Ctrl+f 'drugfeel' , no results

ctrl+f 'drugfeel' , no results

A question: cocaine doesn't gives you any kind of physical dependence,is it because it's somehow "natural" and made from a plant ? You maybe get a little sad because you don't have more blow or your nose is stuffed but it's not bad at all, for me it's very easy to cope if I don't have anymore cocaine ...
I can do a lot of blow without having withdrawals symptoms next day or months..
Anyway: meth, speed, heroin and opiates users, what the fuck are you guys doing man?
> Specify age or scary (near death) experiences please
And also, FUCK PSYCHEDELICS, this includes weed, schrooms,LSD, 2-CB or whatever the fuck you "enlighted" faggot do, sorry I have no respect for you

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psychedelics are the only non retard drugs fuck YOU

This but still wonder what coke is like

Coke is pretty fun in a party setting but it's way overhyped. It's alright but for the price there is much better things you could do and have way more fun.

cocaine lasts like what ? 25 minutes? and it's fucking expensive. it also doesnt even feel as good as meth.

meth lasts hours and it feels godlike. you have the energy to write two novels in one night on it

you sound like a pretentious insecure drug user, anyway coke is not so good, I had fun 3 months doing it, then it became a big nono for me

not really, meth burns you down easily than coke, you end up being a zombie in no time

not in my experience not at all.

coke mood crashes after half an hour and leaves you feeling like dog shit

coke high is shit for the price. would rather just roll md or take morphine pills

that's weird, your coke dealer was trustworthy? I've done meth a couple of times, but seeing my buddies get fucking zombified and dumb made me quit.

>tfw developing tolerance to edibles
>tfw have to buy twice the amount at the weed store now

Shrooms are a lot of fun

> all these faggots against cocaine when it's the only stim drug that lets you rest at night after doing it
Yeah bro,you do what you want, keep enjoying smoking meth and destroying/frying your dopamine receptors. Nah I'm good thanks, bumping a little bit of coke from time to time,maybe with some rum to intensify the high, and going to sleep 3 hours later because I can (I'm not even going to mention the fact that if you have some benzos for the coke comedown you're practically a genius)

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I was a coke head way before psychedelics. Still do it from time to time but really try not to. It attacks your soul man, it really does. Psychedelics are better. Hell just do molly; molly blows coke out of the water although it is pretty neurotoxic and should not be done often.

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>It attacks your soul man
Are you talking about the fact that after you get hooked you'll do anything to get your fix? Like selling shit or steal just so you can get your high? Or do you mean It becomes part of who you are really fast?

Stims bad. I have a bunch of fentanyl presses that I've been enjoying.

Does anybody have experience with Glaucine?
It's apparently a mild psychedelic drug found in a type of poppy plant and it sounds very interesting.

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I tried a syrup that had glaucine and pseudoephedrine, didnt exactly measure out how much I drank but glaucine was a lot more sedative, content, disassociative and overall more of a hedonistic substance than traditional psychedelics

its like u just came on here to shit on ppls drug choice like urs is any better and helps u achieve in life


>glaucine and pseudoephedrine
Was it (pic related)? You Russian? Is it sold OTC there?

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Yup, thats the one, though we got updated packaging (I'm from latvia btw)

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It sounds interesting, I might give it a try when I'm in those regions again.

Stimulants in general don't have very much withdrawal. The only reason meth and amphetamine have any sort of mild "withdrawal" (depression, extreme fatigue) is because of how long it lasts. Cocaine will desensitize your receptors in a similar way to meth and amphetamine, but it only lasts for like an hour at most. Because of this, even the biggest coke binges are only equivalent to like maybe 2 days of a speed or meth bender (lots of speeders stay up for way more than two days).
In short, it's not that cocaine is necessarily any less toxic, but it's just that users are typically under the influence of it for a much shorter amount of time.

Fugg i just remembered it's no longer otc here, goddamn juvenile retards always overdosing on everything thats somewhat cool and making it illegal, sorry bro D:

Opioids are a different game than uppers. I've done coke, speed, and meth... Yet I always prefer heroin over any of them. I like coke slightly more than other uppers, but it's still pretty low on my drug preferences list.

sheeit. Latvia sounds retarded with it's drug laws, just like Russia is.
I presume DXM is also banned?

Yup, they banned dxm as well, the only half decent buys nowadays are Actifed (8,53eur- 60mg pseudoephedrine, 2,5mg triprolidine hcl), Pini Compositus (3,74eur- syrup bottle that has about 90mg codeine in total) and other more or less wack stuff

>Pini Compositus (3,74eur- syrup bottle that has about 90mg codeine in total)
Wait, so they made DXM illegal but you can still get OTC codeine?

does anyone microdose psilocybin? what effects have you experienced if so? finally have a new plug to buy shrooms and im considering grinding them up and making some .1g capsules instead of just eating them and tripping like usual

>believing that psychedelics are spiritual
Lol go back to your hippie channels on youtube that think theyve figured out life yet they have no children, they just travel around world smoking weed contributing to nothing
Psychedelic hippies are retarded, fucking braindead.

I really have no fkin idea, on top of that they made co-codamol illegal so it only would have made sense. Also the fact that a lot of nootropics like phenibut and piracetam are prescription even though you can ship them here from clear web stores by the kilo's just goes to show that they really are fucking retarded

>Psychedelic hippies are retarded, fucking braindead.
This. Fuck those faggots. I can't even convince my friends to do shrooms with me because they're associated with hippies and that gay shit.