
Psychedelics edition
Are they worth it? How do I take it when I'm always in a bad mood and don't have friends?

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buy/grow shrooms. Go to reddit, yes fuck off it's good for somethings
Wait till you're in a good mood for at least a week
Do 1 g at home, in bed, with something pleasant and not too loud on tv.
Repeat in one month at higher 1g dose.
Repeat till your mind fractiles

I think they're great, helped reset some brain chemistry, mellowed out a lot. No gonna fix all your problem but a fun afternoon with lasting affects

>Wait till you're in a good mood for at least a week
What part of "always in a bad mood" you didn't understand?

I hate my Adderall and Anti-Anxiety Medicine script. I feel like a loser.

I feel like I'll never get the chance to try DMT. Is it as life changing as I hear it is? Tell me about your experiences with entities and if you believe they were real or simply a fabrication of your subconscious.

>Be in a good mood.
Is a shit meme, psychedelics are able to help you break through whatever cycle you're in and if that is being depressed you aren't magically gonna get more depressed. Your trip might not be as pleasant but this is negated by just not freaking out. Seriously it is not that hard it is just hallucinations. I've been through good and bad trips and both were productive and key to one aspect of my life, you'll come out a better man. My way was 1P-LSD

Have trouble climaxing a day after eating an edible, is this normal? During masturbation the buildup was more enjoyable than usual, but it took way longer to cum and when I did it didn't feel good at all. Kinda weird.

they can be great and terrible
the terrible experiences are truly awful but are the most useful for your personal development

take some psychedelics and you'll realise it's the universe that is a fabrication of our subconcious

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okay, new strategy:
eat a bullet first so you won't be such a melodramic little cunt.
Take a week off, get out of town, eat right and exercise, you don't need to fell like superman but if can go 6 days without offing yourself, which it seems you're doing up till now for some reason, do it on the seventh.
You're not special, don't ask for advice and then spit on it

Don't listen to this faggot: If you're in a "good mood" taking psychedelics is redundant. The best thing that can happen on a psychedelic trip is for you to think you're going to die.

"Once you've got the message hang up the phone" - Alan Watts

If your constantly fucked and dealing with self destructive thoughts, you're better off going with a micro dose, or up to 25ug(1/4th of a street tab). I really enjoy 25ug, it makes me feel like I took a powerful anti depressant. For a few months I'd take this dose once a week on Sundays and go on tons of long nature walks with headphones. Smoking joints all the way through
I wouldn't do more than 100ug-150ug if you're feeling real fucked up, unless you're experienced. I did 150ug weeks after getting kicked out of home into a one bedroom apartment, miles from home without friends. It was therapeutic, but I sobbed and wailed for probably 2 hours and was on edge all the rest of the day.

Also dont smoke weed until after the 6-8 hour mark. Every bad trip starts with "it was all going good, then I took a toke/hit on my bong" and suddenly, you're too high and you're dealing with your own personal neuroses

dmt is incredible. its a life altering experience when you break through. cannot describe. its all real my friend.

read aldous huxley doors of perception and heaven and hell.

>been taking shrooms and weed
>brings my repressed thoughts about thinking my older brother was touching me sexually in elementary school when we were play wrestling and that one time I reciprocated for a second to the forefront of my mind
>still smoke and take shrooms because I like the high and neurogenesis big brain meme

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I don't know, I don't have friends and I'm never in a 'good' mood nor really 'bad'. I've microdosed LSD (around 5ug-15ug depending on the day) about 50% of the days for the past month, mostly out of boredom. Some days it went great, initially, I'd feel a rush and be able to focus on anything and find myself much more interested in it than I would've been otherwise.. then about 5 hours into the microdose I would end up crying over various things (mainly from being overstimulated in a sense and not having much to do after I'd run out of youtube videos or get bored of gaming). I don't think any have really been a 'bad' experience, but not necessarily 'good either'. I'd honestly suggest microdosing first and seeing how it affects you, if you take a full dose there's a high chance you could become overstimulated, especially being on your own,.. and during states like that it's hard to smoke weed to calm down because it just increases the visuals and 'stimulation'.

why would someone only take drugs when in a good mood? i do drugs when i get them not based on what my le feelings are

I don't want to mess with psychedelics. I've got a lot of shit buried in my subconscious that I do NOT want to let out. I'll stick to weed.

Because set and setting are the primary factors in if you are going to have a good time or go to literal hell for a few hours. This is psychedelics 101 dude.

DMT is great in changa form and you should all go order it right now.

Psychs don't have to be mind-melding experiences. Shrooms and other tryptamines can be pretty heavy, so maybe shy away from those. But 100ug of some LSD is a lot more recreational than it is anything else imo. You can even take a lower dose than that and it will be even less foreign

Wise foresight. Good on you for knowing that it could negatively affect you and staying away from it. Psychs are no joke, you have to be in a good mind state to do them or all the bad shit will bubble up. You do benefit from bad trips but you have to go to hell and back to survive.

if you trip lsd make sure you finish your trip even if you get scared. I had a panic attack on 350ug and got so scared I litterally went and willed myself unconcious. I left behind a bunch of ideas and thought from a tripping mindset behind for my concious mind to contend with and figure out.

I took 2 years for the psychosis to stop.

first time doing molly today and literally crying because I cant reach through the screen and give Tomoko a hug and offer to be her friend. Idk much about mdma but is it supposed to make you feel super empathetic? did a line of methylphenidate as well too so that could be part of it as well.

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>You do benefit from bad trips but you have to go to hell and back to survive.

Wise user is wise in a way which one would consider the most original.

Does snorting Xanax make it stronger?

Try psychs but bring some xanax in case it goes south, if you're anxious pop a valium - not too much though.

Bros do you think Strattera will help me go from barely functioning as a human to.. Being able to read without instantly trailing off and forgetting what I was doing 2 seconds before?

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>Are they worth it? How do I take it when I'm always in a bad mood and don't have friends?
mescaline. its not as intense as lsd or shrooms on a regular dose but definitely can reach that point. very easy to stay clear headed throughout the experience and is also in a similar drug class as mdma without all of the downsides.
the trip takes about 2 hours to start, youll throw up a ton, and it lasts for up to 14 hours afterwards. its not to be taken lightly but is an easier experience than lsd/shrooms.

imagine it like this if tripping were going for a swim in a pool:
mushrooms are doing a cannon ball into a pool
lsd is starting in the shallow end then running to the deep end
mescaline is sitting by the side with your feet in the water, if you feel like going for a swim you can or you can relax on a floaty

this sound so wholesome

Ehh. Idk about that one. Shrooms can be scary if you're alone but it is a lot more introspective imo. But LSD helps you focus on your goals. Shrooms will tell you, you're a lazy fuck whereas LSD will give you a plan on how to work. That's my experience.

LSD is pretty hard too for a first time, it lasts way too long.

Adderall is fantastic! i don't think having a prescription for adhd or anxiety makes you a loser though. abusing them like I do makes you a loser imo