so, the guy like told me this. should i just give up on ever getting a boyfriend?
So, the guy like told me this. should i just give up on ever getting a boyfriend?
also do you guys think its true?
Monogamous men do exist. But if you are expecting Chad to be monogamous to you, think again.
he isnt even a chad though
>muh shitty lock analogy
>taking advice from someone who uses discord
lmao. but honestly your biggest mistake was thinking any of us here actually believe you're a female
>so, the guy like told me this. should i just give up on ever getting a boyfriend?
kys whore
i'm as loyal as a person can be
>girl is faithful
>guy is sexual deviant
no, this is a false oversimplification. from what I think if you're a chad/stacy then you'll be more of a deviant than someone who can't get relationships often (if at all), those people will be the faithful ones since they don't want to lose something they've wanted for who-knows-how-long and something that's rare for them.
Studies show that women are more negatively affected by monogamy
And as I guy all I fefinitely need is a hole. I'm totally fine with just having the one hole as that's all I will ever need
The problem is girls make it so fucking easy. You need to go back to the days where you all withheld sex until later in the relationship, then guys will commit.
>so, the guy like told me this
He's never going to not cheat on you so either accept that or dump him.
>should i just give up on ever getting a boyfriend?
No you dumbass, just find a monogamous man.
>fucking multiple strangers just to find one you "connect" with (finding your preferred cock)
That's fucking disgusting, but that analogy seems pretty on point taking in consideration the shit I always hear women say about "muh connectivity and settling", not being satisfied with settling if you haven't fucked at least 20 different strangers.
Reading this shit when I'm ill really makes me want to puke a lil bit.
To the extent this isn't just total bullshit, it's opposite of what's real.
Fucking this.
You chase a dude that other 1000 woman are on the line to get, with a history of promiscuity, and then you get mad when he pumps and dumps. To make things worse, you blame all men for it.
And Im the tooth fairy. Please describe him.
i only want to be with one guy though. i dont even talk to other guys when i like someone
i know, he said if we ever date, i have to be fine with him getting with other girls.
It's trash all the way down. I'm dating a sperg and while I'm almost 96% sure he isn't cheating, he's lazy, self absorbed and trying to gaslight me into being his mommy gf.
That guy is dumb as fuck and probably a fatass. Women see men as food just as men supposedly see women according to his shitty food analogy. He's telling you that through discord, a platform notorious for allowing e-hoes to juggle dozens of orbiters. Ffs.
This is true for nearly all guys. But the vast majority of them won't act like this, only the ones that are run by their emotions and instincts. Just find a relatively intelligent, non-sociopathic guy (ruling out all chads), and you won't have a problem with cheating.
hes only been with 3 other girls in his life
If's his been with 3 girls already either something is wrong with him.. or the three girls. Odds are he is the one with the issues.
>i know, he said if we ever date, i have to be fine with him getting with other girls.
If a girl did this to me I'd be gone, don't know why you still even see him. Must like the drama I guess.
because we're still good friends either way
You have shit standards for friends.
seems legit. i hate eating. i only eat when i feel like really hungry, because i don't wanna die.
t. khv skellington
Well he's am asshole and you shouldn't settle
Here's what it's actually like for most
>Have tons of nutritious food to choose from
>Gorge yourself on different kinds of junk food instead and let the rest of the food rot, then complain that you're unhealthy
>Have to either eat day-old roadkill or starve to death
If you are chad sure. Most of us would be happy with a single girlfriend. Sure we will fap to porn and other shit but if all we wanted from you is sex why don't we just go to any hoe down the street. Use your brain here. Chad has no reason to settle down. He can fuck any girl he wants why marry them? But you chicks don't get that so when he pumps and dumps ya with a kid you go crying where the good men have gone. Meanwhile turning around and treating us like shit because we arent tall enough arent fit enough. Oh well just keep calling everyone who isn't chad a nice guy and have fun with your child as a single parent around 30. At least I won't have to pay for it.
lmao nasty whore chasing a promiscuous chad
Pretty much. Feminism ruined things for men but women dont talk about how it ruined things for females too. Now if you dont put out on the first date Chad ghosts you because he has 10 million other women lined up who will fuck him on the first date. And marriage? Lmao. No incentive for Chad to commit anymore. Nobody is buying the cow because women are giving the milk away free. Just proves how retarded women are desu.
Actually you will pay for it with your taxes.
Daily reminder that women are attracted to awful men.
The main reason men don't marry is because marriage is sticking your head in a guillotine headrest, telling the executioner he'll get tons of money if he kills you, and then trusting that he won't behead you.
disgusting guy. dodged a bullet there.
No, there are plenty of men that just want one woman. My body count is two, and even that is somewhat regretable to me. I just want to find a suitable long term partner. I have absolutely no interest in fucking around and having meaningless sex. That isn't to say I don't find women attractive and want to fuck them, but I know from experience following that apebrain instinct isn't actually all that fulfilling or satisfying. Its the love that really makes the act worth doing.
Honestly, that entire post is retarded, as far as I've seen personally, girls do what the men are implied to be doing. In fact the the availability of cocks lined up to fuck them, and the lack of consequences for such behavior leads to women using men like masturbation tools. This of course is a feedback loop and only worsens as they sleep with more and more men, destroying any true intimacy or realistic pair bonding associated with the act.
Granted, most girls I run into are hoes, but honestly I don't even know where you find ones that haven't fucked less than 5 men, most I know are FAR beyond that number as well. And in my experience, those girls truly cannot do long term relationships. They get bored and need validation from as many males as they can. They literally do no need to masturbate, they can call up any random dick and have real sex.
>if you are chad sure
you are a man
chad is also a man
you and chad are both men.
are you with me so far?
okay, weve established you are both men. what does it all mean...
if you wish to argue the perversion of an abundance of choice (your only argument), i will just argue that there are still good men that do not fall for such traps. also pretty funny if you arent white and hate chad when ching xi chong is probably doing the most disgusting shit you can imagine.
> he has only been with 3 woman
We are not woman, that a decent number for a normie modern male.
So you are dating a normie with a huge ego? Just drop him, just not come to this fucking board to cry how all men suck when you are blaming all of for a single retard.
Why should he be punished just for being honest?
dead wrong on all accounts as well as most niggers in this thread
both higher men and higher women are monogamous and loyal to their partners by nature, anything less is human scum and do not have the ascendant genes
>women needs are being met
Oh my, I laughed for a solid minute there. How clueless can that poor man be?
>It's trash all the way down. I'm dating a sperg and while I'm almost 96% sure he isn't cheating, he's lazy, self absorbed and trying to gaslight me into being his mommy gf.
why do you hate him so much?
I am not sure wtf you are on. I wasn't even talking anything like that. Just because I am a man and Chad is a man doesn't mean that I have the same qualities and aptitudes as he does. To even argue that is utter nonsense.
its just an excuse, and a pretty lame one
hes telling you that because he got what he wanted out of you
youre not a person to him, youre a challenge, a hoop to jump through, and you facilitated that and let it happen
because of that hes not interested in you as a person anymore
you were attracted to this kind of behavior and lied to yourself about it, telling yourself that hed be different and things could turn out okay
you already know the reason this happened yet youre going to let it happen again and again, because any man who doesnt immediately push boundaries to get what he wants out of you then drop you like a hot stone you will emotionally distance yourself from and refuse to get involved with because hes not "fun", hes not "interesting" since hes not openly manipulating you for the sake of sexual validation