Real girls can't get my dick up

Just realized another scary thing about my prolonged singledom and virginity. I'm 30 and my sex life has exclusively been wanking to porn. Which means my brain has decades of experience of only nutting to 5/5 girls. Real girls will never look like that, also they'll be sweaty, smelly and gross in ways I can't predict.
This problem gets worse every year.
Every year it's another year of rewiring my brain to only get turned on from 5/5 girls, and the girl I could potentially get is older every year. At 35 the idea of getting anyone under 30 is unrealistic. Soon I'll be a 50yo virgin who has wanked to porn for almost 40 years. There's no fucking an actual 50yo woman after that. It's just not possible.
I won't even get my dick up. To be honest, I'm at a point where a 28-year-old can't get my dick up anymore.

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Imagine dying a virgin. Society doesn't even care, yet it's the biggest pain imaginable.

Then begin the journey of self improvement user
>sweaty and smell gross
can confirm. when i lost my wizard status, i also tried to eat her pussy. loved the thought of it but didn't expect to be hesitant to actually eat up the pussy juice
also sweat smell is something you're not prepared for from porn

I mean, I don't know where you're getting your porn from, but all the mainstream pornhub girls are ugly as shit to me. I can get it up easier on instagram or nhentai than pornhub any day.

Are you implying women enjoy having sex with non Chad men? You should feel sorry for your future partner.

>Then begin the journey of self improvement user

I don't know what you mean by this. I'm more fit and better looking than the girls who would reject me.
I refuse to develop my personality if it translates into sucking up to feminists.
Also if gross girls are all I'd get I'll pass. Wanking to anime is good.
Well I mostly wank to pictures not videos.

pic related, I'm a disgusting misogynist incel and this is the least I'm willign to accept

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I am a Chad. I feel sorry that they have to fuck guys who are not me.

Sounds like a joke I know, but look around. Whenver I go out and look at couples the guy is genuinely, objectively, uglier than me.
It blows my mind.
Sure he has a personality but looks wise I beat most people who have fathered children.

the only thing a woman needs to get me hot is a fat butt or thick thighs, good leg proportion, everything else doesn't matter, she can be ugly.
i've had women direct me to their breasts because i wasn't paying attention to them, which made me think women have some complex over their tits, they obviously do.

heyy fellow pic bro. i feel bad for people who don't wank to jpgs. some of the hottest women i've seen don't do video porn.

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As a non-Chad the best you can hope for is to be a beta bux, if you arent a 9-10/10 Chad no woman will ever be genuinely sexually attracted to you anyway. Womens baseline sexual disgust is higher than mens which means they only get aroused by extremely good looking men. As a 30 year old you are also past your prime, all that men age like fine wine shit is cope, everyone peaks around 16-25. Dont marry or breed, just stick to porn and escorts.

>I am a Chad

No you arent. This never stops being funny to me. If you were a Chad attractive women would be hitting on you daily. Being fit isnt enough, its also about face and frame, being funny and charismatic is also important. Every guy I talked to from this board who called himself a Chad was a 6 at best.

>As a non-Chad the best you can hope for is to be a beta bux
I don't want it, simple as that.

So stick to porn and escorts, simple as.

I literally have a 4/5 face with epic chin.
I'd bet 500 dollars I look better than you.
>attractive women would be hitting on you daily
They don't need to approach anyone, not even good looking guys.

>develop personality
>sucking up to feminists
thats not what i mean and you know it
having more positive traits doesn't automatically mean you're sucking up to em. although it is cuurious you're associating self improvement with being more feminist
im talking about tempering your expectations of women, less jerking off so you don't need a bimbo with massive tits and caked on make up to get you slightly hard or whatever traits you have (you're more familiar with yourself than i am) that prevent you from being not single and still a virgin

Worst part about Yas Forums is that everyone here is 19 years old and knows nothing about how life works.
They sure think they do, but they're just kids with delusions and black and white thinking.

