Americans, what makes this sexy to you?

Americans, what makes this sexy to you?

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not having any other choices
it's like being prison gay but the prison is full of fat chicks
please lose weight fat femanons. your boyfriends are depressed and have to hide it.

don't listen to this beta femanons, let's go get a metric ton of fast food in you

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I liked you in Goldeneye

>metric ton
do murricans even use metric tons?

She looks like a fat sophie turner

I'm really into dominant, self entitled, stupid women with inflated egos
I couldn't have picked a better country to be born into if I tried

The thought of hundreds of pizzas and gallons of coca-cola consumed by this BIG girl turns me on.

No, we use "metric ton" for emphasis. Sounds more dramatic than just "ton".

ditto on "metric ton" being used as a figure of speech. "A ton" just doesn't have the same impact.

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thanks for the explanation. its really sounds more dramatic.

I am trying, was 400lbs down to 330 since December

Every time

You need to get down to 120 to get a bf in 2020

C'mon OP, you can't say for sure she's American, that hamplanet could easily be in blighty.

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I'm 5'7 I want a healthy bmi so yeah prob 120-130ish, it will take a while

Be my thin qt gf

hamplanet gf when.

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Im gonna have so much excess skin, it is already happening to my belly hang it is hanging even more

Thats ok, just get skin removal surgery and you will look beautiful.

you need to exist to get a bf in 2020
even you immovable land whales can do it and you ONLY job was to not get fat as fuck. sad

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you'll still look fine with clothes on
might want to always wear long sleeves though

nah lose weight slowly and you won't
starve yourself and you will have stretchy skin

I know this but i do not want a fat fetish feeder, besides that I want to be healthy most for me and my future. I was also an obese kid in an obese family, over 100lbs by the age of 5. It is a sick sad world, I could get a guy to toss my belly apron on if I wanted.
Yeah i like quarter sleeve midcentury era dresses anyway that will also hide my deflated body.
I am trying, it would mostly be my belly apron. Oddly shaped fat distribution it all belly, back, arms. I wear a 4X top but a an XL bottom.

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70 lbs is a lot, congrats femanon. keep at it though

apogee kek

Thanks but still a lot more tp go

When ever shes in womens mags shes so shopped shes just a blown up pretty girl. Here I just see the reality of a sick, dying woman and quite repulsive.

You can also use 'metric fuck ton' for an even more dramatic phrase

Who is she? Also post your fat body please.

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I wouldn't doubt if she has cripplingly low self esteem and all of the garish fashion, tats and jewelry are a cope
shes faking it until she makes it I guess... maybe some day she'll find a man who has that garish Manhattan taste in women and is also a chubby chaser