Does anyone have the picture with something like this but with a basement for 5 years and it had a gf or something or a kitchen and stuff like this?
Does anyone have the picture with something like this but with a basement for 5 years and it had a gf or something or a...
5 ounces of weed
hunting rifle
just hotbox the tent with all of the weed, then when it's all burnt shoot myself in the face before i come down
Tarp, flare, water purifier, and knife.
You can type something like basement CYOA on google and images similad to this come up. Here's my build:
>Flare Gun
>Toilet Paper
>Insect repellent
>Water purifier
Tent gets you shelter knife gets you food and the pot to boil water with fire started from the mirror
Fishing pole
Hunting rifle
Water Purifier
>water purifier
>first aid kit
fishing rod
first aid kit
dank, assuming i can plant more
if no then prolly water purifier
Question, is this a tropical island? This will influence my response quite alot
Pot (just fucking boil the water)
Hand saw
I would have chosen the purifier for a reliable source of water however, I have found them unreliable and fragile in my experience.
The pot however can act as a purifier of its own by fashioning it into a simple distillation rig using basic materials.
It is also a reservoir and a good means for preparing food, providing multiple uses.
Rain catchers can most likely be used most of the time since islands always have alot of consistent rainfall.
>tarp or tent
Depending on the size entirely, the tarp is preferable if it is larger than the tent simply for the extra material to work with and salvage for multiple uses.
Particularly once I eventually create a more effective structure after the first few nights and use the material for waterproofing.
>hand saw
Will make construction of wooden structures infinitely faster and is unlikely to break.
Simply because reliable fire is nice, fire bows are entirely feasible however in humid climate with heavy rainfall they can be next to impossible to use.
The matches should be reserved for the first day and times of heavy rain.
In theory a fire can be kept going indefinitely by keeping a large coal fed with oxygen and fuel periodically under a layer of ashes.
Boiled salt water is just saltier water bucko.
You're thinking of distillation, which is totally feasible but more complex.
The correct answer:
rifle (shoot prey, predators, or yourself)
flare gun (get that mother fucking help)
pot (removed need for water purifier, and can be used for cooking)
matches (fire for food and boiling water, also SOSs)
just the rope
maybe the ipod too if I was gonna spoil myself
Hunting rifle to kill myself
the water purifier isnt getting the salt out of the water m8. The pot is just to clean the water collected not from the ocean, and also cook
Thats assuming he is just getting wster from the ocean. He could get water from plants that grow there
>5 ounces of weed
>hunting rifle
>just hotbox the tent with all of the weed, then when it's all burnt shoot myself in the face before i come down
> (OP)
>just the rope
>maybe the ipod too if I was gonna spoil myself
> (OP)
>Hunting rifle to kill myself
The real correct answers
the fishing rod 4 times so i can fish with all my imaginary friends
for me, pot, raft, flare gun and knife. there is no way you're not being rescued with raft/flare gun combo, even if you only had 2-6 shots or whatever.
> (You)
>the water purifier isnt getting the salt out of the water m8. The pot is just to clean the water collected not from the ocean, and also cook
Why do you think I chose the pot instead?
> (You)
>Thats assuming he is just getting wster from the ocean. He could get water from plants that grow there
Correct, you can mash plant matter into a paste and squeeze out the water.
Then distill that liquid.
>needing matches to light a fire
>picking the rifle, a mechanical thing that relies on finite resource to be effective (ammo)
never gonna make it
survivalist choices:
first aid kit (for nasty wounds)
you can get everything else from the island
Yes, I have it right here actually.
>nobody read OP's post and just clicked on the image
my fucking sides
Exactly my choice as well. The tarp is particularly important, it can be used for collecting rainwater or even for purifying and desalinating ocean water by making it into a solar still.
Nah we just don't care about his post, this is more interesting.
(no offense op I don't have the image you're looking for)
why should being on a random raft as opposed to being on the nearby island make it any easier to spot your flare?
for what the purifier when you can have a pot to boil it and do much more things
Consumables like bug spray, tp, sunscreen, boots, etc. are dumb because they're unnecessary in the first place and will run out. Matches are the only one I could really need because I've never started a fire without them.
A lot of the things like the hammock, fishing rod, rope, and tent aren't that hard to make, so I wouldn't take any of those.
I'd take:
>first aid kit
Tarp can collect water and make shelter, knife makes building traps really easy, pot kills parasites in water and is useful for cooking, and the first aid kit because fuck dying of an infected scrape. I'll probably have to spend the first day or two figuring out how to make a fire. I feel like I'll be able to because I've seen a lot of people make fires from nothing. I wonder if I could make it. I would probably die.
>flare gun
>fishing rod
if i know more about the island and the possible food sources and flora the knife/fishing rod may be interchangeable, but assuming there's any chance to get off the island i'd always choose flare gun no matter what. if i'm never going to get off or it's going to be a year minimum before i do or something, then definitely the weed. the pot is just an invaluable tool and can do all sorts of things and is functionally everlasting compared to things like a single shitty can of insect repellent or a water purifier that may only have 100 uses overall
You dont have to distill it or mash it. You can cut it and hang it above the pot and let it drip in, then you boil it. Some plant you dont even have to boil, the water is clean enough to drink.
>plot twist
>there are large predators on the island
>your knife does jack shit and you wish you had a gun
>who the fuck actually injures themselves so badly they need to give themselves first aid? clumsy, bumbling retard.
What if there are no materiels suitable for starting a fire? Its an island, so you only have a limited variety of materials. If the island wasnt formed by volcanic activity, there might not be flint or metal ores with high enough content to start a fire that way. If the island doesnt have suitable woods for friction fire, you will need to spend time drying and experimenting with woods to see which ones might work. Thats could take days for you to start a fire.
well I'm gonna fucking die anyway because I can't hunt or forage and unlike most of the delusional kids on here I can admit that. So I would choose the weed and nothing else and just get really high and then die
none of that appears in the image. seethe
weird non-sequitur question. the raft and flare are mutually exclusive, i just want both of them to affect rescue, literally nothing on the list will help you get rescued other than the mirror, MAYBE.
You can make a rudimentary pot easily, but its useless without a fire. Thats why I picked purifier and matches. It can be very hard to start a fire sometimes, but a purifier doesnt need fire and matches make fire starting much easier.
what the fuck do you need a knife fore that you can't do with a gun?
i made this one a while back
fuck original fuck original fuck trannys and jannys