweden have different cultures and healthcare.
Now lockdown has an effect I dont see the effect as positive however since I wont catch the virus and elderly people's purpose is to die anyways

I know, as if UK and Sweden are comparable considering the massive underlying differences between the two countries. Also completely doing away with any nuance and just saying "big number bad small number good". It's almost like they'll search for anything to confirm their biases and hold on to it like it's the only source available that actually means something and isn't just propaganda from (((them))). So fucking retarded.

OP is a dork yes but you're retarded. Yes the two countries reacted in different ways. You cant compare countries because they're reaction is wildly different? Oh fuck user I'm sorry to say but you're dumb

google false equivalence you dolt
also, their*

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