My crush just posted this on her whatsapp status...

My crush just posted this on her whatsapp status, please think of something interesting/funny to say about this so i can initiate a conversation (nothing flirty/sexual I barely talk to her).
Thanks in advance

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shes hungry - offer to buy her groceries

>send audio clip of you farting
>claim you accidentally sent it to her and deny that it was you farting
>then ask what's up

Edible flowers are beautiful, just like you ;)

Id love to eat that, like seriously

Ask why she's eating raw flowers?

Don't do it. You will miss your shot.
If you really like her you should talk to her irl and get her on a date.
There is nothing attractive about "haha nice flowers"
Does she even know how you look like?

Who the fuck would just eat random weeds?
Besides that it has the nutrition value of literal paper, some of these plants are slightly toxic

>is this your secret to be so beautiful?

>you should talk to her irl and get her on a date
what magical land do you live in thats free from the pandemic?

Leave her alone and just don't bother. It would have never worked out anyways

Do you like my penis or my balls more?

Yes, i know her from taekwondo training. We talked in training before but I have no idea how to build a deeper relationship with her

God I wish I had the balls to to say that but I'm way too socially autistic to take that risk

Tie the message in to how you know her, like
>so this is your secret to your taekwondo power
or something to that effect

That is an advantage to you!
Believe me, I know. People are still seeing each other during covid and couples all didn't break up either

>I see you like to eat flowers
>I'd like to eat YOUR flower ;)

there you go, OP. Go get her

Only good answer so far OP, this one sentence could last a mile, starts the conversation off as playful, damn nice user

Tell her it looks delicious and she should come over and cook you some

Oh okay that is a good thing. Then do some stupid joke and ask if she want to see you.
Did she like you irl? Building attracting via text is hard

Real Alphas don't care about pandemics. Break into a cafe and have a date regardless OP.

Ask her about eating flowers she posted it so its a good bet she will want to rant and youll be there to listen

this is the only one that could work

>something interesting/funny to say
"I'm into defloration myself as well. "

>Did she like you irl
I'm really not sure. Whenever we talk the conversation actually flows well and she even laughs at my jokes, but i sometimes have the feeling that she tries to avoid my eye contact, could be shyness/focus on training tho idk

Had a similar thing happen, what are the dynamics like in the group, and I talked to a girl in a martial arts class, find some b.s reason to talk to her, for me it was travel, I was genuinely interested in that and she had experience, we started off like that and spoke for about a year with a few jokes in between, then she started dating a higher belt.

I would say:
"Think you just might have found the cure for covid19 in the dish [name] ;P emoji"

"Nice diet, I think you should stick to it even after the pandemic blows over wink/sly face"

Banter, find a topic and talk about it, ask deeper questions later on.

This is quite good too.

Anyway, thanks for the replies everyone, both the funny ones and the useful ones. I'll give it a try

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>My crush just posted this on her whatsapp status, please think of something interesting/funny to say about this so i can initiate a conversation (nothing flirty/sexual I barely talk to her).
Thanks in advance
Nigger just ask her what the fuck is that, why do all of you keep acting like retards in front of a woman? If you like someone just go and tell her, spend time with her, make her feel special like no one else retard, she doesn't want a friend, she wants a boyfriend, it worked for me and works for anyone else.

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based desu

I don't know how to break it down autistically, but this is the general idea too. you need to give off those chill and fun vibes. nobody wants to be with someone (either sex) who is just matter of fact and bland. So put your best foot forward user you've got this

>That sure looks... DANDY
you'll have to figure out how to stop women from jumping on your dick