What's going on? Thread

So, what are you doing right now?

What are you living for?

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

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>So, what are you doing right now?
Appreciating those digits
>What are you living for?
to get an awesome GET
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Getting a good GET.

Ldaring, nothing, ldaring.

Why do you even care to ask these questions at all?

I don't. You're the one who chooses to answer.

>I don't.
But you do, because you asked them.

It's the last week of the semester here so I'm wrapping up several high value assignments today, about 8 total. I shouldn't have put them off for so long but it's sort of easy so no biggie.

Right now I'm a grocery store clerk. I make not terrible money, enough to save up and got my own place. I get free tuition so I'm using student loans to cover mortgage so I can work less during the semester.

In 10 years I'd like to be done with my master's and getting ready to move, my partner and I agreed to leave this state in 2030.

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>So, what are you doing right now?
trying to distract myself from life with escapism of any sort and failing at it.
>What are you living for?
just hoping something gets better
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
dead, probably suicide

Nice digits
>So, what are you doing right now?
Supposed to be studying. I'm retarded and can't focus
>What are you living for?
Exams/mom would be sad
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Six feet under hopefully

Did reality shift under me and I didn't see it? You wasted the energy to create this thread and sit around waiting for responses so I ask again; Why do you even care to ask these questions at all? Also another thing if you don't care asking why should anyone care to answer?

I'm looking through that gamergirl-for-hire website so I can finally have some female validation in my life.

I'm living because my mom might miss me.

In ten years I hope to be six feet underground.

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>So, what are you doing right now?
Getting ready to nap for the rest of the afternoon and start playing video games in the comfort of night
>What are you living for?
Myself and Instant gratification
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I'll be dead in four.

>So, what are you doing right now?
eating mommies lefover supper

>What are you living for?
being comfy

>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
hopefully being more comfy

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So, what are you doing right now?
Nothing really. Probably should be looking for an apartment, only a week left to find one.
What are you living for?
Don't really know. I just don't want to die without having enjoyed life at least a little. Guess I'm living for the hope of being happy someday.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Realistically? Working a dead-end desk job in industrial design (assuming I finish my degree), single, living in the city somewhere. Ideally? Making a difference in the world, somehow. Not too optimistic on that happening though.

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>So, what are you doing right now?
Practicing a classical guitar piece (Asturias)
>What are you living for?
I'm afraid of death
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Still trying to avoid ever doing any real work. Maybe owning a cat.

>So, what are you doing right now?
Playing VNs
>What are you living for?
I don't really know. There's nothing I have wanted to do.
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Still working minimum wage. If I finally get around to joining the army, then maybe doing that. Probably not.

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I'm not doing terribly much this evening, it's time for me to just relax and wait until I fall asleep..
It is 10:20PM here in little old Luxembourg and the air is cold and crisp outside, my windows are wide open.
It's a good evening, yet I'm not happy. I feel lonely.
What am I living for, huh? Well, you tell me.. Is it love, happiness? I have yet to figure that out for myself.

In ten years I either see myself dead, or I finally find out what it means to live.

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>So, what are you doing right now?
im about to try and get some sleep since i haven't slept in two days
>What are you living for?
not much honestly
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
no idea

Just woke up from a power nap and about to get through some paper I need to finish. Tx for asking. Glad to know you are there and care.

You answer if you want

Nice reading comprehension

>So, what are you doing right now?
Lying in bed suppressing the need to pee before I drink a can of /sips/ and go to my job working on the f35s.
>What are you living for?
Pic related. Life has a million billion things in it that are worthwhile.
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I will be 38. I do not really know. I only have a 5 year sort of vague idea. I hit a lot of the goals I had for life within the past 12 months, and i havent re-evaluated whats next yet.

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This coming from the nigger that doesn't even understand what he was asked. You were asked why do you care to even ASK these questions, you claimed that you don't actually care to, but that's clearly false given that you fucking asked the questions, which means you must care to ask. Don't pretend to be le cool unemotional guy that's actually too cool to care when you made an entire fucking thread just to ask people how they're doing.

Are you so self-important you think everyone who asks about your life cars?

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correction, *cares

Waiting to die

Seeing if some kind of miracle happens

Dead I hope

>i-it's not like I actually care! I just asked out of the blue b-because........!
Just grow up already.

Tell me then, why should someone care about your life?

You're the one that asked, kid. No amount of acting tsundere will change that fact.

looking for a gf
either with gf or dead

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Nothing right now thanks to corona. Before that, and hopefully after, I've been working on getting my various pilots' licenses in hope of becoming a commercial pilot. That's pretty much what I'm living for too.

In 10 years I ought to have about 8 years of professional flying experience under my belt and hopefully a solid job in the industry. I also really hope I'll have been able to move out of California to somewhere less expensive, narcissistic, hectic, and with better gun laws.

>So, what are you doing right now?
Yas Forums
>What are you living for?
so i can stay conscious
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
i really have no idea. i cant believe im gonna be that old.

my stomach is burning a little, think its some old tea I drank earlier
im not living for anything, but I dont got the balls to kms yet, tried a couple of times with no success already
I cant see how I would last more than five at best, but if it does happen, I mustve found something really nice to do

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