Literally the secret to obtaining women

>Go to the fucking gym(or buy some dumbbells and work out at home until the gyms open back up)
>Grow a beard
>Groom your shit
>Dress normally(jeans and t-shirt combo are timeless)
>Smell normal

Literally this is all you have to do. Why aren't you fucking virgins doing it?

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>Grow a beard
Genes said no.

>impIying implications
Why do normies always come here to make the same threads?

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Already do those last 3. Can't grow a beard. Working out isn't worth the effort just to get some dumb whore to like me.

You dont even need that. I do just fine being skinny, ugly, short, brown, unable to grow a beard, and dressing like a bum.

or just get a job and pay a 8/10 hot escort to come over to my apartment and watch a movie while she sits on my face

good advice OP, however i would like to add that you need to have a good social circle to get women. dating apps are a shit cope, almost everyone meets long-term partners via friends, colleagues. Sure this is hard for many of the anons here, but thats just how it is.

>I have to get fit to get a whale because she wants to feel "petite"
no tx, I'm sure there are plenty of guys she can go for.

Stopped reading right there.
Not an original comment

>Working out isn't worth the effort just to get some dumb whore to like me.

See this shit is why women aren't attracted to you. You as a man should have the natural desire to push your limits. You work out for yourself, not for others. Women are attracted to fit men because fitness shows masculinity and a natural drive for self-improvement, not because they think he works out for them.

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