Hey so I've been contemplating killing myself for awhile and today seems like a good day to die...

Hey so I've been contemplating killing myself for awhile and today seems like a good day to die. I'm prescribed lorazepam so my plan is to wrap my belt around my neck using the door to hold it. Take the whole bottle of pills, about 25 1MG pills and then just fall asleep. Do you think this will kill me?

Attached: lorazepam.jpg (800x533, 440.58K)

Sounds like fun. I only have 15 mgs of ativan

Why do you want to do it? Why do you think today is a good day?

i have sertraline antidepressant as well so i guess i can probably down all those too and go out happy as fuck?

post link to live stream or just do a simple google search on how to do it properly
continue to whine online and not kill yourself.
you will amount to nothing since you're low enough to look for attention because "i'm totally going to kill myself, I swear I'll do it"
thanks for coming to my ted talk.

the world is a never ending stream of shit and only gets worse. Last night I was testing the belt and it wasn't as bad as I imagined but i probably wouldn't be able to be completely effective and finally thought about using the pills to finish it.

no it absolutely won't kill you. Can you not fucking google shit. You're either a woman or a pussified male looking for attention. How about you nut up and do the hard thing and hold on until things get better. They do, just so you know. Whether you life gets better or not, you just stop being so emotional the older you get. You deaden somewhat and life becomes somewhat bearable. Do what you will though.

How long have you felt like this for? Was there a time when you didn't? Is there any chance that you wont do it? Do you have any second thoughts about it?

I guess I could setup a live stream but it wouldn't really be good entertainment just falling asleep.. not as good as a gun shot to the head. its hard to find online if i have enough lorzapram to ko completely.

do it anyways faggot, at least that way you'll be too embarrassed to pussy out.

Good point. I'll think about it when the time comes

>today seems like a good day to die
>I'll think about it when the time comes

I browse this board once every few days for an hour or two each time. Each session i find a minimum of 3 threads exactly like this. Why are you all such fucking cretins that you feel the need to discredit real suicidality with your pathetic attention seeking behaviour?

Birth. No. No. Nah I figured everything out I got all my answers. How life really works.

Im not doing it right this second retard tonight

That's a really smart idea to implement a redundancy plan for your suicide. You would have accomplished some really great things in life if the world only gave you a chance

What makes you think they're not following through? Rates of suicide are rising

>today seems like a good day to die
>i'm not doing it right this second tonight

you're insufferable, just admit you're looking for attention.

I wanted to know if 25 1 MG pills would keep me down damn just a simple question. Dont give a single fuck about attention I'm just quietly disappearing. Just answer the question so I can know if I have to get more fucking pills

25mg wont do anything. Get a CPAP mask and helium tank and make an exit bag. Get a belt and something more sturdy than you think is needed (fails somewhat often) and use an online calc to find the height needed for a clean vertebrae break. Exhaust death from running car works well but can taste funny and takes too long.

All of this could have been found by simple online searches if you were serious about any of this.

how about instead you don't do that

Why dont you just take the drugs for fun bro

That sounds like a way worse and harder plan then just getting more pills. Most cars newer than 2006 don't have enough co2 to do you in. Not every loser has a 99 Lincoln in their garage or even a garage. How many pills of lorazepam would it take? How much to stop the heart? 40? 50? 60?

Dude there are better things to do than offing yourself on pills. If you realize there is nothing more to life then at least spend your time living like there is no tomorrow. If you die when doing dumb shit we all get something to laugh at, if you don't die then you have done what 99.9 percent of people want to do but are to afraid to do so. Either way you'll be in a better place than where you are now.

Whatever happens happens, I just want to know how much lorazepam it would take to kill a person completely like 120% overdose.

link the stream faggot

Benzos aren't really drugs you'll OD on unless you mix them with alcohol. Even then I've taken extremely high dose benzos with a moderate amount of alcohol before and never really had any issues

pills will take a long time. you will die in agony due to kidney or liver failure if you're lucky. If not, stomach or intestine bleeds.

Literally typing in Lorazepam and clicking the wiki >Lorazepam is not usually fatal in overdose
you're going to need a dozen bottle to do the job you absolute retard.

>i'm going to kill myself with pills that you can't kill yourself with, i'm not looking for attention, i'll totally do it, don't doubt me!

pills won't do anything but make you fall asleep. do yourself a favor and don't do it until you get some actual drugs that will kill you or some alcohol to mix with the bottle you have.
I don't really care if depressed fags kill themselves but I really hate the idea of someone finding you and saving you from true death only to throw you into braindeath. that's not right for anyone.
combine a hanging with drug overdose or don't do it at all

I've read all sorts of shitty conflicting articles that say you can od but fails to specify at what point. I doubt I'd feel pain because I'd be unconscious. Ergo how much would it take to go to ko and not wake up.

How long have you been using lorazepam for? I'd think twice about killing your whole script because you're very unlikely to die and benzo withdrawals will make you feel even worse

Right im not looking for sympathy I just wanted to kno how much to take to get it done and not be braindead alive. Though I'm sure it would be a while before anyone finds me

Knock back 25mg sleep and suffocate hanging.

just take the whole fucking bottle you fucking pussy

The whole bottle is 25mg nigger

Wiki doesn't state a dosage with probability or even range, studies are wildy varying due to needing so much, it's a CNS stimulant which you seem not to understand since they tend to not be remotely deadly unless going horrendously far over recommended dosage.

From the admittedly little that i know, you'd be looking at around 80mg to get a good confidence percentage of fatality.

paracetamol is more dangerous to you than what you're trying to take and i've seen people survive 60+ tablets (30000g where recommended is 500). Why can't you just admit your idea is shit...

its so easy to get drugs to make a certain cocktail that has high reliability and is also peaceful. You already have one ingredient which is one of the harder ones to get. Do your fucking research.