
might have a wank today idk

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First for pornography should be discouraged

Moni is the weak link of the radio show

little apu answering the door for the pizza wizza man and being drafted into the clapping brigade

Ebin is ruthless. He doesn't stand for anything. Insult him and HE WILL not take any half-hearted apology and have his revenge. You've made a MAJOR mistake POLEY!

It's a joke, they talk about it struggling for years then cancel 16 million or billion of it's debt in a day due to coofers,yet don't do it with it all and let it flourish.

B-but Boris had coronavirus! He said so! He is a WOUNDED WAR HERO!

moni's the only reason i tune into the radio show

/britfeel/ radio is FIRE today boys check it out


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plans for the evening lads? I'm gonna get stoned and attempt an uncharted speedrun

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If the delivery guy came at 8 did he clap before knocking on the door?

Poleaboo has made a critical mistake by siding with discord cancer instead of Ebin! He's on the WRONG SIDE of history!

How about instead of clapping Boris returns the NHS funding to the same amount of money it was a decade ago before his party started doing massive yearly budget cuts? That'd show his appreciation a lot more.

Even that amount isn't really enough but it'd be a hell of a lot better than the measly amount they receive nowadays.

Wanking and being bullied at school are worthwhile /britfeel/ topics
Talking about shoving reconstituted halal meat down your fat brown throat is not

'avin a lovely wank over shout user. ooo he has a sexy voice, proper manly, real grit to it. gonna shoot my load soon xxx

this pIate is your fate

How do you play games while stoned? Remember my friends forcing me to play fortnite while stoned. Couldn't do anything. Cant even play fucking persona while stoned.

>> 57927754

NHS funding has never been cut. It's at an all time high

What kind of content would even make for an enjoyable radio? every single one of them has been so uninteresting, the highlights being someone talking shit about someone else once in a while.

So is embezzlement

Do it OP, treat yerself.
Off for alcohol soon. Would love a smoke but both dealers I know are off today so I'll have a late drink fuelled angry night. Then carry the anger over till I get some smoke tomorrow.
Probably fuck about with images again tonight. Want to try do some work on another shartpiece I'm doing.

Poleaboo has turned his back on his robot values. He's now proudly circlejerking on a discord server (what he endlessly berated Yazim for).

He has abandoned his alliance and friendship with Ebin to sit on a call with dullard normie Shoutanon

i could but wouldnt it be an even better wank if i had it tomorrow?

you've just got a low tolerance lad

Just got off the phone to Ebin, he's absolutely furious that Poley refuses to apologise for laughing AT him and vows to get his revenge.

It started out good. Was actually more /britfeel/ than the others. Shame it's turned into this.

the bottom line is britfeel simply isn't interesting enough to warrant a radio chat show and nobody asked for it anyway

Why did ebin reject moni?

>you've just got a low tolerance lad
that's a good thing.

Nice trips.
It could be even better if you hold off a week. I've done sme great wanks after a week or so off.
Had a double orgasm from 1 last year due to the sporadic nature of my wanks at that time.

Did the Daily Mail tell you that one?

Quite upset to see Shippy turn his back on his old ally Poleaboo and start defending Ebin, a lad who has only ever spurned, mocked and attacked him! Sad to see him betray his oldest allly and greatest friend Poley.

Poley surely has stories about being bullied

If not then how about he contributes something else

god I hate picture discs, nobody wants them and yet theres at least 10 of them each year. Always loads of live albums too, not even good live albums just random ones nobody's heard of

2 min then off for the gubbermint approved daily social distance acceptable exercise allowance.
*runs round in a circle counting down the seconds*

Poleaboo isn't even talking anymore. It's literally turned into a normie discord voicecall. This is a disaster, Poleaboo should have listened to Ebin VERY CAREFULLY as he was clearly correct

eh, yes and no. Playing games stoned is pretty fun

>It could be even better if you hold off a week

of course but i don't think i could go for a week
there has to be some sort of optimal balance between quality of wank and quantity of wanks. if you have one wank a month you're missing out on lots of wanking and if you wank three times a day they'll never be good cooms

what's the balance then
how often should one coom

bloody hell moni keeps sperging today on the radio. really embarrassing

Be nice if all you orbiter lads would fuck off and talk about about the radio somewhere else tbqfh

No one listens to it because its fucking horse shit

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Will there be a national holiday when the good admiral sir tom moore passes away?

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Imagine labelling Shut-In 'normie'
The word clearly has no fucking meaning any more

Poley definitely has the tism.

really hope he dies soon desu

Never listened to it meself but I can imagine it's boring, without any sort of structure or planned content.
Surely it would be better if it was actually organised and involved stuff like anons talking about their hobbies or whatever like a ted talk but a britfeel talk, these could be made available as podcasts for people to download if they missed the live broadcast
maybe each week a bunch of random topics are chosen and people research it and talk about it, like british history or the history your local area

>you will never have two Spitfires scrambled in your honour

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This. I think it's cruel to egg these mentally disabled lads on and let them embarrass themselves like this.

wtf Ebin's back on the radio!!

you're expecting a lot from a thread run by a bunch of autistic neets

It's just luck and a good story, hundreds of people were doing stuff to raise money when he was, he was just the most media friendly story.

V8 FM for me laddos


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Ebin lives rent free in Shoutanons head

i'm mostly just annoyed I didn't have the foresight to turn my own veteran grandad into a press darling. he's even more photogenic than Tom

the only people that still post/care about Tim are SCEA and his orbiters

You could have cashed the fuck in lad, someone is in Tom's family.

I like the way poley says "roo-ells"

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