Why is wow classic full of tryhards

why is wow classic full of tryhards

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Private server autists and WoW classic being an exodus for elitists who were sick of retail. I literally can't hit 60 in over 8 days played anymore. It seems like tryharding but once you're good you have trouble not doing efficient things. What irks me is min maxers who think ideal comps matter more than good players. Like people who will laugh off a 9/10 feral tank for a 5/10 prot tank.

how many MCP does that feral have? if 0 he gets the boot

exactly, there was no exploration like way back when everything has been datamined to hell and back, everything theorycrafted and the optimums found. I enjoyed it for a little while then it very quickly lost its luster once the nostalgia wore off since I hadn't played on a pserver.

Obviously you have their sorry asses in gnomer all fucking day as a feral but you don't even need it to off tank a lot of fights. If you're running a tight guild feral 2nd offtank is good. Feral aoe tps is objectively the best and crushing blow issues are a meme. But feral is considered unviable so no one even bothers testing. Same with shadow priest. People think shadow sucks because dps is bad but really dps checks don't matter especially with classic values compared to nostcore. People are playing with less than 500 ping and using voice even for pugs it's so easy in comparison. It's better to have socially compatible players than loot whore wrath babies.

do not, i repeat, DO NOT join a guild that is anything other than DKP, GDKP, EPGP, some form of DKP.

if you join EPGP, no where under any circumstance do you want to be in a guild that bases any type of GP on WORLD BUFFS, I repeat, do not join a guild that awards GP or DKP based on WORLD BUFFS.

other than that, yeah, classic is very try hard. the first guild i just had to leave i was on a banlist without knowing because i got mad one night and said I wasn't wasting consumes anymore, despite still using them (idle threat).
so i was on a loot ban list for god knows how long and when i found out i was i instantly gquit to a DKP guild.
that guild i left also is reserving ZG idols randomly for no reason.
you gotta look out for guilds that are 8/8 farming and then say shit like, "oh we're doing this to help the guild". the guild doesn't need help after 8/8 farm, it's like these people have never played WoW before. they're saying that so they can jew people out of loot.

yeah pretty much this
the game will never be fun again
it was great the first 3 months though, i played with a few boomers and had lots of fun

Because there's literally no way to play it for fun.


>do not, i repeat, DO NOT join a guild that is anything other than DKP, GDKP, EPGP, some form of DKP.
hahahhAHHAHAHAHAH little baby has no friends with the officers and the rest of core?

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shadow is a meme
if ferals dont have MCPs for raid they get the boot
u can have 1 memespec in the raid

fuck yeah, the first day I joined a boomer guild and we spent hours swapping stories from way back when.

then most of them could only play maybe one to two hours a day because work/family/kids while I was a neet down in the same basement as when I played it in 2004-6, in the same old ass computer chair even.

no one wants to be friends with literal obese neckbeard gun collectors from Iowa and shit who sound like mouth breathers on disc lmao.

>reserving ZG idols randomly for no reason.
You reserve and then discuss it because the asshole dps warriors and warlocks are going to roll on them too dude not all of them are equally good.

Nah shut up retard. You're wrong and wasting loot.

LOL butthurt shadowfag detected. good ferals bring bags full of MCP's to raid

Nah I'm a full healer and I PI shadows. Suck my dick loser. Enjoy being 15th on the 2h loot prio list

>you have players in your guild rolling on random shit cuz no DKP

Thank god I play in a semi casual boomer guild. We clear the content easy, no tryharding and everyone has good time. We do a lot of drunken raids too. Kinda fun.

>shitty 20 man that you run twice a week

i didn't mean DKP in ZG, i meant players good enough to know not to roll on shit they don't fucking need.

>i PI shadows
im sure u do. enjoy not clearing BWL
>2h prio list

Your guild can fill its four zg groups a week? that sounds nice

>paying cuckzard $15 a month to play a 16yo game
I will never understand you MMO fags.

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Whatever bro enjoy never ever getting your BRE

i get to hang out with "friends" for twenty hours a week ive known these "buds" for six years

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>person doing something enjoyable
i dOn'T uNdErStAnD tHeSe pEoPlE

tfw unironically on my 23rd week of not getting BRE - its never dropped for my raid group

got me, bud

>tfw rocking BRE since 4th week of classic

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i bet youre a memerace though like dwarf and not a human chad

>give the cunt nobody likes an eye of sulfuras
>ban him from getting a superior BRE
>spent 6k gold on it
>make fun of him for how long it took him to make it and for actually making it

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I'm just a peace loving tauren. Don't care about min maxing, just having fun.

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>non human fags gloating about BRE
>theyre forever cucked because they rolled a meme race

for me nostalgia. most people i ran into never played classic before though and it shows. anyone who tried for rank 14 back then isn't doing it again. also if you cleared up to AQ back then you don't give a fuck about min/maxing, because back then you did shit in blues and greens and resist gear and the only people with gear were tanks. you could maybe do BWL back then, but not everyone had Nef on farm.

people these days are obsessed with with races, back then it was just about completion and then you did PVP because PVP is actual skill.

KEK. enjoy pvp

>playing warrior
>not playing human or orc
top noob

Imagine being so fucking brain dead that you play classic. Nostalgia fags need to die

because classic wow is a game where you can literally achieve perfect gear aswell as optimal buff/spec playstyles, unlike retail where theoretically perfect gear and rotations are impossible. therefore it gives players who arent skilled enough to be bleeding edge retail players a chance to feel what its like to be "perfect". the actual pve content is easier than normal mode raiding so its the ultimate playground for narcissists.
>inb4 retail babby
i played actual vanilla and im playing classic at the moment.

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Thanks, I will :)
btw 2h fury best spec for pvp

hey, it was good at first
now, it's true that it's impossible to understand someone playing it after 8 months of its launch

>nostalgia fags need to die
so you need to commit suicide? do you no not have a childhood? you probably are a child lol.

yea its not bad. but swords MS is better for pvp. only swords are, not axe or mace.

This got to me. I was just learning to tank and was in some (I thought casual) guild doing BRD and the dps (who just happened to be a fury warrior) kept telling me every 2 seconds I was doing everything wrong because he was pulling all the mobs (the fucker was tryharding spamming all his shit and generating threat like you wouldn't believe and I really couldn't give a shit but he was filling the chat non stop whining at me)

Really I've played league of legends ranked solo queue for a decade now so this shit is nothing new to me but it's not what I want when I play WoW. I wanna play WoW to have fun and chill. Not be super casual, but not get roasted alive either by some cunt. Oh and the guild I joined became cliquey super fast and I left and then stopped playing the game. The only good memories I have of WoW over the years are from levelling (atmosphere, music) and the end game has never been fun but then again I'm not a social person. It would be nice if Blizzard could just make a server type that's just about the levelling experience somehow, like prestiges or something each time u reroll on a char idk? Instead of exploring this amazing world doing all the great content and then just spamming the same 5 shitty raids/ dungeons over and over until your eyes bleed from boredom/ frustration. Adding millions of spammy dailies and world quests do literally nothing good for the game either and is a very cheap effort from blizzard.