I was referring to this pic.
I honestly believe this to be true. The easiest way to get women is to just smile and suck up to them. Do NOT disagree with their religion, political view or feminism.
Disagreeing with a woman means you have "no social skills" or a "bad personality".

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Its /10 not /5 you dumb boomer. Also I highly doubt you are an 8. You sound like an autist regardless.

Of course I'm an "autist", but I was talking about my looks.
I've already made it clear in this thread that my personality is considered absolutely disgusting by 2020 standards but I don't genuinely give a fuck. Everyone else is trying to adjust themselves to get along with women. I want them to adjust to get along with me. I will never, ever change this way of thinking, because changing yourself is weakness and low test simping. Being a repulsive misogynist is really the most Chad way to exist.

yeah, IRL the goalpost gets moved on you no matter what you look like or do because IRL people don't want to give you immediate satisfaction, it's called shit tests and cognitive dissonance.
i remember when i got fit and lost weight. men would give me compliments and women would try to downplay it by saying i wasn't fat before or i already looked good or a personal anecdote about their view on "bodybuilding" or whatever bullshit that i completely ignored because those people are too stupid to realize i'm not as stupid as them.

This was the most Coomer post I've ever seen

>im talking about tempering your expectations of women
People say this but it just sounds like bullshit. I was capable of recognizing who the two hottest girls in my school were, but I had zero interest in them, and I thought a ton of mid tier, and even one low tier, girls were cuter than the generally considered third and fourth hottest girls.

I peruse /soc/ rate me threads and one time I saw an abundance of girls so I decided to put them all into categories of Yes, Maybe or No, then tallied up what other /soc/ users gave them on the 1-10 scale. All three of my categories had the same average score, the two hottest girls (8) were in my No category, the ugliest girl (5.5) was in my Maybe and the girl I liked the most was a 6.

So I just don't buy this "stop comparing girls to porn star" argument I always see flung around. I've never felt anything for a porn star, but I've felt things for completely normal girls.

Honestly, the race to please women just so I can prove to anons I'm a Chad is so fucking stupid. I choose not to play.
I don't see any value in women past their looks and the amount of mental gymnastics you gotta do to get women makes it not worth it.

>HAHA you're an incle not a chad
I made a game where you're a yaayp unless you shit down your own neck. If you do it though you get to be a 0waykp.
Become a 0waykp you filthy yaayp.
Don't want to play huh? That's COPE!

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>sucking up
it might be the easiest way to get a girl in some sense but it definitely won't keep her
you just gotta do it in a way that isn't confrontational, for the most part
i'm referring to either expecting them all to be as attractive as yo ufind your porn stars, or being only appealing in anticipation but not practice
the old adage of wanting something not being as good as having something etc
But you say that's not a problem because you felt things for completely normal girls, then fair enough something else then. i was just throwing out examples, i wasn't saying you were necessarily these things

Real girls provide more than just visual stimulation so they way better

Real girls haven't provided me with anything, so I disagree.

they would have if you have had one
not him btw

>you would have gotten something from girls if girls gave you something

Hahaha what the fuck.
You guys are retarded and have no idea about what is happening in the real world...
My prime started at 27 and it has never been better and I'm 35...jeesus.
You need to socialise and stop believing all the bullshit you read online, it's sad

>it's sad
>incels proclaim to be critically thinking
>refuse to think about and consider ideas or that inceldom might be a bad idea
>only consider other ideas to see how they can be picked apart and spun to support inceldom
there are some robots who aren't beyond hope but they're few

Your prime could theoretically start whenever, because you could blow off your youth. Biologically, you are at your peak in your early/mid 20s. But if you were fat and didn't leave your house and whatnot, then of course the prime of your life will come later.

Not saying that's the case for you, though. How is your life the best its ever been at 35? I'm 32 and I honestly can't see my life getting better. Did you start going places?