Literally the secret to obtaining women

>Go to the fucking gym(or buy some dumbbells and work out at home until the gyms open back up)
>Grow a beard
>Groom your shit
>Dress normally(jeans and t-shirt combo are timeless)
>Smell normal

Literally this is all you have to do. Why aren't you fucking virgins doing it?

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>Grow a beard
Genes said no.

>impIying implications
Why do normies always come here to make the same threads?

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Already do those last 3. Can't grow a beard. Working out isn't worth the effort just to get some dumb whore to like me.

You dont even need that. I do just fine being skinny, ugly, short, brown, unable to grow a beard, and dressing like a bum.

or just get a job and pay a 8/10 hot escort to come over to my apartment and watch a movie while she sits on my face

good advice OP, however i would like to add that you need to have a good social circle to get women. dating apps are a shit cope, almost everyone meets long-term partners via friends, colleagues. Sure this is hard for many of the anons here, but thats just how it is.

>I have to get fit to get a whale because she wants to feel "petite"
no tx, I'm sure there are plenty of guys she can go for.

Stopped reading right there.
Not an original comment

>Working out isn't worth the effort just to get some dumb whore to like me.

See this shit is why women aren't attracted to you. You as a man should have the natural desire to push your limits. You work out for yourself, not for others. Women are attracted to fit men because fitness shows masculinity and a natural drive for self-improvement, not because they think he works out for them.

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I met my girl at my job(yes, it does work).

Get a part time at the local Target in your city(Target hires the best looking women) and go from there.

I do push my limits, just not on faggot stuff like working out. I do enough cardio to keep myself in shape and I eat healthy. Any thing past that is useless posturing. The only self improvement that matters is mental and skill-based. Physical self improvement is a cope for dumb people.

welp I guess is the single life for me.

>Fair enough, but Im lanky with weird sized hips for a man no matter what, and my face is fucked in a way the gym cant fix.
>Grow a beard duuude.
Fuck this gay meme. Im a chinlet and a jawlet AND my blond beard comes in fucking patchy and unattractive.
>Groom your shit.
Fuck does that mean? I use combs and pomade for my hair that is unevenly receding on one side.
>Dress normall (jeans and tshirt)
I do this already but then you hear these fashionfags and my friends who actually get girls dress different in a style Im not faggy enough to try to actually pull off.
>Smell normal
Was literally never an issue, unless you count that I sweat a lot which is made worse by this shitty Florida weather.
>Literally this is all you have to do. Why arent you fucking virgins doing it?
True, user. Its definitely easy to LARP and pretend this is all possible for me.

>t.DYEL faggot making excuses for why he's too scared to lift

And this is why you remain sexless.

This only gets you to the point where women consider you as a potential option, it doesn't actually get them into bed with you. There's a whole other half to the equation, playing stupid flirting games, and that's where I always fuck it up.

lmao DYEL faggot are literally swimming in puss

why do kikes always come here to demoralize people and tell them they can't improve their life no matter what?
Working out is more about you and not dumb whores. It's about knowing that in certain situations where you need your body to do something (climbing, carrying,running etc) that you don't fall over and shit yourself. How can you have a healthy mind without a healthy body?
This guy fucks.

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Noticed this. Seems like the case at Chick-Fil-A too.
I wonder if theres some unspoken hiring policy that feminists will discovered and then its another small pleasure for men that has been utterly destroyed.

I was lanky with weird sized hips. Putting on muscle did wonders for me when it came to women.

But not you or anyone else on this board. Hmm?

I do all these things except the beard because of my ethnicity and the way it looks.

This is not enough to a girlfriend though.

>Guys, you need to work out to get girls.
Hm, doesnt seem worth it to me.
>No, work out for yourself, and the girls will come.
Okay, but if its truly for myself, then I dont consider the end-result of a slightly better look on myself to really be worth all of the effort.

Hmmmm. Every time. Perhaps these gymcels arent doing for it themselves as much as they claim.

I don't really care user.
and you shouldn't really care either, just do you.

Did it hide how big your hips are?

I check all these boxes. Why can't women put in the same effort?

Also remember that you can meet people through volunteering or going to conventions (assuming you have hobbies) and other social events such as charities and concerts. You have to put yourself out there and remember that people are just as scared as you are and making the first move is often the best way to make lasting bonds

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I filled out my upper body and made it look more proportional. A lot of those muscular black dudes in BBC porn have big hips but you dont notice it because theyre fit.

>Look for advice to get women
>Be given advice
>Eh I dont want that kind of advice because reasons(Im lazy)
>Ok and that is why you dont get women

Nice cope. You are not the first DYEL to give me a bullshit excuse for not wanting to get off their fat ass.

>Basic fitness

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This isnt /fa/ plus you wouldnt fit there with your shit opinions

You havent been around women muxh have you.

>yet another Yas Forums larper thread
It's either snake oil self improvement threads or faggot threads nowadays

I have a GF and plenty of female friends. Tell me more.

Women dont give a fuck if you arent muscular. Sure it's a plus, but nothing more. Its not the be all end all I assure you. You can be the opposite of OP and still bang girls and have a gf. Fuxj you OP you retard.

>I met my girl at my job(yes, it does work).
nicee qt retail couple :O