Give me a fembot gf

Give me a fembot gf

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no and stop posting your boring generic chart pls

you're too abrasive for a gf sorry

tfw no normal not autistic bf

uh i wouldn't date someone who gets cucked in his own thread...twice

thanks for the bumps normalfags.

yeah as if getting a free bump has helped you before so yeah lmao

You seem to have no fucking clue what autistics are really like. If I were you I would stay away from people like myself.
t. aspie

learn to read, origel

fuck off failed normalfag autists are based.
and i'm pretty fucking sure i know what autists are like.

>learn to read, origel
i even put autist twice

>Give me a fembot gf

>>Give me a fembot gf

>>>Give me a fembot gf

sounds cute but guys like you are always expecting much more than they let you know. what is it with you? do you have yellow fever? are you obsessed with an ex?

I don't have high requirements and i don't have an ex
and no i don't have yellow fever. i just need a real fembot to be my gf. so what do you say?

well if anyone wants to add me
[email protected]


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ok user, i will gladly email you soon. mine starts with the letter S

>ok user, i will gladly email you soon. mine starts with the letter S
alright that's nice i will look forward to it.

this sin't a general

>wants a gf
>calls other people normalfags
lmaoing @ your life, normgroid

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reddit faggotry at work I smell

kill yourself dumbass.
if i'm not a robot then nobody is
bet your an expert on plebbit.

How come you get to have a gf and I don't, huh?

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this post is actually more quality than anything on this board rn ngl
have a bump basedboy

a real robot has no desire for emotional connection, you're just a failed normalfag

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everyone that's ever felt tfw no gf is a failed normalfag?

that is correct user, yes.

i'm the oppisite of onions
wrong retard i have never once tried to be a normalfag

you're full of shit, how can you be heterosexual and not want a gf?

I used to not want a gf but suddenly started wanting one when I was 21, how old are you user?