serious question: how do you justify eating meat? please logically explain your moral justification for killing animals when we can survive perfectly fine on a vegan diet
Serious question: how do you justify eating meat...
I am the Overman, beyond good and evil.
>post pic
>how do you justify eating meat?
I mean, who is gonna take this man's b8?
>be hungry
>meat is food with good nutritional value
>I consume meat
That's how I justify it
vegans are liars and moral fags, they prob eat meat on the DL.
vegetarians are the real ones
Oh fuck, not you again. It's like you *want* to enforce the annoying vegan meme.
Fuck off faggot eat a fucking steak
>survive perfectly fine on a vegan diet
i dont know man, i feel tired now and then, there might be something missing- its probably not practical to ask the vast majority of people to keep up that diet.....
I like the taste.
I think slaughterhouses are horrible, but so are sweatshops and I'm not about to stop wearing clothes either. If they abolish slaughterhouses tomorrow, I'll go to my local farmhouse and kill the damn cow myself. I've done it before.
Also the keyboard you're typing on was assembled by a chinese 7 year old in an unsafe factory so you could save 30$ on it.
i don't think it's justifiable. that said, is everything you consume or use ethically sourced and produced?
eat cheese. vegans are liars
....the other thing is--- most people would agree factory farming is horrible, but your picture would have far less impact if it was a bunch of guys grinning holding a massive fish.
Meat tastes good. I like meat.
Animals are not humans. While they should be treated compassionately (most of the meet I eat was raised compassionately by some family members) they have been domesticated to provide us with the valuable nutrition they offer. And we have evolved to be omnivores, so us eating meat isn't immoral. It's just us doing are part in the system.
>vegans are liars and moral fags, they prob eat meat on the DL.
actually, its vegetarians who are more likely to eat meat when its convenient to them. dont throw stones if you have a glass house
vegetarians also pay for cows to be forcibly impregnated and have their male cows babies killed. also vegetarians have higher ratse of heart disease and obesity than vegans
so is it morally justifyable to kill humans for meat if you're hungry? human meat has nutrition in it too
why is it okay to do it to animals but not humans? whats the difference between the two that makes it okay to kill animals for meat, but not humans?
you do need to plan it well. if you eat nothing but junk food it will turn out badly. id recommend a whole foods plant based diet, which is the healthierst vegan diet, which is what i eat
>eat cheese
thats pointless- the milk industry still is responsible for cattle death and suffering- i would rather shore myself up with ''freegan'' scraps of meat here and there that someone wont finish etc- or just be impure at perfectly avoiding meat.
OP, do /you/ perfectly avoid animal products?
I don't give a shit about the animals, they were born to be killed anyways.
And to me a slab of meat doesn't have any resemblance to the animal from where it came.
you can make milk with hormone injections, no need to forcibly impregnate cows. vegans are moralfags that tell u half truths to promote an agenda.
vegans also eat meat, "freegans" lmfao ok
Why do vegans just assume I care about animals? I'm perfectly aware that pigs are food, I'm not losing sleep over these dumb animals.
>vegans also eat meat, "freegans" lmfao ok
you understand the logic though no?
so much meat is wasted
this veganfag is a liar and eats meat. and hates on vegetarians while eating meat? ok fag
HAHAHAHA youre just a meat eater dude, you fucking charlatan.
you avoid cheese but eat meat? get out of here
As much as I enjoy red meat I do wish these animals get treated a lot better.
why don't you conserve what little energy you have left into doing something else productive like preparing your 7th meal of the day
>HAHAHAHA youre just a meat eater dude, you fucking charlatan.
you do get the point of not wanting to support factory farming though right?
Then argue against factory farming instead of some other point, you absolutely obnoxious idiot.
>how do you justify eating meat?
Tastes damn good
Veggie shit tastes like shit and is for faggots
yea. but my reasons for being vegetarian arent about factory animals, its for my health.
i am not a moralfag
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>name fag
>displays his "I willingly give money to Yas Forums" bootlicking badge with pride
You might literally be the biggest homosexual in the history of this site, fucking s0i faggot
>How do you justify eating meat
They taste good. They are not equal to humans due to them lacking cognitive thinking.
shut up u fake vegan lying fag
animals arent human so..
Yes, keeping animals in tiny cages is inhumane. Not many people these days except total assholes and morons disagree, but saying eating meat in general is evil is a ludicrous statement. It's the way of nature.
>inb4 apes eat fruit
We're not apes.
>inb4 but we need fire to cook meat we aren't made for it
Cooking and eating meat is what sped up our evolution and gave us the BIG BRAIN.
You do more damage to your cause by using these scare tactics. You're doing the same thing those idiots did in the 80s with drugs, and how did that turn out again?
I barely care about taking care of myself, why would I have empathy for some animals?
I do not care about the thoughts or feelings of these animals.
Meat taste good. Me eat meat.
I think meat is tasty and humans are naturally omnivorous.
Oh look, it's this theead again.
Fuck off.
Natural fallacy, just because something is "natural" doesnt make it just,right or whatever term you want to use.
dont eat anything with a vertebra
Reason: I don't care what vegans think.
>most of the meet I eat was raised compassionately by some family members
wow thats pretty hilarious, you should be a comic
>And we have evolved to be omnivores
we also evolved to rape and murder and genocide other tribes. does the fact that we evolved to do those things make it moral?
so u can eat tasty oysters
it fucking tastes good
i bet u ate some bacon before u made this thread u charlatan faggit
ah, so you have no problems with people torturing and killing dogs, because they arent human?
animals dont have any moral value, because they arent human? is it okay if people ruthlessly torture dogs, pigs and chimpanzees for their pleasure, because they arent human?